Chapter 3 - Tuesday Part 2

Don't Let Me Close My Eyes Tonight

Chapter 3 – Tuesday Part 2

Hyemi laid in bed, feeling numb to the world around her. It was the first time she ever felt like this and she didn't like it. Never in her life did she expect this to happen and now she couldn't bring herself to say his name, to think about his name, to see a picture or anything that reminded her of him, it would just make her hurt all over again.

"Honey, I brought you breakfast." her mom half smiled as she knocked on the door holding a tray in her hands. "I'm not hungry mom." Hyemi sighed in a monotone, feeling drained of all her emotions as she lay in her bed consumed in the darkness of her room.

"No, come on you have to eat. I know this is hard on you, but you can't do this to yourself Hyemi. You stayed home today, but you have to go to school tomorrow. I'm not allowing you another day and I'm sorry, but that’s that." her mom sighed shaking her head as she tried to open the door, but to no avail.

"I'm sorry too mom. It-it-..." Hyemi said, but paused unable to continue, the hot tears stinging her eyes as they wet her soft pillow. "Oh honey, none of this is your fault. It isn't maybe he just wasn't the right one for you. You'll see you'll find someone who is the man of your dreams. Oh and you better not look at me with that look of yours. No way in the world could this boy be your dream boy if he did this to you. Watch you'll see and when that happens you'll tell me I was right. I just know it." her mom half smiled as she put her palm to the door. "H-how do you know?" Hyemi sighed as she wiped her tears away, sniffing.

"Oh honey I'm sure of it." her mom said with a sincere smile on her lips. "I hope you come out of your room soon, I won't force you out, I'll leave the tray in front of the door, you better eat something okay." her mom said sternly. Hyemi answered her with her silence, she didn't feel like doing anything, she just wanted to lay in her bed where she would be safe from all the pain.

A few hours later someone was knocking on the door. "Hyemi can you let me in?" Suho asked, but Hyemi remained silent, tears still stinging in her eyes.

"Hey Kai weren't you good with locks? You should go in there, try to cheer her up. Besides...well you know..uh you were better at cheering her up. So I say if anyone could you can." Lay said pushing Kai to the door.

Kai hesitated a bit, glancing back at Suho nervously only to see Suho nod giving him the okay to. “I give you permission to be her friend is all.” He whispered so only Kai could hear. Kai nodded as he turned back to the door in front of him, his heart beating fast against his chest, just like all those other times, just that this time he couldn't calm his beating heart. He took a deep breath and let it out, biting his lip nervously as he searched his pockets for something to unlock the door. "A paperclip, that'll do. Now get yourself together Kai. What's wrong with you? It’s just like any other time you've seen her, what's so different about today?" he thought as he undid the lock.

By this time the others had walked back to the living room to give Kai and Hyemi some privacy.

Kai hesitantly opened the door, "H-hyemi?" he said softly as he walked in, mentally kicking himself on the head for stuttering. "Go away..." Hyemi cried. Oh how much it hurt him to see her curled up in a little ball, to hear the pain in her voice, especially the way she was making him feel. He just wanted to turn away and avoid the feelings he had to face now, but he couldn't if he really wanted to cheer Hyemi up.

"I can't do that." he frowned as he walked over to Hyemi, kneeling down in front of her. "...b-b-but I w-want to be alone..." she sniffed, hidden under the blanket covers. ”Come on Hyemi, you can't do this." he half smiled as he placed his hand on her back, shaking her softly.

"You don't have to worry about...we won't let anybody hurt you. W-we l... we love you Hyemi." he sighed with a small frown, embarrassed by his choice of words. "Am I really in love?" he thought as he sat there, waiting for Hyemi to respond.

"R-r-really?" Hyemi stuttered as she pulled down the blanket from her face to look into Kai's face, trying to find anything that would tell her he was lying. "Why would I of all people lie to you, Bambi?" he said a warm smile on his face as he looked into Hyemi's teary eyes.

A small smile spread on Hyemi's lips as she heard the nickname he had given her from so long ago. "Being around you brightens my day, but if I have to see you hurt like this, it hurts me even more. So keep showing that smile." he half smiled pressing his lips into a thin line as he gently placed his hand on her cheek wiping a tear away with his thumb.

"O-okay, I-i'll go." she breathed a small smile spreading on her face as she slowly sat up in bed. "That a girl, Bambi." Kai smiled wrapping his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "We have the rest of the today of just fun planned for you." he sighed, placing his head on top of hers.

"Thank you, Kai." she smiled hugging him back tightly as she buried her face in his chest. "There's no need for that, come on get ready, we'll be waiting for you okay." He half smiled as he pulled away from the hug holding her face with both his hands as he made her look up at him. She nodded smiling sweetly, "Okay let me get ready." she sighed, smiling up at him.

Kai nodded and proceeded out the door, as soon as he closed the door behind him, he stayed there holding onto the doorknob with one hand as he clutched at his chest with the other. "Get a hold of yourself Kai. You can't get like this." he thought, his heart beating rapidly against his ribcage, but he couldn't get it to stop.

"Kai? So is she okay?" Chen asked coming around the corner, enough to snap Kai from his little moment of panic. "Yeah, she's coming." he said shaking his head before he turned to him and together they walked over to the guys.

When they reached the others they joined them on the couch, waiting in silence for Hyemi to come out with them.

"Did she say she was coming or did you just assume she was coming?" Suho asked Kai as he stared at the hallway hoping Hyemi would come right out. Mentally Kai sighed as he shook his head. He got up without making a word and headed to Hyemi's room.

There he found her sitting on her bed fresh tears, visible on her gloomy face. He frowned a little as he saw her their sitting, it crushed his heart to see her like this. "Hyemi..." he said softly as he stood in front of her.

She tilted her head up to face him a small smile on her lips. "I know, I was just I...tell you something about...B-baek..." she said a little bit hesitantly, her lip quivering a bit. Kai nodded slightly as he took her hands in his, giving her a small comforting squeeze. "H-he was with another girl on the day...h-he b-..." she cried softly.

"Sh. You don't have to tell me..." he stopped her as he sat down beside her on the bed. "No...b-but something wrong with me?" she finished, leaning over into Kai's chest as she tried to stop her crying.

Kai gently took Hyemi's face into his hands, forcing her to face him as he wiped off her tears with his thumb, "Nothing is wrong with you, Hyemi and don't you ever think there is. Now come on the guys are waiting for us and you know how impatient they get, especially that brother of yours." Kai smiled pulling her up, Hyemi nodded a bright smile on her face as she walked on behind him.

"Thank you." she smiled as she took Kai's hand in hers, needing that small comfort for she was afraid she wasn't ready yet, but she had to face it, she was never going to be ready. Then they both headed to the living room where the others waited for them.

As soon as Suho caught sight of Hyemi he stood up from his seat striding over to her side and enveloping her into a warm hug. “Glad you finally decided to join us.” He smiled.

“Come on let’s go we have a long day of fun planned for you.” He finished pulling her along as she held on to Kai’s hand even tighter, causing him to be pulled along with her as the others followed behind.

“Yes let’s have some fun today. We need it.” They cheered.


FiffteenOctBaby and rainbow_bananas

for subscribing!! ^^

I decided to update today as a thank you gift to you guys!! ^^

and gifs ^^ enjoy!!


When he does this we do our victory dance


now for more funny ones ^^

Exo Gifs 14/100 cr:totheowner

Thats all for now till next time and thank you for reading my story ^^

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Chapter 17: Chapter 17: What happen??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baekhyun isn't fine is he? Is he still in some what pain or sickness? Why was he kept there longer besides the fact that it was mysterious? Is it connected to Tae Ran's grandfather? How could Baekhyun see her grandfather anyways? What was it that Tae Ran's grandfather said in the previous chapters to Baekhyun before he underwent the surgery?
What pain is Baekhyun feeling now? What did he see on Tae Ran's back?
What about Baekhyun's parents that made Tae Ran blush?
Why is Tae Ran always so suprised at "Friends" stuff? Did she ever have freinds? If she did what happen?
Is Tae Ran and Baekhyun going to like each other? I ship them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ElleoraPanda #2
Chapter 17: Wat happened?? Why isn't baekhyun happy?? Iiiickkk!!! I'm scaredddd!!
Wolf_97 #3
Chapter 16: OMG you don't know how emotional I got when Bacon`s condition got worse. I love the ending and I wish there was more like a sequel. Kam sam ni da unnie,time for this great story love you. nn
rainbow_bananas #5
Chapter 6: Oh no! What's gonna happen to Baekhyun?
Wolf_97 #6
Chapter 5: Authornm youre making me impatient...Otoke what is going to happen?! Happy 4th of July! Macys fireworks here in NYC Love the fanfic so far :)