
Bae Soo Ji was directed to the main office of the school. She sat by as the male in suit n' tie was busy signing some papers. They both exchanged greetings to start the interview. After quite a long time of chatting, Suzy brought out a folder and passed it to the man.

"We were definitely impressed by your records." Mr. Choi Jiwo, the school dean, scanned through her portfolio in total awe.

"I've worked really hard, sir." she bowed lightly.

"We know. That's why the executive board had an discussion upon your enrolment and without a doubt you have been granted the scholarship." the man slid the documents across the desk to Suzy. "Ms. Soo Ji, you are now an official student of Elliteu Maeum High." he reached out his hand.

"Thank you very much, sir." she shook his hand and bowed multiple tmes. "I will not let you regret your decision."

"Oh, and one more thing... This is your class schedule, complete with the time and room you need to go. There is a map at the back so you won't get lost. I'm sure someone of your mental ability can read maps easily."

"Yes, sir."

"And if you have some inquiries, feel free to come back here and I'll entertain your questions personally..."

Suzy finally left the room after shaking the dean's hand one last time. She checked her schedule and searched the respective room for her class at the back of the pamphlet. It was still on the 3rd floor, Class 3A, and it has already started a few minutes ago. She better hurry to catch up for her favorite subject, Biology.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Good to see all of you once again. It's been long since the advance summer classes, isn't it?" the jonuesque woman swat around her pointing stick and strut back and forth on the platform.

"URGH ERRRRR" the students groaned. Kim Jongin did not bother at all. Even if he'd go along with the actions of others, he still wouldn't be appreciated. He tried to speak up but no one would listen at all. There was never a time he would 'fit in' since the day everyone had changed their impression of him. He normally sits at the back, usually there are only two and nobody would sit on the other.

On regular days, he just looks out the window when the teacher is busy writing on the board. On free period where the class would fool around, he'd be completely invisible and he'd pretend he was not present himself. It's like no one can ever understand him. He's tried countless times even to convince his old friends, the 11 boys, used to be 12 with him until the Chinese/Canadian exchange-student Kris who he humbly accepted ruined his name in their group and was kicked out. Then on, Kai's old friends are now followers of the traitor Kris whom do not know that the rumors he's been telling are only a creation of hatred against Kai. No, not Kai, but his-


Jongin had snapped out of his deep thoughts by the sound of Mrs. Goo's thick Biology books crashing on the podium.

"I hope all of you still remember our class on genetics last summer." the teacher blabbered on and on about genetics. It was all much of a review to them. "Now, would anybody like to tell me who is the Father of Genetics?" she raised her voice.

A pretty polished girl, dangling all sorts of accesories and coated with the brightest make-up sitting at the front raised her hand. "Gregor Mendel, ma'am."

"Correct. He developed the hypotheses we are all familiar of, the Mendelian Inheritance, which includes the two conclusions?"

"The Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment..." she chanted.

"Yes, and what subject did he use in proving that?" the same girl had put her hand up. 'Yes, again Ms. Hana~"

"It was a pea!" she stood up and spoke confidently like the teacher's pet she always was.

"That's right but what is the scientific name of that pea?" Mrs. Goo had gave her a pitiful expression. She felt humiliated and sat back down her chair. "Simple simple question... Anyone? No one remembered that? Not at all?!" she scrunched her brows at the class. "HAVE YOU ALL WIPED OUT YOUR MINDS DURING THE VACATION~" she banged on her desk and all of the students were taken aback.


"Pisum sativum...." a small voice was heard out of the deafening silence surrounding the classroom.

"Cor-rect.....  who answered that?" stood utterly confused searching for the brilliant pupil who was able to get it right.

"It was me, maam...." a shy girl stepped quietly at the door.

"Oh, you must be the new student?" the madam overviewed her reminders. "They informed me you were coming today, come in~" she gestured for the girl to enter. "Come, intorduce yourself in front of the class~"

"Annyeong Hasaeyo..." she bowed lightly. "My name is Bae Soo Ji and you can call me Suzy."

Whispers had already filled the atmosphere. Suzy scans herself if there was a stain on her uniform or anything wrong of how she appears. Or maybe they'd known already. She puts her head even lower.

"AIIISSSHHHHHH~ You brats...." the teacher cuts the fuss. "Please welcome her as your newest classmate..... Suzy you may sit over there at the back next to Jongin...."

Mrs. Goo turned back to the board to continue writing. Suzy stiffly walked across the aisle towards he seat next to the mentioned Jongin. In the middle of her walk, she was tripped on her knees and palms. Her bag's zipper broke and all her stuff fell out. The clique of preppy girls laughed histerically.

"Oh look girls, she brought her own snacks!" the girl pointed at the fallen lunchbox. "And what's this?" Hana picked up her folder. "A scholarship??? Poor thing can't afford to study here~" she announced loudly to the class.

Complaints and glares were sent over to Suzy's direction and the clique continued to . Tears had streamed down her face while she hurriedly threw all her things back to her bag and tried to stand up steadily. She looked at Hana, still sobbing.

"AWWWW she's crying~ huhuhuuhuhu!" they mocked. Suzy couldn't take it anymore and quickly nabbed her folder from her hand. "YAHHH~ You think you're so tough now?!" Hana shouted as Suzy stormed off.

"What is going on here?" Mrs. Goo turned around to check what all the noise is about only to meet a puffy-faced new pupil of hers.

"Mianhaeyo....." she apologized before running out of the room.

"Ms. Hana and company, I'll see you all in detention...." she warned them and walked-out. The bell rang right after signalling the time for next period, for their next class and Jongin went out the last.


Poor Suzy. If only I'd done something..... Maybe she'll be able to trust me..... If I could convince her....... Before she finds out that rumor..... aiisshhhh~




So that's the end of Chapter 2 :) Mianhae for posting this one a week later than I promised :< I was really busy with school works last weekend..... I won't keep anymore promises. This first day is really a long day i don't know when i'll stop it, I'm just getting started XD


Thanks again for subscribing to my fic and if you're interested, please try my first one: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/442876/i-didn-t-see-this-coming-comedy-drama-romance-exo-kai-hunhan-kyungsoo


Kamsa~ :D

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taengoopooh #1
Chapter 7: Update soon!!
Lukz13 #2
Chapter 7: I started reading ur story today.... i really lyk it... i feel sry 4 kai.... i hope suzy will help kai to reconcile with his friends back..... expectng 4 nxt chapter....
Chapter 6: Yes plz continue this!
Chapter 5: please update authornimm :)))))))
jazzin08 #5
Chapter 4: Please update soooon!!
Chapter 4: Why?! :( why kris has to be the bad guy here when im shipping kriszy? Uwaa!! The most handsome guy in exo shouldnt be the villain though. Hee. Anyways, kris's excuse is just lame. I mean, which robber wears something that shows his identity? Duhh -,- and suzy! Why so fragile? A tough independent girl shouldnt cry at the first day at school for a mere teasing. You should toughen up girl! And kai, poor him. It must be hard to be outcasted by your own friends. Please update soon :)
Chapter 2: I love kris the most in exo! Why it is him that should be the traitor :( and why suzy always cries here?