Unexpected Development



YongGuk stared at Tigger. The obedient dog stared back while assuming the perfect sit position. Only when YongGuk sighed did Tigger break out of his trance and his head curiously.

“There’s so much I want to ask you. I don’t even know where to start,” YongGuk finally spoke, scratching his companion on the back of his head. Tigger stuck his tongue out and wagged his tail. “You wanna go for a walk?”

That got the dog’s attention, evident by the way his ears perked straight up. As Yongguk grabbed the leash, Tigger followed with such excitement that he began jumping and barking.

“WALK! WALK! WALK!” YongGuk laughed, finding his puppy that much cuter now that he can understand his four-legged friend. He commanded Tigger into a sit, which worked to silence the dog (though did nothing for the dog’s excitement). Even though he trusted Tigger with his life, he knew that things can happen so he always made sure to put the leash on, especially when he was off duty.

“Let’s go, boy!”


Ding dong.

EunMi blinked as she answered the door, wondering who could be over this early in the morning (which was actually 11:15 am).

Immediately she’s tackled by a large body, causing her to shriek in surprise.

“EunMi~~~! My lovely girlfriend!” DaeHyun cooed as he hugged EunMi. She hugged him back with just as much excitement and laughing happily.

“You want to be fed, don’t you?” she said with a knowing smile on her face.

“…maybe…I mean…if you just so happen to be making food and had enough for two…” DaeHyun hinted at ever so subtly as he offered her a sheepish smile.

“Yeah, yeah, come on, Fatty,” she sighed, leading him into the kitchen, knowing from experience that the boy will not shut up until he’s fed. Obediently, DaeHyun followed her, asking how her week has been. She chuckled, noting his adorable puppy-like behavior whenever she promised to feed him, before answering his question.

Taking a deep breath, YoungJae entered after the noisy couple left and found HaNa in her room. He knocked softly on the door as she sat on her bed with her laptop on her lap. Her eyes brightened in pleasant surprise (making YoungJae feel all the more guilty that he was probably going to disappoint her with what he had done).

“Jae! What are you doing here? Not that I don’t want you here, but it’s a bit early for you to be here,” HaNa wondered as she moved over so there was room on her bed for him. He took his usual place next to her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before looking over at her screen (hoping to prolong telling her as long as possible and finding something else to talk about).

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Just watching some videos. Block B came out with a new song. You wanna hear?” she answered with excitement. YoungJae contemplated his answer. He wasn’t necessarily a big fan of Block B. He liked their music but it wasn’t really his style. He knew that if he answered yes that HaNa would want to show him all sorts of things and wouldn’t have to explain anything to her for a much longer time. But he also knew that the longer he waited, the guiltier he would feel and the harder it would be to tell her.

With a sigh, he shook his head and decided to just take the plunge.

“Actually, Angel…I’m here because…I did something…bad that you don’t approve of,” he began as he worried his lip between his teeth. She closed her laptop and moved it to the side, so that he knew he had her full attention. An array of emotions flooded her immediately: curiosity, worry, but mostly confusion.

“Jae…you look like you’re about to pee your pants. I promise I won’t get mad at you if you just tell me,” HaNa comforted as she held his hand. He looked at their intertwined fingers with a smile, giving her hand a secure squeeze.

“Well…” he bit his lip. “You know how I had to cancel because YongGukkie-hyung made me go patrol with everyone…”

“…yeah? Did something happen?”

“Well…there was…this-”


The two of them jumped at the resonating sound of someone bursting through the door.

“WHERE’S YOO YOUNGJAE?!” screeched a shrilled female voice. YoungJae did not miss the look of bewilderment mixed with disbelief and a sprinkle of betrayal from HaNa. He shook his head immediately, indicating he had no idea who was yelling for him. Before HaNa could even ask, the girl appeared before the two in them, glaring at YoungJae. Their eyes widened in silent shock.

The girl was gorgeous with her long blond locks, swept to the side, and curves in all the right places. However, her beauty was not what caused both YoungJae and HaNa to drop their jaw. The most obvious thing would be the fact that the girl was almost wearing no clothing. She had (possibly) a pair of short shorts (which was ridiculous in this kind of weather) underneath one jacket. She definitely did not bother to put a bra on because her cleavage was clearly visible from the top portion of the jacket that she didn’t bother zipping up.

Of course, what shocked them both the most was the fact that she was wearing YoungJae’s jacket.

“A-A-Angel…I…I have no idea who she is or why she’s wearing my jacket! I’ve never seen that girl in my life and oh my gosh, please don’t-”

“Excuse me?!” scoffed the pretty blond girl as she crossed her arms (accentuating the size of her s even more) and shifted her weight onto her right leg. She gave YoungJae the dirtiest look before spitting with much hate, “How DARE you dismiss me like that, Yoo YoungJae?! Because I sure as hell am sure you knew my name last night while we were ing. Or did you forget how I-”

“WHOA there, Psycho Blonde!” YoungJae interrupted in anger (and fear). “I don’t know WHO you think you are or who I am but you have GOT to be out of your god damn freaking mind if you think I had with you because I can PROMISE you that I did NO such thing last night!”

YoungJae was ing pissed as he got up and glared this weird woman down. He was pissed, and more importantly scared out of his mind, not even daring to look at HaNa right now before clearing this mess up.

Apparently standing up closer to this mental case was not the right choice. Seconds after YoungJae had finished ranting, the blond grabbed YoungJae’s shirt and pulled him closer to her. She smiled flirtatiously at him, all the anger she brought into the room no longer evident in her mannerism.

“Awww~ are you mad because I ruined your bonding time with your girlfriend? Why don’t you just break up with the prude and I can show you some more good times~” she whispered loudly enough for HaNa to hear as she attempted to snake her arms around YoungJae’s neck and steal a kiss from him.

For a brief moment, as YoungJae caught her arms and yanked them away from him, he recognized the mischievous glint in this unfamiliar female’s eyes. But before he could explain, HaNa screamed.

She screamed so loudly that the hairs on the back of YoungJae’s neck stood up and scared the blonde female out of her skin…literally. HaNa began picking up anything that was in her reach and began throwing them at YoungJae, demanding that he get out immediately. The poor mage desperately tried to calm his livid girlfriend down while trying to explain himself (while avoiding all the flying objects that were aimed at his face). As he avoided more objects, he noticed the girl trying to escape which had him growling out a commanding, “Sit.”

With a yelp, the girl sat her on the ground and glared at YoungJae, unable to do anything else.

“Stay and don’t you dare move, you disgusting vixen,” he spat, voice laced with an incredible amount of enmity towards the demon, who merely turned her head to the side and glared at the ground.

With a deep breath, he turned to HaNa and placed a gentle restrain spell on her wrists. She screeched in fury, “YOO YOUNGJAE, LET GO OF ME RIGHT NOW! HOW COULD YOU?! GET OUT OF MY FACE!”

“HaNa…Angel…” he tried softly as he moved closer.

“DON’T YOU ANGEL ME, YOU SLEEZY, CHEATING BASTARD!” she cried out, tears streaming down her eyes.

“I didn’t cheat on you…I…that was my familiar pretending to be a one-night stand,” he explained as he wiped away her tears with his thumbs.

“You don’t have a familiar,” she sniffed, more confused than angry now, now that she saw a completely different looking female on the ground where the blond was earlier.

“I…do now.”


“That’s what I wanted to tell you…I-I have a familiar. I caught her…yesterday.”

“…now I’m confused…” HaNa admitted as her posture loosened. YoungJae removed his spell and held her hands.

“We were chasing her yesterday and I lost my mind and…I caught her with my collar…” he revealed.

“YongGuk-oppa said that you aren’t allowed to have familiars,” she stated, making sure she had her facts straight. HaNa wiped her eyes clean of her tears and stared YoungJae down. “Didn’t YongGuk-oppa say no familiars after Jieun?”

“Y-Yes…he…he did but-”

“And you still got a familiar knowing this?” HaNa questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

YoungJae pouted, “You said you wouldn’t get mad…”

“I’m not mad…well…I’m not mad now that I know you aren’t cheating on me. But I’m disappointed, YoungJae. What did YongGuk-oppa say?”

“He…told me to get out,” YoungJae mumbled sadly, not even bothering to hide how hurt he was about that interaction. HaNa figured it wouldn’t be any good to add salt to injury so she changed the subject.

“You ing deserve it, damn half-pint,” Kira grumbled in the corner, glaring at YoungJae. HaNa peered over at the sulking demon, curious as to how she missed the fluffy ears and fluffy tail after she had turned back into her humanoid fox form. Kira flinched defensively when HaNa moved in front of the fox to get a better look at her. Kira would have escaped but she was still under YoungJae’s command and couldn’t physically move.

“Can you release her?” HaNa wondered, surprising Kira.

“No…” YoungJae answered to his knowledge. HaNa sighed sadly.

“What is she?”

“She’s a fox demon.”

HaNa shot YoungJae a look of confusion. “I thought you said there were no foxes left.”

It was YoungJae’s turn to look shocked. “You actually listened to me?”

“Sometimes,” she hummed absentmindedly as she turned back to the bewildered fox, looking extremely confused as to what was going on. “What’s your name?”

“…Kira…?” the fox answered, not really sure why this human wasn’t trying to tear both YoungJae and/or her demon into tiny pieces after the stunt she pulled.

“That’s a cute name!”

Kira cocked her head and raised her eyebrow, genuine confusion noticeable from her expression. The tilt in her head caused one of her ears to flop down while the other stayed standing straight up.

“Aww, she’s so cute! No wonder she pretended to be all mean and stuff. How could you make this adorable thing into a familiar like that?!” HaNa scolded, petting Kira on the head, scratching the fox behind the ear. YoungJae could only open and close his mouth, unsure of what to make of this unforeseen development.

“She’s not CUTE! HaNa! She just tried to break us up! And…and she stole my jacket! And she’s NOT CUTE!” the astonished mage exclaimed.

“Well she was probably trying to break us up because you bounded her to a life as your magic slave against her will,” HaNa reasoned with a disapproving look, causing YoungJae to shrink in shame. “We just got off on the wrong foot. My name is Kim HaNa. I’m this idiot’s girlfriend.”


She laughed, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. “You are an idiot. But you’re my idiot, so I am responsible for your stupid sometimes. You better treat her nicely!”

“What…what is going on?” Kira muttered to herself as she became a spectator to the couple’s quarrel.



“Sorry,” Jae apologized as she tried to wrap Baekho’s wound more gently. Aron didn’t bother bringing his pack to Jihye. He stole some supplies for his injured and went back to the rest of his pack as soon as he could. Most of them got out of the battle with minor injuries, so it seemed unnecessary.

Well…everyone except JR.

Alice made her way into the den to change JR’s bandages. She replaced the cooling towel on his forehead with a fresh one. As she began removing his bandage, he rasped out with much pain, “Why haven’t you gotten rid of me yet? I’m useless to the pack now.”

“Instead of wailing in self-pity, why don’t you use that energy to get better?” Alice responded nonchalantly though it was obvious from her stare that she was irritated at him for thinking such a thing.

“Alice-noona…I’m a three-legged werewolf. I’ll just be holding the group back,” he reasoned with a defeated sigh.

“I said shut up and concentrate on getting better,” she commanded gently, his head gently, before changing his bandages and cleaning his wound.

Jae, who had been peaking in to check on JR, ran over to Aron immediately afterwards.

“…Oppa…you’re not…going to get rid of JR, are you?” she wondered in worry.

“Of course not, Jae. He’s just having a hard time adjusting to only having three legs,” Aron answered before patting Jae on the head. “How about you? Are you okay?”

Jae nodded before hanging her head. “I’m sorry for…running off.”

He smiled gently, “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“What about…Kira?” Jae wondered.

“It’s not our problem. I’m sure Infinite will take care of it. She’s valuable enough to them that they’ll go after her. Besides, we need to start training for our next attack. No doubt Sunggyu will want to fight back as soon as possible,” Aron answered. He sniffed Jae curiously when he realized she didn’t quite smell right. “…have you been hanging around…vampires?”

Jae flinched, “No…I got…I had some minor difficulties…getting here…”

“Tch, vampires have nothing better to do than to around. Useless things. If they bother you, just let me know and I’ll kill them.”

Jae smiled and nodded. Once Aron went back to check on the two girls, Jae’s hand unconsciously went to where her wound on her arm was.

A small blush formed on her face as she remembered the handsome face of the vampire that healed her wound for her.

“Yeah…I’ll be sure to let you know…” she mumbled absentmindedly to herself more than anyone else.



Real chapter. XD



I’m not quite sure when the next time I’m going to be updating is…probably in December…>____>

/sobs hard/



I updated just for you~


Oh, and I suppose Happy Halloween  ~ :3

~Kira :3

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Chapter 18: Omg I miss this story sooo much and Kira being a badass like almost evey chapter ahhh
Chapter 17: Just...so much going on here. So much action. I love it. ^^

First: poor Himchan. You kids be nice to him, he just wants to see Ailee. That's all the poor pretty thing wants. X3 I loved how spastic this seemed. It sounds just like a gaggle of siblings going back and forth.

Despite the Kira/Youngjae relationship being so volatile, they actually work very well together. They seem to compliment each other's strengths. Under different circumstances, this could have been mutually beneficial to both...had Youngjae not practically 'kidnapped' Kira for this, this could have been the start of a beautiful working relationship. Stupid Youngjae.

Yay~ Soryong and Daeryong! X3. I really like when we learn more about the hierarchy/status quo for the demons. Its very animalistic, but at the same time there appears to be some order to it. The fact they are so intelligent, but genuinely have to worry about food for the winter is very interesting. And despite everything, Kira still wants to make sure Infinite is taken care of. X3.



/slows down the fangirling/

Su is so distrustful, but like Yongguk said, its understandable. She is not only alone, but an abandoned type of demons everyone seems to hate in a city full of humans. She'll never quite fit in, even if someone knew what she was. But Yongguk offering to be her friend...awwww...I just can't...X3
Su don't ruin it! Accept human love and friendship! Accept ittttttt!

...oh . Yongguk finally has a notion of the gravity of the situation possibly. Oh Su, be careful. Please don't let Infinite go too crazy...(or rather, do, because that'll be interesting. XDD )
Chapter 16: Hoya...;_;

Jihye is just trying to keep it together. I'm seeing how everyone is beginning to tie in...so I wonder how Jihye fits...intriguing. But Corny is right. Now I feel bad for Hoya...AIGOO.../plays with her HoKi banner/

But this was interesting. Nice to hear some of Kira's past. It makes her, for lack of better words, human. Its nice to see that. This pair though...goodness. Only good things.XDD Youngjae you got yyourself and Kira into this. Good to see you acknowledge this. Youngjae talking about his hyung though...X3

Poor Su. Bird can't catch a break. BUT JEALOUS JIEUN XDD. But.. YAH. Jieun you be nicer to my Su! Grrr. That's definitely gotta hurt hearing that out loud. Yongguk to the rescue...sorta. lol. Good grief. The fluff. X33
Chapter 17: I will get you a proper comment ASAP!! X333
Its so cool how everyones connected
Shadowflame15 #6
Chapter 16: ...I know I was opposed to the Ki-Jae moment...but I am okay with it now...And why is there so much information in one chapter!?!?! Rye!!! Twins!!! Ailee!!! (shuts down from brain overload)
Chapter 15: KEKEKE. Youngjae and Kira...the odd couple. XD I do enjoy Hana though. She's a voice of reason for Youngjae, the little punk. I do hope they somehow fins a way to work together or at least break the bond. This was very poor decision for him and its clearly costing him. Not to mention Kira is going nuts XD. Free the fox!!

Jae...Jae you adorable thing. X3 So cute how she clings to Suho (...who I suppose I can remotely trust at this point since he is showing concern not only for her but all of the vampires :P). He's showing to be a leader and a good one, at least for now. I hope bad things don't happen. T^T Luhan!!! /readies the flag/ I still ship Luhan/Kira so hard. XDD Especially after this last bit with Hoya.

Hoya...Hoya Hoya Hoya...-_-; While I can appreciate his anger, Kira is right. Calm down. But there went their relationship...though not enough to sink my ship. XDD I do think this is going to be a pain point and foresee this causing future issue.

Yongguk...shame on you for dragging Su out of her comfort zone just to find your woman. XD. I'm sorry, but as interesting as the scene was...I love Tigger and his inner dialogue. XDD "Bird Bird!" LOLOL. It really is like a dad listening to his kids argue or shout in the back seat. But Yongguk what are you doing?

We're finally seeing how Jae, Su, and Kira's story lines are tying together. But what about Jihye? How does she play into this?