The only Ally


         It was a sunny Sunday morning. Nana told Kris that she would be the one who cleaned the house because she had nothing to do while waiting for Kris to come home. Firstly, Kris refused but Nana kept insisting and finally he agreed. The husband fortunately got a day off. Usually, Kris had an informal meeting just to play golf or have a nice cup of coffee with one or some of his business partners. Not many people knew that He’s married yet and he thought he should at least introduce Nana to the Wus. He was about to tell her when the phone rang and she picked up.

         “Wu resident. Nana is speaking.” She stopped talking for a while and smiled. “grandpa? How are you?” She giggled cutely. “I’m fine too, ah yes, Kris is fine and he’s now reading a newspaper.” She tapped her chin twice, “hmm... I will ask him now. Please wait for a while, grandpa!”. Nana walked to the couch where Kris planted his on.

         “what?”, he asked her without averting his gaze from the newspaper.

         “grandpa said he wants us to give a visit.”, she mumbled.

         “fine.”, he put the newspaper down to the small table. Nana grined and started to talk again with grandpa. Kris chuckled seeing how cheerful Nana when it comes to the old man.


         They dressed casually. Kris wore a Polo shirt and jeans while Nana wore a knee length white dress. She didn’t expect to meet so many Wus but she managed to greet them all nicely eventhough she was aware that they disliked her.

         All of Wu family members gathered in their dining room. Grandpa came the last and told Kevin, Kris’ cousin, to lead the praying ritual. They ate in an uncomfortable silent. Kevin and his wife, Nicole, are the only ones that treated her good beside grandpa Wu.

         Kris had five cousins, they were Kevin, Zico, Emma, Jihae, and Hyerim. The oldest one was Kevin, he was married with a beautiful girl named Nicole and she’s currently pregnant. The second oldest was Emma, she’s still single. The rest were Jihae, Zico, and Hyerim. They were also not married yet. Nana could figure out that the strongest rival for Kris was Kevin. Both of men were the candidates of the heir of Wu company.

         “a dirty man married a dirty woman. Suit yourself.”, said Eunmi, Kevin’s mother, harshly. Nana knew already that Kris was an illegitimate child of Wu Jungho and his mistress, Wu Juan Yi. His father was a korean and his mother was a chinese, so Kris was a half korean – half chinese man.

         “like father like son, fall for a gold digger.”, added Mingjin, Zico’s father. Kris held Nana’s hand under the table and kept his face stoic. She knew he didn’t ask for a help or defense from Nana. He was just simply sorry because he dragged Nana into that kind of situation. She lost her appetite by hearing their cynic comments.

         “look at her! She looks ugly and cheap. Hahaha.”, Hyerim eyed Nana in amusement. “I’m sure even our gardener affords to buy her!” Hyerim was about to laugh again when Kris flushed her face with the remaining water inside his glass.

         “you can say anything about me, but never say anything bad about her!” he grabbed Nana’s hand and pulled her to stand.

         Emma raised from her chair, “you! Watch out your manner, Kris! You are not welcomed in this family! If only uncle Jungho wasn’t stupid and careless, you won’t be here! You should be thankful that grandpa take care of you! Show your respect! You are nothing without us! You have nothing to be proud about! You are just a dirty child of Wu Jungho! You are just a disgrace of our family!”


         The room fell back into silence. Nana slapped Emma. Everybody stopped moving and making noises.

         “stop badmouthing about my husband.”, said Nana calmly. “grandpa, I’m sorry for the commotion.” Nana bowed at him and dragged Kris out of the house.

         They were in the parking lot, Kris was still shocked by Nana’s attitude. “what were you doing? You will be having troubles in the future after what you’ve done!”

         “listen, Kris! You have me, grandpa, and your father! You are not alone! So stop swallowing all your pride and letting them do what they want!”

         “grandpa is too old to be involved and I hate my father. He killed my mother, that’s why I’m here.” He walked faster to his car.

         Nana ran and hugged him from the back. “at least you have me, Kris. I may be your fake wife, but I’m your ally. You’re not alone.”

         She was a sobbing mess when Kris turned around and hugged her tightly. “you know what? You look uglier when you’re crying. So, stop crying, will you?”

         “I’m crying because you don’t cry... hics... I’m crying to make you feel better... hics... I’m crying for you...” Nana rubbed her eyes carelessly with her knuckles. Kris smiled and kissed her forehead.


         Two days after that day.

         Nana was with Jooyeon, Uie, and Lizzy. Actually Kris told Jooyeon to assist Nana buying some nice dresses, but since Uie and Lizzy insisted they wanna joing the shopping spree, Nana couldn’t say no. Uie and Lizzy already knew about Nana being Kris’ wife. They cried when Nana told them that she couldn’t continue working in the company.

         “have you two had ?”, asked Jooyeon out of blue.

         “what? No no no!” Nana flailed her hands in the air.

         “hey! You two are a married couple! You should make love to maintain the relationship!”, protested Uie.

         “can we dropped this topic, guys?” Nana’s face was red.

         “seriously, Nana! How old are you? Five?!” Lizzy rolled her eyes.

         Lizzy and Uie were trying shoes when Jooyeon waited for Nana to decide which color she prefered. Jooyeon looked for a suitable hand bag for Nana’s dress and occasionally laughed at Lizzy’s silly behaviour. Uie was about to ask Nana’s opinion but Nana wasn’t there. She came closer to Jooyeon and asked her if she saw Nana but Jooyeon shook her head. Uie, Jooyeon, and Lizzy wandered around but Nana was no where to be found. Jooyeon started to panic and called Kris to tell him that Nana was lost. They have told the security and announced the information center but Nana still wasn’t back. Jooyeon was sure Nana was kidnapped.


         Kris got a call from a stranger. The stranger informed him that Nana was with him. Kris was furious. He called cops and they prepared themselves for the next call to track the kidnapper. The next call was a video call, the first view they saw was blindfolded and tied Nana on a chair. Nana seemed unconscious. The next sight was unexpected, it was Zico with a smirk planted on his face.

         “if you want me to return her safely, you have to come here alone. Without those dogs of yours. Come on, Kris! This is a family matter, hahaha...” Zico looked psychotic.

         The blonde haired guy sighed and answered, “fine... I’ll come. But if you dare to lay a finger on her. I won’t mind get jailed for murder case.”

         The call was ended. Kris rushed himself to the tracked place. He arrived in fifteen minutes. He kicked the door open. “what do you want, Zico? I’m sure this is not about money.”

         “I want you to kneel and my shoes.” He smirked.

         Kris hesitated for a moment, Zico wasn’t happy seeing that. So, he kicked nana’s waist till she winced and woke up. “Kris...” she whimpered.

         “fine! I’ll do that. Just let her go.” He already kneeled and was about to Zico’s shoe when Nana screamed, “NO!!!”

         “shut up, !” Zico spitted.

         Bang! Bang! Bang!

         “All hands up!” the cops came and rushed inside. Bang! Bang! They shot the gun in the air twice more. Kris ran to Nana’s side and opened her blindfold. He hugged her tight and untied her once he let go. “are you alright?”, he asked as he caressed her face. Nana nodded weakly. They sent Zico and his friends to the station and called and ambulance for Nana.


         “this is the second time I got hospitalized since I knew you, Kris. Ever since we met, I got troubled a lot.” Nana threw her gaze across the window.

         “I am sorry...” Kris looked down. He couldn’t bring himself to say that the first incident was planned by him.

         “it’s fine. My life wasn’t any better before this anyway.” She shrugged, still facing a window.

         “I wanna accompany you here but I have an important meeting to attend, Nana. So...”

         “just go.” Nana cut him.

         “alright... I’ll come again in the evening.” He slowly walked out of the room.


         Knock knock...

         “come in!” she turned her head to see her guest, little did she knew she actually wished Kris would cancel his meeting.

         “hello, Nana! I’m Wufan’s father. I heard a lot about you. Are you feeling fine?” a middle-aged man greeted her. He came with a young beautiful woman.

         “I’m fine, Mr. Wu.” She flashed a cute smile.

         “I’m sorry for not greeting and welcoming you properly. I was kind of busy. Anyway, I’ve just been here in South Korea for about two hours, haha.” He chuckled. Nana grined seeing Kris’ father’s chuckles. It looked just like Kris’.

         “how’s life, Mr. Wu?” Nana asked cheerfully.

         “just call me Daddy, my dear daughter-in-law. I feel good anyway!”

         Nana nodded her head. “has daddy met Kris?”

         “he doesn’t wanna see me. Okay, I think I should go now.”

         “why so hurry?” Nana puffed her cheeks.

         “I will let Jessica accompany you.” he smiled.


         “are you really married to Kris?”, the young woman who apparently named Jessica asked coldly.

         “yes, why?” Nana furrowed her eyebrows.

         “don’t you think you are in the way of his career?”

         “what do you mean?”

         “I’m his ex girlfriend, my name is Jessica Jung. I know his goal, he wanna be the number 1 in Wu family and company of course, so... why don’t you back off cause you are such a nuisance?”

         “are you stupid? Do you still love him?”

         “yes.” She said, no doubt in her eyes.

         “then why did you let him go?”

         “cause he needs more powerful woman to be with, I’m only a secretary. He needs a daughter of president company or chairman or something like that.”

         “if you really love him, you shouldn’t let him go. Cause if I were you, I will hold him no matter what. I can’t bear losing the one I love.”

         “he left me to marry you, ! Cause he needs you to be the heir. Blame that old Wu.”

         “that’s your fault. If i were you, I would tell him to not leave me and cancel the marriage!”

         “don’t you understand? Being the heir is his long life goal! I can’t ruin it! I can’t let him suffer because of me! Because I KNOW WHAT HE WANTS!”

         “love is not about knowing what he wants, love is about understanding what he needs, miss Jung.”

         Jessica was speechless, she left Nana just like that. Nana sighed again for the umpteenth time. She rubbed her forehead to ease the headache. What a complicated life she had. But one thing she knew was Kris needed him, she was the only ally he had.

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Tamagochan #1
Chapter 4: Finally their relationship getting better, kris please treat our nana well
Update soon authornim
yellowgirl #2
Chapter 4: Update please....
yellowgirl #3
Chapter 2: Update soon...
Nauxbah #4
Chapter 4: I LOVE KRISNA
Chapter 4: omg omg omg i love nana black hair
Chapter 2: uuuuu please update soon author-nim :'
leeyya #7
Chapter 2: chukkahae for graduating nana unni ♡♡ I wish you would get the job you wanted and be happy with your so wu yi fan ㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲ
Chapter 2: more more more.. i dont know kris this jerk.
i think he is bipolar
leeyya #9
Chapter 1: Yo its was an interesting story mayn. Its kind off fast actually but its okay. I got the syoryline. Keep it up and keep on updating babe!