Safely in Danger

Death sequence

¤¤Chapter 5¤¤

People continue to panic as they saw Jessica starting to fall unconscious again. Some people even tried to shout at her through the screen to not move so they can answer the thing on her arm.

Sungmin was staring at the screen trying hard to focus his vision; sadly the equation that they had written on the board doesn’t present much progress at all. Jessica has been in the tank for 3 minutes now, she’s wheezing and breathing through her nose as hard as possible. It was all she can do as she stared helplessly inside the tank.

All she can see was metal, the red lighting didn’t help her much as she felt much more uncomfortable and making the humidity much hotter. It was the worst she had ever experienced. It was hot, the area was tight, the whole place felt like and she knew right then and there that she was obviously dying. A tear fell from her eye.

I guess eomma’s efforts are going to waste

She lied back down and she decided to give up, she closed her eyes and slowly she felt the oxygen from the tank run out, It only took less than a minute before she couldn’t hold her breath anymore.

The whole class watched in horror as Jessica Jung, laid down into sleep. Unfortunately, forever.

Sungmin dropped down on his knees as he witnessed the death of his classmate. He stared into space and felt his surroundings get chaotic once more.

I’m so stupid, I couldn’t even help her

He continued to sit there until the teacher pulled him up.

“Ms. Jang eottoke?” Sungmin said helplessly, his teacher gave his hand a squeeze

“sit down for a while okay?” Sungmin nodded and headed towards a vacant chair near his friends who were sitting down as well.

It seems like their teachers managed to calm their students enough to let them sit as everyone was now staring at their teachers like the helpless children they were.

“Okay class, It’s obvious that everything is not under control” Mr. park said

“But don’t panic, the more we panic the more this becomes worse” Ms. Jang took something from the cabinet and placed it in front of the class

“Everyone this is an emergency kit, unfortunately this only contains first aid, 3 flashlights and food that could only supply one person for two days.” Everybody groaned in agony at what their teacher said.

Mr. Park shushed everyone up

“We need to go to the cafeteria for food and then we go straight to the library where the lock is more secure okay?” Some guys got ready but most were just sitting down, scared that they have to go out.

“What if someone gets taken again?” One of the students ask

“Don’t worry, we’ll keep each other safe okay? What’s important is we stick together” Mr. Park said but no one was a bit convinced, he sighed and faced the class once more

“Okay fine, how about the girls go straight to the library and a few guys go with me, Ms. Jang you could go with the girls and some guys also go with them okay?” Everyone was still scared but they agreed more to this plan than the other, everyone gathered their things and headed out.

Sungmins’ group of friends decided to join the group with Mr. Park when Sungmin volunteered to go.

Sungmin looked at his friends disapprovingly.

“We can’t ALL go, Ryeowook and Yesung you go with Ms. Jang okay?” He said as he knows very well that Ryeowook was just going because everyone was, he looked at Yesung and he knew that Yesung understood him, after all he was Wookies boyfriend.

“I’m going with you” A voice who Sungmin knew perfectly said from behind, he faced Kyuhyun and nodded his head.

Everyone headed out and the group was split into two.

The halls was dark and empty, it was obvious that the power source was out. It was a good thing that the kit contained three flashlights and that there was two extra flashlights in the teacher’s faculty. Everyone has their eyes wide and their ears hyper sensitive, every little sound and every little movement they could sense.

The light that the moon gave only made everything much terrifying.

The guys arrived at the lockers, Sungmin decided to walk towards it to search for useful things like food or weapons to protect them.

He failed to notice that the group has already passed him and he was left alone looking through the inside of the lockers.

His face paled and his body stiffened when he found out that he was alone. He panted and his heart stopped when he heard noises coming from the halls behind him. His heart beat quickened as he decided to turn his head. He turned around slowly with his eyes wide and his body stiff.

When he turned around he was relieved to find nothing. He sighed deeply and bravely continued his way towards the cafeteria, his heart was beating fast and he was fighting the voice in his head that said that he should just stop and hide in a corner.

It was like he wanted to cry when he saw a figure running towards him holding out a flashlight.

He stood there and just stared at the figure, his face was a mix of relief and a look like he was about to cry.

When the figure was close enough he realized it was Kyuhyun.

“Kyuhyun..” he breathed out

Kyuhyun immediately hugged him tight and Sungmin let him, he was too thankful to push the latter away.

“Sungmin, oh God” Kyuhyun said as he released Sungmin from the hug and held the others face in his hands

“Why did you do that? Do you know how scared I was?” A small smile tugged on Sungmin’s lips and he felt pathetic smiling at this kind of crucial moments.

“Sungmin stay close, stay close to me okay?” Sungmin nodded his head with Kyuhyun staring at him with these obviously worried eyes.

“You know what? That won’t do” He held the latter’s hand tightly and intertwined it with his.

“I’ll never let go of this until we’re in the library okay?” again Sungmin nodded his head.

What Kyuhyun said and what he did actually made Sungmin feel secure and better, Sungmin gave his hand a squeeze and Kyuhyun gave Sungmin a tighter squeeze, Kyuhyun gave him a soft gentle smile and they continued to walk.

They were behind the group but Sungmin felt less scared now that Kyuhyun’s with him.

When they arrived at the cafeteria everyone was already there and gathering as much food as they can carry.

“Sungmin, I’m glad Kyuhyun found you” Mr. Park said

“Nobody will part from the group from now on okay?” Mr. Park announced and everyone agreed.

True to his word, Kyuhyun didn’t let go of Sungmin’s hand even when they were gathering food.

“Kyuhyun, we would get more food if you let go of my hand” he said as he tugged on their intertwined hands

“No Sungmin, I told you I won’t let go of your hand until we arrive in the library, until I know that you’re not going anywhere else without me” Sungmin sighed and continued gathering food.

Kyuhyun rubbed Sungmin’s knuckles with his thumb. Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun who was looking straight ahead.

“You know all I want you to be is safe right?” Sungmin gave a small smile and his insides suddenly became warm contrasting the cold air around them.

“Thanks Kyu, I guess I really do need you” Kyuhyun whipped his head to Sungmin’s direction.

“Sungmin” Kyuhyun called, Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun with a questioning look

“Why are you doing this? You’re making me fall deeper in love with you.” Kyuhyun stated, Sungmin blushed and he hit Kyuhyuns arm lightly.

“Yah! How could you be like that right now?” Kyuhyun gave Sungmin a sweet smile and Sungmin blushed even more.

“Okay everyone let’s head to the library, again nobody will separate from the group okay?” Everyone nodded and they moved forward.

Suddenly noises were heard like chairs crashing. Sungmin moved to Kyuhyun even more, he didn’t care if he looked weak but he squished his self to Kyuhyun and hid his face to Kyuhyun’s arm.

He was traumatized, inside he was panicking and Kyuhyun could only look helplessly at Sungmin as the other whimpered and squeezed his self to his body, he wanted so badly to hug Sungmin but his other hand was filled with food.

“Stop, Oh God, please, Kyuhyun” he heard Sungmin whisper pleadingly as the noises continued growing louder and louder, nearer and nearer.

“ this” Kyuhyun said as he dropped all the food he was carrying and pulled Sungmin for a hug, the latter instantly wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun.

“Shhh, it’s alright” Kyuhyun whispered to Sungmin

Mr. Park gave a sign that signaled to be quiet, he gestured for everyone to follow him, everyone followed and they ended up inside a classroom. The guys barricaded the doors and hid.

Sungmin was still clinging to Kyuhyun showing no signs of letting go.

Kyuhyun rubbed the back of the smaller guy. Sungmin’s friends Donghae and Eunhyuk approached them and helped in comforting Sungmin.

“Min, it’s alright, we’re inside the classroom now” Donghae said softly

Eunhyuk could only look at his friend who was the strongest of them all, it scared him that even the strongest was scared out of his wits.

Sungmin hesitantly let go of Kyuhyun looking up to face Kyuhyun who gave him a loving stare.

That’s when his wits came back and he realized what he just did, he straightened up and hid his blushing face by looking away.

“Umm, t-thanks Kyuhyun” he said shyly

“Anything for you” Kyuhyun patted Sungmin’s head and stood up to help in the lookout

Sungmin was starting to calm down when his mind and heart panicked once again

“Everyone be quiet, hide and don’t make any noise” they heard footsteps moving closer, and some metal clanking.

And if that wasn’t enough, Sungmin saw eyes once he glanced at the door, staring straight through him.






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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 5: Thx for updating and not too much kyumin cuz we loovvveee kyumin, right and today is kyu"s birthday, right? Let's celebrate...
dickz1324 #2
Chapter 4: XOXO!! WOW!! The thrill keeps going on!!

P.S. Please also update the ongoing series... The Fluff or whatever.. I love that.. :)
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 4: Wow i can feel the suspense is getting on. Wil kyumin be okay?
caitykoala #4
Chapter 4: Didn't think you'd jump straight into the thriller part of the story, it was a little unexpected. But its getting really exciting now, I can't wait to see how they try and help Jessica, is it going to be Kyuhyun and Sungmin? Is there any Kyumin moments in the next update they're my favourite part of the story so far :)
ichathoriqlover #5
Chapter 3: Nice update, I like the way kyu always tries to win minnie over kekeke...
Chapter 3: My Guess is that the Korean movie is Death Bell
Sungminnie is like gyuri
And Kyuhyun is like kibum
Ryeowook is like Myungho(?) (character name in the movie/ gyuri's best friend)

Are you gonna like make sica drown in a tank :-(

Anyways i like it ! Can't wait for the horror to start >:) update soon!
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 2: I love this fic but somehow after reading the foreword, it feels like the calm before the storm, right? So what will happen next?
fanficfan499 #8
Chapter 2: hihihi~ so cute kyumin (-/////-)
Chapter 2: Ohhh I like this story! XD Kinda spooky~ ^^ But it's really interesting! I wonder about Sungmin's dream and why Kyuhyun is so clingy to him :O Please update soon! ^^
fanficfan499 #10
Chapter 1: omo so mysterious please update soon ^^