Three [AHRI]

The Other Half of Me

After spending what felt forever of trying to let this whole crazy idea of a man talking to me through a video to sink in, I finally stood up, and looked at this "Yixing" in the eye. Well, at least thats what I think I was doing.

"Alright, Yixing..." I started off. 

"So, you're here to help me... What... I mean, what are you trying to help me with? You're just a guy in the mirror and I don't even know if I'm imagining things or... I dunno... I just dunno..." I kept blabbing.

"I'm here to help you to have a better life. A life worth living for. I'm here to heal you." he replied calmly. 

"Heal me...?" I asked. 

"Yes. I am one of the twelve guardians of EXO planet..." he was about to continue until I rudely snickered at the word "EXO planet". Noticing that he stopped and glared at me, I muttered and apology and ushered him to continue.

"As I was saying... I'm one of the twelve guardians of EXO planet. Each of us were given a special power, such as teleportation, flight, fire and such. My power, is the power of healing. I have the ability to heal living beings before their last moments. Hence, I appeared to you before you tried to take your own life..." 

"What sort of healing...? You can't fix a broken family... can you?" I asked half-heartedly. 

"No... I do not have the ability to bring back those who are already dead, nor do I have the ability to change history. What I can do, is more like physical wounds and such."

"Then how are you supposed to mend my broken heart...?" I continued, trying to hold back my tears. 

"I... I..." for once, Yixing was stuttering and looked a bit lost.

I chuckled. 

"Exactly. Nobody, has the ability to mend a broken heart. Its not physical. Its emotional." I said cynically. 

Yixing said nothing, but he was looking at me with such a gentle gaze. 

"You're right. I do not have the ability to heal broken hearts, only time can do that. But while I heal your other wounds and help you towards your goal, I will let time slowly heal your broken heart too... I would not leave until you are physically, and emotionally, healed." he said sincerely.

"You would do that...? For a stranger...?" 

He simply nodded, and that was all the confirmation I needed. 

"You're smiling" he said.

And for once, he was actually right, as I touched the corner of my lips, and found myself smiling at the boy in the mirror. 

Maybe... Just maybe. It'll be okay...




For the next few days, Yixing appeared whenever I call for him. He doesn't just appear in the mirror that was hung in the bathroom, he told me that he could appear to any nearest mirror to me so that it'll be easier for us to talk. After acknowledging that, I found myself buying a small pocket mirror and kept it in my pocket. 

Now he's with me always. 

"Ahri, what's that?" Yixing asked, pointing to one of the paintings that I did that was on the wall.

"Oh... Its my painting... Why?"

"Its magnificient!" he praised my drawing.

"You think so?"

"Yeah! Are you an artist?"

"No... I just draw for fun" I answered with a smile.

Its true, with so much time in my hands, I found myself drawing to express most of my feelings and over time, I've mastered it. 

"You should be an artist..." 

"No way! I'm not THAT good." I gave him a weird look.

"I'm serious... Ahri, you could be making a fortune out of this!"

"But... how am I going to do this?" 

"First, you need a make over yourself" he smirked.

"And I know just the guy who is a professional when it comes to fashion" he continued while tapping his chin. 

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Chapter 4: aw this is so cute omg
Chapter 3: that's what they all say in the beginning lol "why would i do that anyways" lay seems like a pretty legit guy and omg kaisoo moment
Chapter 1: best song ever tbh
Chapter 1: sounds interesting! anticipating for your next chapter^^