part 2

Forget me

The next day came you woke up already in your bedroom. "How did I got here.. aweee my head" 
You looked around you were alone you checked the time and sawthat you were late you ran to the toilet and brush your teeth and wash up real quick,then you chaged into your uniform.
You ran down stair and saw taemin eating breakfast in your house. Didnt he told you not to pester him anymore.
"Oh youre finally awake!"your grandma saw you "come and have breakfast"
You obeyed your grandma. Taemin looked at his watch "thank you for the breakfast halmeoni."he smiled at your grandma .
"Im going to school now halmeonie."you stood up quick leaving taemin.
You ran to the bus stop while taemin padeled his bicycle .

"W...wait chankanmanyo..ajussi" you yelled at the bus driver but he did not stop nor waited for you. "Damn it!"
Taemin saw you he cycled towards you.
"B-bwo yah? Wht do you want?" You yelled at him. Taemin glared at you. "Hop on,i will give you a ride"
But to Taemins suprise you rejected him "shireo! I dont want to.." 
Taemin just nodded and acted like he didnt care. "Alright suit yourself" with that he pedaled away .
You groaned "ishhh...." 
You decided to skip school and go back home instead. You didnt want to go to school and just be hurt by taemin again and also the judging eyes of the people. You hate it now.
Coz.the person you like cant protect you.there is no use staying

Taemin kinda felt uneasy again.he felt something in him but he couldnt explain it.

You werent paying attention to the road you were completely drowned into your own thoughts when you heard a loud sound and you felt a pain all over your body then everything went black.


sorry that my chapters are short in the future I will try to make them longer :)

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