The Other Half of Me


I turned around and saw Luhan running towards me, looking kind of pale and worried. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

"S-Superior... He wants to... see you..." he replied, panting. 

"What...? What did I do?" I started getting worried, numerous things running through my mind as I wonder what have I possibly done wrong over the last few days, weeks and months. 

He shrugged and pulled me along, leading me to the Superior. 

Before I knew it, I was already standing in front of the door of the Superior, with Kris and Suho standing by the side, guarding. 

"He's expecting you" said Kris coldly. 

"Its alright, Yixing..." Suho smiled warmly, in hopes, I guess, trying to comfort me for whatever's coming at my way. 

I gulped, and went in as the leaders opened the door for me. 

"Yixing..." the voice of the Superior bellowed.

The thing that makes the Superior scary, is not because of the punishment he so kindly bestowed upon us nor is it the way he looks. The Superior cannot be seen by anyone, but you can always feel his presence around. That, is what makes him scary. 

"Y-Yes... Superior." I tried my best to stop my voice from shaking with fear. 

"I have a mission for you, my son..." he said.

"There's this girl. She is going to attempt suicide, but its not her time to die yet. I want you, to console her. I want you to heal her. Once you've completed your mission, I will promote you into a higher rank." he continued.

Higher rank...? That means... That means I won't have to be the lowest out of the EXO Guardians anymore!

"H-How am I supposed to do that, sir?" I asked, hoping that it wasn't a stupid question. 

"You are to communicate with this girl through mirrors. You are not to cross the boundaries between EXO planet and earth. Do you understand?" his voice, now somewhat softer.

"Yes sir." I saluted. 

"The mirror that you need is on the table. It will allow you to talk to the girl in which ever mirror. All you need to do is to ask the mirror to show you the girl, and you'll appear as her reflection." 

"But sir, what is the name of this girl?" I wondered.

"Her name is Ahri. Kwon Ahri."

What a beautiful name.

"Remember, Yixing. You are not to cross between worlds." He emphasized on the matter. 

Why is he repeating that statement? Why would I wanna cross between worlds anyway?

"Yes sir, I understand" I bowed and made my way out the door. 

I was greeted by all the other 11 members as soon as I walked out the door, who were all worried for me.

I smiled and assured them that everything was okay, and I told them about the mission, but most importantly, the promotion that waits for me. 

"Its a celebration then!" Jongdae exclaimed happily, playing around with little sparks of electricity on his fingers. 

"Yes it is. Let's celebrate tonight!" Jongin followed and teleported himself right behind Kyungsoo to give him a back hug, causing the older boy to blush.

"Thank you guys. But I'd like to talk to this girl first" I responded. 

They all nodded, understanding the situation that I am in. 

"You'll do well, Yixing... Healing is part of you." Baekhyun said as he patted me on the shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze.

He's right... Healing is a part of me...

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Chapter 4: aw this is so cute omg
Chapter 3: that's what they all say in the beginning lol "why would i do that anyways" lay seems like a pretty legit guy and omg kaisoo moment
Chapter 1: best song ever tbh
Chapter 1: sounds interesting! anticipating for your next chapter^^