Chapter 8

Assassin Twins

Your POV

Krista wasn’t that bad but she was far from the best. As of now you put her as average. C’s across the board except for an A in language and D- in hand to hand combat. You hoped it would be enough for the play that was happening in 2 days if she was ready or not. Her aim wasn’t bad when she was shooting at Seungri which amused you. But Russia is different. You have to account for the wind, trajectory and body control in the freezing cold. But most importantly she had to have the perfect timing. Timing isn’t something you can learn. It’s something you feel. You trusted her instincts but you know she hasn’t tapped into it fully or trust them herself yet. This could leave openings where she has a lapse in judgment and feel lost about what to do next instead of knowing she already has the answer. You just grabbed your bag you packed for the trip and went to check on Krista.

You: Your bag is too big.

Krista: Why?

You: It isn’t the size they will allow for a carry on and you want to get in and out of the airport. You want to look as average as possible. I know it’s hard for you not to stand out but you need to try.

Krista: Me! What about you? Miss I look like a hardened killer in designer clothes.

You: Do I look that way now?

You knew that Krista just realized that you didn’t and it shocked her.  You would have to teach her about the best ways to blend in later.

Krista: Dude you really do look like the girl next door. How’d you do that?

You: Contacts, side ponytail, jeans, and a pea coat.

Krista: I didn’t realize you had contacts! Cool. So you’re saying our hazel eyes stand out?

You: Really? You never get told how beautiful your eyes?

Krista: Good point.

You threw Krista some brown contacts that she could put on and left her room.

You: Pack lighter so we can leave. You have 5 minutes.

You went into the living room and used the intercom to tell the people in the basement to get a car ready to take you and Krista to the airport. Finally she came out and you went down to the basement.

Krista: Why do we have a driver?

You: You don’t want to leave a car at the airport. You want someone to drop you off and pick you up. Never rely on public transportation.

Krista: So someone is getting us in Russia?

You: Yeah. Don’t say that anymore.

Krista: What?

You: Where we are going, from now on say the code if you have to.

Krista: Okay.

You arrived at the airport so you got out first. The driver gave you an envelope and you handed it to Krista.

You: Read it.

Krista opened it and huffed.

Krista: The damn code again.

You: Shush. Just do your job and find out where we are going.

Krista: Fine.

You guys slowly made your way into the airport. After 10 minutes you took the letter and decoded it yourself.

You: Let’s go.

You walked into the women’s bathroom closest to the B gate before security. You walked through the bathroom checking to make sure no one was there before you pulled off the paper towel dispenser and took out an envelope. You opened it and took out passports and tickets.

You: Here.

Krista: What’s this?

You: Your passport and plane ticket.

Krista: Cool. Fake-

You hurriedly covered Krista’s mouth so she couldn’t finish what she was going to say.

You: You have to be mildly retarded. Why would you announce it out loud?

Krista sighed and you pulled your hand from before you left the bathroom to go to the security check. This is going to be a long play.


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I'm sorry to say I have to go on hiatus for a while. Too much going on in real life to write stories :(


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min_22 #1
Chapter 27: update????
Umma4life #2
story sounds good! can't wait to read
TwistedInsanity #3
please please update !
min_22 #4
Chapter 24: is this going to be updated?
Shizaya #5
Chapter 21: Yay author-nim! I really like how this story is going! Update soon~~
AKnight #6
Yongguk would be in this Story
YoungMiPark #7
New reader here ~
yorian #8
Chapter 8: Update please!