Bedroom Talk



The next morning I was awoken by a text message at 5AM from Manager-nim informing me that I needed to be up and ready by 7:30am. There would be a staff van on it's way to get me around that time.

In other words this was my wake-up call.

I groaned and re-set my alarm to go off in five minutes. 'I'll get up when I freaking want to.' I grumbled and cursed into my pillow half asleep.

Needless to say I am not a morning person. In fact I couldn't be anything farther from that.

Since the house we filmed at was so cold I decided a pair of blue jeans with gold zippers at the ankles, a gray sweater with a mesh flower design cut out of the back (with a tank top underneath) and my hair left down in it's wavy mess would be appropriate for the day.

I was just eating some toast when my alarm I had set for myself went off. I shoved my dishes into the sink, grabbed my small bag and jacket before leaving the apartment.

I still wasn't used to my new living space but it certainly was nice. It was big enough for one to two people and although it was small I never felt crammed. 

The staff van appeared around five minutes after I had made it downstairs. I climbed into the vehicle and greeted the people inside.
"Good Morning Megan-shi.Today we will be outfitting Yougin's bedroom."

I nodded in understanding as the van weaved through traffic. 

"We have shut down a store where every member get's to individually pick an item for Yougin's room. The Shinee members are there right now so by the time you arrive they will be gone and you can pick your item. It will be shipped to the house so don't worry about brining it with you."

We arrived at the baby store about 30 minutes after being told my mission. There were no camera's on me and only one staff member (who acted as my interpreter) can with me to pick the item.

I searched earnestly and finally picked out something I thought we be PERFECT! The staff member approved with my choice and we ordered it before heading back to the van.

When I arrived at the house I was told the boys had made it there before me and were filming with Yoogeun in a separate room. The staff brought me a hot chocolate while I waited and I sat on the floor and talked with a few people.


The staff was also curious about me. No one honestly knew much at all. Young-Sook-nim the main PD had apparently talked to my mother to get the children's photo (and who knows what else) but no one else was too sure.


It wasn't too long before the five boys that I fangirl over regularly walked into the room with camera crew with them.

"Good Morning Megan!"
"Megannn! You finally came!"
"Morning Noona."
"Hello Noona"
"Morning Megan- yah! Where did you get hot chocolate!"

I stood up and they all came to say hello to me. The noisy Jonghyun immediately drilling me with questions on the whereabouts of this hot chocolate.

"Yah! You're so noisy Jonghyun go get a cup from over there!" Key pointed to the small refreshment table that was set up at the side of the house sending Jonghyun off in that direction. Taemin and Onew immediately followed.

"How was your night noona?" Minho asked me sitting down on the ground. I guess it would be a bit difficult to talk to someone as short as me from that height all day long. I sat down as well against the pictures of the members faces. Key left to go get some hot chocolate as well.

"It was good. I didn't sleep in as long as I wanted to but it's alright."

Minho laughed, "Yah, Manager-hyung doesn't really understand what 'sleeping' is." He made some quotes in the air. "We get that same message every morning and then a bang on our room door telling us to get up."

I laughed taking a sip of my drink. "I don't think it would end so well for Manager-nim if I woke up to him banging on my door."

"Not a morning person Megan?" Jonghyun came over and sat down with us. He had brought a cup of Hot Chocolate for Minho and handed it to him.

Maybe Jonghyun wasn't as full of himself as I thought.

"Not in the slightest." I grimaced just thinking of having to get up in the morning. 

"You and hyung would get along great then. He's the worst one out of all of us for sleeping in.

The leader was now approaching us with Taemin and Key in tow. "It's true. I really can't get up in the morning."

Now all six of us sat in a semi circle on the floor sipping our beverages. 

"If Taemin wasn't the youngest I think he's be equally the worst for getting out of bed." The youngest member looked up from blowing on his hot beverage.

"I'm not THAT bad..."

"Well maybe your not that bad but you're pretty hard to wake up Taeminnie." Key interjected.

"Why don't you rank each other on who is less likely to wake-up?" A staff member interjected. They had been filming us but I highly doubt this sort of lame conversation would get put on air.

"Alright! Let's rank each other by who would be most likely to wake up to who is the most difficult." Key was all over this like a wet sock.

"Taemin, Megan and Hyung slide over to that side." Key was up and dictating orders before the rest of us even had time to comprehend what was going on.

I heard Onew grumble a bit in protest but we all scooched over towards one corner and Minho and Jonghyun went to the other side.
"Now! I think I should be first because-"

There was the biggest up rise of protests I had ever heard.

"PFFFTT there is no WAY you should be number one!"
"I am defiantly a lighter sleeper and always up faster."
"Kim Kibum you lair get down here with the rest of us this instant!"

"Okay okay okay! How about Jonghyun hyung goes first."

"MUCH better choice." Jonghyun shifted to the front of the lot ahead of Minho.

"Next it's me-"

There was an uproar once more.

"Serious Kibum you at this."
"You'll only wake up if there's something in it for you!"

Key pouted and signaled for Minho to sit next to Jonghyun.

"It's a tie for second place."

Minho was about to protest this but opted to just roll his eyes instead.

"Hmmm noona. Since we don't know as much about you're sleeping patterns as the rest of us I'm going to base it off the events of this morning text. How did you respond to it?"

"Well..." I didn't know how truthful I should be so I gave the PG version, "After getting the message I grumbled a bit to myself and set a snooze for five minutes later. After the snooze went off I lied there for another few minutes before finally getting up and getting ready."

"Hmmm..." Key thought for a moment and then made a decision. "You'll be in third place next to me then. Taemin your after her and Hyung is last."

Everyone nodded in agreement to the dictators last selection and Onew let out a disappointed sigh.

"Why can't we just sleep until we're ready to get up?"

"Because that would mean you'd get up the NEXT day!" Jonghyun told his oldest member in an fake surprised voice. It seems like he's asked this question a lot before...

"Ah! Something has arrived at the front doors." A staff called out to us interrupting our morning banter.

"Hmmm what could that be?"
"Isn't Yoogeun already here?"
"Put on your jackets before you leave. It's cold."

We all grabbed our things from behind the cameras and messily got out shoes on in a hurry. Jonghyun passed me mine from the bottom stair where they rested. Just then we heard an excited voice call from the front entrance to the grounds.



Hey all! Sorry for not updating the past two days.
I found out my new laptop isn't all it's cracked up to be and I'll be returning it this week ;___;
This really .
Tomorrow is a really big day for me so I'm not sure I'll be able to update at all tomorrow. Thursday, however, there will be one!

I also made a twitter account you can follow to see all my updates and stuff :D Something to easily track when the next chapters and other stuff is coming out!

I also updated my profile so you should take a look ;D

Love you all!

- Cloudsurf


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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 34: I vote for Jonghyun!
ShineeWG65 #2
Chapter 27: Awesome as usual! :)
ShineeWG65 #3
Chapter 19: Update please!! :)
ShineeWG65 #4
Chapter 18: This is such a cool story! Please update soon!

Ah, if only real life was like in your story ... tv show...editing.. money.. apartment.. pretty boys.
You really took on a lot of work with this story... and by sticking so close to the actual show. Admirable!

Jia you~
Come on! Update!!! I'll give you a cookie!!!!!! I love it so much! UPDATE!!!!!
You haven't updated since last year!!! Hurry up!!! I'll give you a burnt cookie! I can't cook...But I LOVE your story!!! Please update!!! :D<br />
LOVE IT!!!! Please update!!! I am no longer a silent ninja reader beacause of you! So update!!!!
I just found/read through all the chapters of this story today, and I really like it! The story line moves along a a good pace, there isn't a lot of heavy drama so it keeps me hooked, and the plot is interesting and written well. I really hope you choose to continue writing this story and update soon. No rush. I completely understand how lack of feedback/busy schedule/whatever could prevent you from writing frequently. I just want to say I hope you update this great story, and keep up the great work!! ^_^
OMG!<br />
OMG!<br />
I'm so sorry!<br />
I don't know what'S wrong with my account but it didn't show any updated fics...just today<br />
the baby pics were so cute, now I can imagine little Megan painting pictures of Taeminnie with her wax crayons^^<br />
next up is the soothing baby challenge...I already lmao when I think back what Key did XD<br />
great chappie and I like how the story has more flow now that you changed the style a bit 8D<br />