Chapter 9 - Monday

Don't Let Me Close My Eyes Tonight

Chapter 9 – Monday

Baekhyun stirred in his sleep, when his eyes gingerly fluttered open to automatically fall on his alarm clock on the nightstand. He sighed heavily as his mind registered the numbers, “Why’d you let me sleep in? I told you guys I was going to school today.” He sighed as he pushed himself up off the bed. It was already going to be two in the afternoon. He didn’t even know he was that tired and he was surprised his parents didn’t wake him for breakfast either.

Quickly he grabbed his phone and noticed all the missed calls and text messages Hyemi had left him, tears welled up in his eyes as he saw them, but he refused to read them. Deleting them all at once. Then, he slowly typed in a message for her: “Meet me at the front entrance after school.” He sent.

After he sent it he went and got changed, preparing himself for the meeting. When he finished he walked into the kitchen greeted by his cousin’s presence. “Hey finally your awake.” Borah smiled as he walked in. “That’s because nobody decided to wake me.” He sighed as he took a seat on the kitchen table. “We just thought you needed some time. I know your definitely going tomorrow.” She half smiled as she placed food on the table for them to eat. “I’m going to tell Hyemi,…today after school.” He sighed hesitantly as he glanced up to meet Borah’s eyes. “…and I’ll be right there next to you, when you do tell her.” She half smiled pressing her lips into a thin line as she hugged him even though it was clear from the sound of her voice she didn’t want him to do it.

She was just hoping maybe he was going to tell everyone the truth and not just lie to them, but she wouldn’t find out until later if that were to be true.

Baekhyun waited for Borah to sit down, once she did he hurried and scarfed his food down as tears left his sad eyes. Borah watched him with a sad expression, “Slow down, you’re going to choke Baekhyun.” She sighed reaching out to hold his hand before she could touch him he scooted back. “I just want to get this over with.” He sighed a single tear escaping as he glanced up at her. “Baekhyun…”

“It’s already half past three, let’s just wash up and go.” He sighed getting up, his plate in hand as he did. “Mhm, if you want you can start walking and I’ll clean up and drive over.” She said motioning for him to get going, she was sad, it was the first time she ever saw her cousin like this, so closed in and hurt.

He nodded and took the initiative to leave, dropping his plate in the sink before he did. The sky was already getting dark out. I guess if he had to make this believable it helped that he came late, even if his house wasn’t so far from the school, but even still it took him long enough to reach the school grounds.

As he came upon the school he could see her anxious figure standing at the front where he told her to wait, her back to him, but as he got closer she turned around.

Her expression beamed and his heart plunged to its death at what he was about to do. She went over to him with her arms spread, but before she could reach him he took a step back. A quizzical expression formed on her face.

Her arms dropped to her side hurt from his reaction, she was confused by what was happening.

Baekhyun was glad it was dark out, that she wouldn’t be able to see all of his emotions clearly. He mustered up all he had, pushing back his emotions as he mustered up enough energy to act mad. "Hyemi I can't let this keep going, I'm breaking up with you." he sighed looking straight into her eyes, pushing out his real feelings surprised that he was able to do it so coldly. He didn’t want it to keep going because he was going to hurt her with everything he would be going through himself. Maybe he was selfish for not wanting to hurt them, for wanting to see them happy even if he wasn’t, but he didn’t care.

Hyemi stared up at him speechless, "B-baek-hyun..." she uttered the only word she was able to form.

Baekhyun turned away planting an annoyed expression on his face and folded his arms as he turned back. "I've been wasting my time with you, so I found someone else. I don't know why I was fooling myself into thinking you and I was even possible. You mean nothing to me and I'm sorry for making you believe we had something..."

Hyemi slapped him across the face, the tears she was trying to hold back escaping as she did. She didn't let him finish, she didn't want him to finish. "...that...j-jerk..." she thought, her heart crumbling inside her, tearing a large chunk from within her chest. She glared at him and gathered her things, leaving him speechless as she walked away out of his sight.

“I’m sorry, Hyemi for doing this to you. I’m sorry for lying, but this is the only way…” He thought as he stood there his cheek stinging, afraid to speak in fear of revealing his true emotions. It didn’t matter if she kicked him or if she threw her books at him, he knew he deserved it and much more for what he had done and for the fact that he would still keep up the act for who know how long. Tears glistening in his eyes, his throat constricting him in his sorrow, blinking a couple of times to force his tears back. He knew Hyemi could see him and would know something was up so for the time being he forced his emotions to the back. In the distant he could hear Borah call out to him, but he didn’t move, staying in the same spot.

"Baekhyun?...sorry for being late. So where is she? Did you tell her? Baekhyun?" Borah asked him as she looked around, seeing no one.

Baekhyun looked down at his feet trying to act as normal as possible, a noise from around the corner confirming his thoughts, Hyemi was still here.

He lifted his head up, forcing out his genuine eye smile, the smile he often gave Hyemi, he knew Hyemi didn’t know about Borah or the fact that she was his cousin and he was going to use this to his full advantage.

"It's okay. She’s gone. I did it my way. I broke her heart. Now let’s go." he half smiled as he took her hand and lead the way walking away from the scene, almost as a couple.

As they walked out of site far away from the spot he froze in his steps, Borah standing next to him a look of confusion written all over her face. “Baekhyun, oh you didn’t…why did you do that now? You should have just said the truth, now look at you.” She frowned, holding his face in her palms. Tears staining Baekhyun’s face as he shook his head from her grasp, “I wanted it this way. Let’s just go home.” He sighed, his voice coming out strained.

Borah nodded and led him to her car, the rest of the drive in silence. Baekhyun staring out the window as his tears blurred his view of the scenery that night. When they finally got to their destination, back to his home, Baekhyun wiped away his tears walking out of the car before Borah could say anything to him. He carefully made his way into his room, closing the door behind him, not even bothering to turn on a light, left only in the darkness of his room.

Baekhyun laid himself to sleep in the clothes he had on. Then, he curled up into a ball, tears streaming down his face unconsciously as he closed his eyes, crying silently in the darkness of his room, his heart ripping him apart inside, he tried to be as quiet as possible, he didn’t want his parents or Borah to hear his sadness, his pain. Then, they would probably force him to stop what he was doing and he was determined to follow through with his plan until his last breath.

Borah stood outside his room tears in her eyes as she heard his soft sobs. How much she wanted to go in to comfort him, but she knew it was best to give him space. He needed his little time alone and hopefully for the days that were left there wouldn’t be more tears shed.

Aww this chapter was sad made me cry !_!

and little by little we start seeing what Baekhyun really was doing aww it's heartbreaking, but hopefully it gets better

okay till next time everyone!

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Chapter 17: Chapter 17: What happen??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baekhyun isn't fine is he? Is he still in some what pain or sickness? Why was he kept there longer besides the fact that it was mysterious? Is it connected to Tae Ran's grandfather? How could Baekhyun see her grandfather anyways? What was it that Tae Ran's grandfather said in the previous chapters to Baekhyun before he underwent the surgery?
What pain is Baekhyun feeling now? What did he see on Tae Ran's back?
What about Baekhyun's parents that made Tae Ran blush?
Why is Tae Ran always so suprised at "Friends" stuff? Did she ever have freinds? If she did what happen?
Is Tae Ran and Baekhyun going to like each other? I ship them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ElleoraPanda #2
Chapter 17: Wat happened?? Why isn't baekhyun happy?? Iiiickkk!!! I'm scaredddd!!
Wolf_97 #3
Chapter 16: OMG you don't know how emotional I got when Bacon`s condition got worse. I love the ending and I wish there was more like a sequel. Kam sam ni da unnie,time for this great story love you. nn
rainbow_bananas #5
Chapter 6: Oh no! What's gonna happen to Baekhyun?
Wolf_97 #6
Chapter 5: Authornm youre making me impatient...Otoke what is going to happen?! Happy 4th of July! Macys fireworks here in NYC Love the fanfic so far :)