One [AHRI]

The Other Half of Me

My name is Ahri. Kwon Ahri. I'm 20 years old this year.

Life, has been really hard. I lost my parents at the tender age of 5 in a car accident, and I only have my older sister, Minah, to depend on. However, it wasn't long until my sister got caught up in the wrong relationship, and she too, left me. By the age of 17, I had to fend for myself. I wasn't popular in High School. The kids refused to talk to me. You are probably thinking that its only the popular or cool kids that stay away from me, well, no. Everyone did. Even the dorks and geeks, or even the goths, nobody, talked to me and they all stayed away from me. I was the lowest of all lows. 

I didn't mind though. I mean, how can I blame them? Ugly, dumb, poor and an orphan girl who wears the same clothes to school almost every day, even I wouldn't want to be friends with that kind of loser. 

Yes, I am a loser. 

So, you are probably also wondering, why then, haven't I taken my own life yet? Why do I still wanna live in this miserable life? 

Don't worry, because that is exactly what I'm going to do now... 

My name is Ahri. Kwon Ahri. I'm 20 years old this year... And I will die, today... 



I stood in front of the mirror, staring at it, wondering how cruel and how cold life has been treating me. I look at the reflection in the mirror, I see nothing but sorrow in my eyes, pain that I couldn't express through words, and ears that just kept on listening to all those harsh comments being thrown at me. A cold silence filled the air in the bathroom, all I can hear was the dripping of water from the tap. 

I slowly fixed my gaze on the razor that was lying there on the sink. 

Goodbye, world... Mom, Dad, Minah... I will see you soon.

I closed my eyes, and picked up the razor, sighed softly as I felt the tip of the blade on my wrist. 

I will be free.

Tears trickled down my cheeks as I whispered my final goodbyes to the world, and that's when I heard his voice. 


I look up at the mirror, and I no longer see my own reflection.

I see someone else, I see him.


"W-Who... Who are you?!" I yelled at the boy in the mirror. 

I tried pinching myself hard, to check if I was already dead or if it was all but a dream. 

"You're not dead... And you're not dreaming either" said the boy in the mirror.

"H-How, how do you know what I'm thinking?!" I trembled. 

"I'm here to help you... My name is Yixing. Zhang Yixing. And I'm here to help you" Yixing replied. His voice, so sincere, so gentle, so vivid. 

I took a step closer to the mirror and examined the back of it. Surely, someone must be playing a prank on me. People don't just simply pop up from mirrors and start talking to you. They just don't. 

"Ahri..." Yixing called out. 

"How do you know my name?! What is this? Is this some sort of magic or some sort of prank?! This must be a prank, right? Hahahahaha... Where are all the hidden cameras? Wow, you guys are good..." I clapped my hands, trying to sound cynical to cover up the fear that I was feeling.

"I'm as real as you, Ahri" he frowned.

"I'm here to help you. Please... Let me explain things. This is not a joke, Ahri-ah..." he continued.

And then it hit me. 

"Nobody... Nobody calls me Ahri-ah anymore..." I said, tears starting to form in my eyes. My knees finally gave in as I found myself kneeling on the floor, sobbing. 

"Ahri. I'm Yixing from EXO planet, and my mission, is to save you." he said firmly. 


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Chapter 4: aw this is so cute omg
Chapter 3: that's what they all say in the beginning lol "why would i do that anyways" lay seems like a pretty legit guy and omg kaisoo moment
Chapter 1: best song ever tbh
Chapter 1: sounds interesting! anticipating for your next chapter^^