Mingling Backstage


"Ah! Yougennie! This is K-Will ahjushi! Say hello~" Key had led Yoogeun-ah and I around the crowded hallways towards the stage door entrance. I didn't know who K-Will was but he was on his way somewhere else.

"Whose this?", he asked curiously giving Yoogeun a little wave. "This is my son and this is Megan, his omma."

K-Will greeted me politely and I greeted him back with a formal bow. "Wow! You're so young to have a child." 

Whow. Wait. Does he think...

But I didn't get a chance to respond as Key took my wrist and lead me away from the idol.

No-Key-I- I have to save my reputation!!

"Yah! And who are you calling an Ahjushi!?!" K-Will shouted from behind us. Key laughed nervously and just said "To him you are!" We picked up the pace out of there.

Once we got to the stage area Key let go of my wrist and after a few more steps forward I saw why. We had reached the side stage area and the entire crew and audience could see us from where we stood. 

A few fan's in the audience already took notice of us and started to whisper and wave. I was honestly petrified of them. Fan's (as I've heard) can be the scariest people alive. They really love their idols... maybe even a bit TOO much sometimes.

Key flagged down someone holding a mic and he spoke into to the crowd. "This is my son." The crowd of girls began to scream and cheer and I just looked at him embarrassed. An assistant then came by and began hooking Key up for a rehearsal. 

"You're performing?" I looked at him questionably as he set down Yoogeun and I took the boys hand. 

"Oh yah. I sing a part in IU's song. I wanted you and Yoogeun to see it."

Well thanks for the heads up.

He started doing some vocal practices and before I knew it I was lost in a sea of people getting him prepped and ready. Yoogeun and I were both confused and in the commotion unsure what to do. I picked him up and before I could go any farther two familiar faces popped up behind me.


I let out a small sigh of relief. 

"We remembered that Key-hyung was doing a duet and thought we'd come see if you needed any help." Minho took Yoogeun from my arms and played with the smiling boy.

"Thank you" I smiled at them making them both smile back and a bit of pink on Taemin's cheeks if I was seeing properly.

"Alright starting in 5!"

"We better get out of here. They'll be starting the show soon." Taemin said ushering Minho, Yoogeun and I to the side door that led to an audience area that was unoccupied. 

The fans looked at us curiously but hid their faces from sight at the same time. I guess it was because a camera was right here. A few people were whispering at each other and looking directly at me but I tried not to look.

"Say hello to the noona's Yoogeunnie!"

Minho waved to the fans and I saw all their faces go red in embarrassment as they wildly waved back or hid behind balloons. I smiled as well at them but not wanting to be a creep I looked back right away.

I sat in between Taemin and Minho (which I'm sure displeased the general public around me). "Noona you've never seen a k-pop performance live right?"

"No I haven't." I said shaking my head.

Taemin just smiled cheerily at me "That's good!

I looked at him a bit puzzled. "Why?" I asked curiously.

"Because I think it'll be nice performing for someone whose never seen anything like this with their own eyes before. And it's even nicer because it's you."

I tried not to blush at his statement and I'm pretty positive no one else heard him since Minho and Yoogeun were too fixated on fan service.

"That's really nice of you to say Taemin."

He smiled innocently at me (clearly he had no idea the power of his words a minute ago). Then Key went onto the stage and Yooguen started calling his name. "Yah that's Key-appa!" I pointed and he looked on mesmerized.

The music began to play and the performance began. I have to admit Key was a great rapper. Seeing him live on a stage made him seem so much different in my eyes. Even a bit more manly? Is that something that stage presence does to a person? I'm not sure but it was working for him.

The three of us stood up and were showing Yoogeun-ah the neat lights and dancing along with the tune. It was fun and for a moment I forgot I was filming or hanging with Shinee or that about 50 girls were staring at me from across the aisel. It was just me having fun with friends. 

But as soon as the song was over I was brought back to reality and the four of us left the auditorium.

"Wasn't that cool Yoogeunnie!" I asked our toddler and he giggled at me. I take that as a yes. As we squished into the crowded hall the next act was waiting for their turn. 

"Awe! Minho is this your brother or something?"
"He looks just like you is that your son?"
"Oh my gosh he's soooo cute!!"

The girls all began fawning over the baby in Minho's arms. "Ah Yoogeunnie, Megan  this is T-ara. Noona's these are our cast members for Hello Baby."

"Ohhh! Nice to meet you!" They greeted me formally bowing and I once again returned the favour. 

Taemin got in on the action as well playing with Yoogeunnie (and if you ask me maybe trying a bit too hard to impress the girls there. I thought his acting was a tad embarrassing. Cute but embarrassing.)

We eventually made our way back to the dressing room. I walked in and saw Onew once again on his phone and Jonghyun laughing with a stylist in the back. Once he saw me come in though he stopped laughing and the stylist turned around.

That's strange...

Minho and Taemin followed behind me and we shut the door behind us.

"How was the performance?" Onew asked putting his phone in his pocket. 

"It was really cool!

"It was noona's first time watching K-Pop live." Taemin explained to the others.

"Well I can guarantee that our performance will be better than Key." Jonghyun stated smugly. I bet he wouldn't say that if the wrath known as Key was here right now.

"What was that Kim Jonghyun?"

I never knew I wanted to give myself a mental high-five until this moment. Jonghyun's stuttering/ back-tracking was probably the most precious memory I'll keep from today.

But I was still annoyed at Key. I'll have to him about how he introduces people in the future so that they DON'T get the wrong idea.

Yoogeun grabbed a hold of one of the boys phones and started to take (terrible) pictures of us all. It was cute and fun. Jonghyun was all annoyed that he was getting bad pictures taken and Onew even tried to participate. While Minho and Key tried to explain how to take photos to him Taemin and I proved to be the models for 90% of them. 

"Let's try something else!" Jonghyun interrupted the mini-photo shoot and sent Taemin to hide in a corner. We played hide and seek a few rounds which kept our little toddler entertainment. Once it was time to start making our way to the stage area Minho scooped up Yoogeun again and we started to make our way out.

"Want to give appa a kiss Yoogeunnie?" Minho looked at him and immediately got protective. 

"No! He doesn't want to give one to you!

Jonghyun lent in and Yoogeun gave him a kiss on the lips. "Yah! Did you see that?! Did you catch that on camera?" The crew shook their heads. 

Uh no. The self-proclaimed King of Skinmanship was being dethroned. "Give me a kiss Yoogeunnie!" Minho said holding him and Yoogeun complied.

"What! I did it though! I got his first kiss! Uggggg this is so frustrating!" I laughed at Jonghyun's little fit. 

I hung back with Onew who was bringing up the rear as the others went on ahead excitedly introducing Yoogeun to other celebrities. 

"So this is your first time seeing a live performance today?" Onew asked me as we stood outside of IU's dressing room that the other boys had bombarded.

"Yes! I'm really excited. I've watched performances online but I've never gotten to see it in person.

Onew smiled at me happily. "That's really refreshing to hear honestly."

"Yah that's what Taemin was telling me.

"Oh really? Haha I guess group members do think a like!"

"Shinee we need you backstage!" A massive voice on the PA system boomed from above. Minho and Yoogeun were by my side instantly. 

"Noona can you take Yoogeunnie for me?" He asked holding out the toddler.

"Oh of course." I grabbed the boy who reached out whining for Minho. "You'll see appa in a second Yoogeun's~" I tried to calm him down. A staff member appeared from the mass crowd of people and ushered me away.

"Say 'Shinee-Appa's Fighting' Yoogeun-ah!" I pointed to the appas and waved good-bye as did Yoogeun. "Good Luck!" I said smiling at them and giving a wave before turning around and following the staff member.

My first SHINee performance.

I had kept it pretty hidden back there but I was super excited. I mean let's be real here.

I was BEYOND pumped.


Thanks for reading! And welcome to my new subscribers :D
Also as a side note: Has everyone seen Taemin's new solo debut 'Danger'? 
Because you really should. I love the song and the dance and his passion but the makeup and wardrobe choice were a bit extreme for my tastes.
It's like they wanted to make a manly Taemin but decided to tone his adultness down a bit with a semi-racy wardrobe and a crap ton of makeup.

Not digging that too much although I'm getting the feeling that's more and more Taemin's preferred style...hmmm...

Ah well! I'll be updating again tomorrow! Thank you again for your support and for those waiting on my other fic's they are still on hiatus until further notice.

- Cloudsurf

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 34: I vote for Jonghyun!
ShineeWG65 #2
Chapter 27: Awesome as usual! :)
ShineeWG65 #3
Chapter 19: Update please!! :)
ShineeWG65 #4
Chapter 18: This is such a cool story! Please update soon!

Ah, if only real life was like in your story ... tv show...editing.. money.. apartment.. pretty boys.
You really took on a lot of work with this story... and by sticking so close to the actual show. Admirable!

Jia you~
Come on! Update!!! I'll give you a cookie!!!!!! I love it so much! UPDATE!!!!!
You haven't updated since last year!!! Hurry up!!! I'll give you a burnt cookie! I can't cook...But I LOVE your story!!! Please update!!! :D<br />
LOVE IT!!!! Please update!!! I am no longer a silent ninja reader beacause of you! So update!!!!
I just found/read through all the chapters of this story today, and I really like it! The story line moves along a a good pace, there isn't a lot of heavy drama so it keeps me hooked, and the plot is interesting and written well. I really hope you choose to continue writing this story and update soon. No rush. I completely understand how lack of feedback/busy schedule/whatever could prevent you from writing frequently. I just want to say I hope you update this great story, and keep up the great work!! ^_^
OMG!<br />
OMG!<br />
I'm so sorry!<br />
I don't know what'S wrong with my account but it didn't show any updated fics...just today<br />
the baby pics were so cute, now I can imagine little Megan painting pictures of Taeminnie with her wax crayons^^<br />
next up is the soothing baby challenge...I already lmao when I think back what Key did XD<br />
great chappie and I like how the story has more flow now that you changed the style a bit 8D<br />