
Oh! My High School / 아! 내 고등학교

I kind of liked big bang before but who would have thought that taeyang could be so hot...haha....btw in this chap i wanna introduce the Qri and Taeyang couple. I purposely brought them two together because i kinda like the chemistry in Qri being so feminine and Taeyang being so rough around the edges. It kinda turns me on actually!!! lol!


I would also take this oppoturnity to congratulate jyp on his wedding....heuheuheu!!! and a deep heartfelt 'get well soon' wishes to Jinwoo, maknae of 2am who recently got into an accident...hopefully he recovers soon!!!!




The sound of the bell clearly indicated it was the end of the school for the day. Thankfully it was the end of English class too. Man, if math is like a parasite, you dry little by little, English was like a virus, once it hits you, you’ll surely end up either in the mental hospital or the grave. Aigoo seriously….


“Now remember guys, I want the full essay on my desk by next Monday. Araso?” Mr. Daniel Henney was their English teacher since first year. He is six feet tall with a lean athletic body and a face that even the Greek gods would have been jealous of. His father is an American, mother is Korean, hence the ability to fluently converse in both language.


None of the students even bothered to answer. They were too busy packing their things to go back.


Daniel could only smile understandingly and left the classroom. But as soon as he stepped outside, a familiar voice called out to him. “Songsaengnim!” He turned about to find Yoona standing by the doorway. A feeling of unease crept through him as he stood there waiting to hear what she was about to say.


She took out a small box and handed it toward him. “It’s for you, as a new year’s gift.” She said, looking directly into his eyes.


Daniel hesitated a little, but he still took the box out of her hand and mumbled “Thank you.” before leaving the place with his long strides. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that a student of his had fallen in love with him and he had been aware of this since last year. Honestly he disliked having to go through this, but he also didn’t know how to approach her in the right way and advice her to stop with all this love bull. He seriously needs to bring this matter to Eunhye, the school counselor and maybe she could help him to solve this before it gets any worse than it already is.


Back in the class, Jinwoo carried his bag pack on his shoulder and waited for Seulong, Changmin and Jokwon to finish their packings. “Paster man!” he called out in English clearly being a little impatient now.


“It’s not ‘paster’, pabo, it’s ‘faster’, might as well pronounce it right.” Minyoung said as she scrunched her face in irritation.


Heaving an exasperated sigh, Jinwoo was ready to pounce on her. ”Yah!” Seulong quickly grabbed Jinwoo before the younger boy was able to go any nearer.


“You’re not thinking about hitting a woman weren’t you?” Minyoung said in a mocking gesture.


“Yah, you’re not a woman at all, you’re like this little pest that I would love to step on and squish you to death!”


Eunjung simply shook her head in disbelief as she saw the usual routine of Minyoung’s and Jinwoo’s quarrels. A day at the school won’t be complete if they both weren’t fighting over something. They’re practically like cat and dogs. You just can’t put them in the same room.


As Eunjung and the rest of the T-ARA headed for the door, they saw Bae Suzy looking at something so intently through her large pair of specs. Eunjung stopped beside her and followed her gaze to look at what she was gawking at for so long.


It was the 2PM boys. Or at least that’s what they call themselves. The group consists of Minjun, Junho, Chansung, Wooyoung and Nichkhun. Girls from the other classes calls them JYP High Gominams. Honestly Eunjung could not say otherwise, those five are by far the best looking namjas in this class, especially the Thai Prince Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul. That boy had quite a reputation among the girls in this school regardless of the year they are in.


But right now, what caught her attention was the fact that all five of the boys are trying to approach the new student, who was leaning on his chair in an uninterested way.


Minjun was the first to open his mouth. “You free right now? Wanna hang out with us for drink. There is this café a few blocks from school that we usually hang out at. Might as well get to know each other…”


“Not interested.” Came his crisp reply. His voice was deep and alluring at the same time. He pushed his chair back, got up and pushed past the 2PM boys. As he walked right past Eunjung, his broad shoulder brushed against her causing a thin electric like wave to ripple through her body.


While Eunjung was mentally slapping herself to wake up from the obviously-just-a-freaking-illusion state, Jiyeon and Boram dragged Eunjung out of the class. Sensing the sudden silence on Eunjung, Hyomin gave her a sharp spike of the elbow. “Yah, noe waeguerae?”


“Ah aniya….I’m just fine.” Eunjung said, she waved her hand imperturbably.


Hyomin opened to say something only to have a weak squeak escaping instead. Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted T.O.P walking with his bag pack slanted to one side and his free hand tucked into his slack pocket. For a moment she completely forgotten how to breathe and her heart stated to pump so fiercely, she could have been having tachycardia.


“Hyomin ah, you totally drooling after him again.” Qri said with a chuckle.


But Hyomin was too absorbed in watching him until he disappeared through the crowd of students swarming the hallways. She felt a slight tightening in her chest that she could only describe as a feeling of yearning that she had kept locked inside of her fir such a long time.


“Aww, our little hyomin is in love…” Eunjung joked while hugging Hyomin playfully.


“The falling in love part I get, but what I really find hard to believe is why does it have to be T.O.P?” Jiyeon mumbled, clearly unsatisfied to the fact that Hyomin was in love with T.O.P. “He’s like one of the major jerks of the school. Just because his father is one of the richest men in Korea, and he seemed to be good in pretty much everything doesn’t mean that he could flaunt himself as if he’s some freaking Prince.”


“He used to have this sweet smile when he was younger.” Hyomin said. And all the other girls turned to look at her as if she had just said she was a Nazi.


“You knew him since before high school?” Boram asked.


Hyomin nodded placidly. “Ne, since preschool to be exact.”


“Mwo?” all of them shrieked almost at the same time.


“Have I never told you guys before?” The other just shook their head; clearly they were befuddled by the new piece of news that seemed to take such long time to register in their mind. “Back in preschool, the boys love to tease me, and I’ll end up crying, T.O.P would be the one who would cheer me up. He had this small camera that his father bought for him. He would take pictures of anything cute and gave them to me to keep. That’s how I became interested in photography. I started to collect different types of camera and take picture of everything that might make me feel all happy.”


“We…we didn’t know that…but why he act as if he doesn’t know you anymore?” Qri asked.


Hyomin could only smile bitterly. “I don’t know, but my feelings for him never changed though, he was my first love and he would stay that way in my heart.”


“One day he will be able to see that Hyomin ah.” Eunjung said. Yet another prove of the existence of true love in this world, Eunjung thought.


When the girls finally reached the main entrance of the school, their cars had already been waiting to pick them up, with the exception of Qri. “That’s weird, my eomma usually gets here earlier to pick me up.” Qri wondered what could have caused her mother to be late today.


“Qri ah, we could wait with you if you want.” Boram said, there was an obvious flicker or concern in her voice.


“Aniya, I think she’s just late for a couple of minutes, the car might have broken down or something. You guys get going first; there are still so many students around here. I’ll be fine on my own.”


The girls bid their farewell and made their move, while Qri whipped out her cellphone and called her mother. But each time the call ends up going into mailbox. “Eomma, naya! Where are you? School has already finished and I’m waiting out here. Come and pick me up okay? Annyeong!”


But even after several hours her mother was still nowhere to be found. Qri could feel a foreign sense of fear creeping into her as the school ground became empty and the day was already getting darker. She panicked a little and thought about calling Eunjung, but her phone battery died at that moment. She was already close to tears. God, what is going on? I’m really scared right now.


Just as she was fussing with her bag pack, she felt as if someone was drawing closer to her. Tilting her face up, she saw a man wearing a trench coat and a black cap approached her. She wanted to run, she really did, but there was no where to go. She was not familiar with the place around the school as her mother never allowed her to wander around alone. Plus the school gate has already been locked.


Qri regretted the fact that she rejected when the girls said they would stay back with her. She would do anything if she met someone, anyone that she knows right now.


Oh my god. The man in the trench coat came to a halt in front of her and started ing his coat one by one. When she attempted to run he blocked her way and continues to strip. . He’s one of those ephebophile, who likes to strip in front of young girls.


Qri shut her eyes tightly and was at the verge of screaming when she heard the ert grunting in pain. Curious, she opened one eyes only to see the figure of a man standing over the ephebophile, who are now curved into a ball on the ground. Fully opening both her eyes, Qri tried to remember where she had seen her savior before.


By the time she realized who he was, she could feel her knees giving away.


It was Taeyang. He was the leader of one of the most rebellious group of boys in JYP high and they often call their gang as Big Bang. He was definitely not a man to play around with. No one dares to stand against him in school, and it’s pretty obvious that Qri had never been fond or estatic to be around him. But tonight is an exception. Right now she could have hugged him and said thanks a thousand times if she wasn’t as scared of him as it is.


The ephebophile tripled over in his attempt to run away from Taeyang. Once he was out of eyeshot. Taeyang turned to face Qri, only to find her shaking so badly. He wanted to get the hell off, but how was he supposed to leave her here all alone. Avoiding eye contact by all means, he went to sit by the curb in front of the school while rubbing his left fist repeatedly. He had punched the man so hard that both the man’s jaw and the bone on his middle finger fractured. His bone was slightly jutting out of the normal alignment of his hand. And the pain was killing him.


Qri realized that he was in pain. Slowly approaching him, she crouched next to him and touched his hand softly before he jerked his hand away from her. “Your hand…it’s…”


“It’s fine!” he said with such a force that she staggered a few steps back, eyes laden with fear and her breathing going all haywire. The girl was noticeably scared out of her wits.


Both sat there silently in an awkward situation, unable to talk or to even move without stirring the other’s attention. Just when Qri was about to give up, a silver sedan seemed to approached the school ground. Please let it be my eomma. Please. She prayed.


It was her eomma. She can’t wait to get the hell out of this place. But just as she waved her hand to the fast approaching car, she remembered Taeyang’s injury. They have to bring him to the A & E department as soon as possible. However when she turned to look at him, he was already gone. She blinked a few times in bewilderment before getting into her eomma’s car.


"Qri ah gwenchana?" Her eomma asked, feeling entirely guilty for coming so late. "Your sister was having a high fever so i had to take her to the hospital sweetheart. Eomma so sorry, that i made you wait for so long."


"Aniya, I'm just fine..." She said with a reassuring smile. Thanks to him. My unexpected saviour for the night. Qri thought as the fear that once stood so strong in her starts to dissipate. The man who everyone had thought to be so uncouth and a roughneck, saved her and stayed with her until her eomma came. He's not so scary when you see this side of him right? How would she ever thank him again...


This is how i imagine Qri's face after Taeyang shoved her off.....hahaha!!

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really?? haha I feel happy but I seriously want more subbies


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Princess910603 #1
update please
mrdeerlulu #2
Chapter 7: Please,update.;;
chanujee #3
Chapter 7: hahaha...oh... god... jst whn i thot it gng to b a nice lite clge drama fanfic u add jooju wooju cat thng great. .
1123 streak #4
Chapter 7: Poor Jungie why is Jangwoo always hurting her... Why didnt he listen to her first... Taec you have to make up with her..she will face more difficult situations after what happen tp her
pioushej #5
Chapter 7: poor Jungie! i hate jangwoo! he always hurt Eunjung! T_T
CoolPrettyGirl #6
Chapter 6: What Wait!? This is going to be a fantasy fanfic? I don´t like those very much... but I will continue reading... I want more T-ara interactions!.... I am really interesed in Top and Hyomin and Qri and Taeyang... also Where is Soyeon!
pioushej #7
Chapter 6: this is great cant wait for the next chap! bopeepbopeepbopeepbopeepboppeep ohh!
1123 streak #8
Chapter 6: Hahaha why did Eunjung turn to a cat?? Is this the jap version of bopeep bopeep?? ;-) and the cat is cute... I think that ahjumma passed her curse on Eunjung... if not why did she say sorry to Ej??
UmaMee #9
Chapter 6: Eunjung is a cat because ahjumma earlier?
iiiihhhhhh, funny cat.
how Eunjung could become human again?
whether to kiss with Taecyeon again?