A Hopeful Reunion

Lost Fantasy


I watched the city of Seoul from above. It hadn't changed much from when I last saw it. I could see the old ice cream shop that my best friend and I used to go to, from an angle I even saw the park my parents used to take my brother and I to. I shook that thought from my mind before I got emotional. I then remembered why I decided to return, I need to face my past.

The plane started to descend. With a small bump the plane finally landed. I grabbed my backpack, but I didn't leave immediately. I was in no rush to leave.

 When I finally left the plane, I grabbed the rest of my luggage and sat at the waiting room. I was about to place headphones in my ears when I heard the deafening scream of my name.

"_____! Park _____! Yoohoo! Over here!" I saw a woman with short red hair frantically wave in my direction. She continued to scream my name catching not only my attention, but of the other people at the airport. I pulled my hat lower to cover my embarassed face, I grabbed my luggage from my side and casually walked by her.

"_____!!!" When I came near her she pulled me into an outrageously tight hug while spinning me around. She put me back down, I almost fell to the floor becasue of how wobbly my knees felt.

"Man, you've grown so big! I could barely recognize you, you even grew your hair out! It's cute and I-" she stopped.

She tried to look at my face from under the hat. I saw her cross her arms.

" What are you hidin' your face for, huh? You embarassed to be seen with me?" I immediately shook my head.

She grabbed my face in her hands, and stared at me long and hard. Then her expression softened.

"Good. Because I am a pretty awesome person to be with." she giggled and I even cracked a smile.

"There's that smile I've been waiting for." she said while piching my cheeks. when she let go I rubbed my face, I could feel the marks in my skin.

"Same old Hyojin, huh?" Right as the words tumbled out of my mouth she sent me her signature death glare.

"Who're you callin' old, Missy!" She sent me an accusing finger."Is that what you say to the woman who had to take care -excuse me- deal with you for seven years! and besides I am only ten years older than you!" she started to raise her voice again, earning more wierd stares from those passing by.

I smirked. "Yup. same old Hyo-yo." I grabbed my suitcase and started walking the direction opposite from her. I still heard her calling out behind me.

"Yah! Park _____! What have I told you about calling me that?!" I peeked back around, you could almost see the steam coming from her ears. I just laughed and continued walking. I knew where I was going.

She just stood there throwing a fit. Screaming on and on about teenagers, attitudes, and me. Wouldn't be surprised if she started to blow fire at anybody who started to stare at her funny.

I finally reached the place I was going to. The food court. It took seven hours on the plane, so yeah I'm hungry, deal with it. I ordered my food from one of the mini fast food restaurants and found myself a table.

A few seconds after I sat down you could hear the fast paced clicking of a woman's heels. The chair in front of me slid out and I saw her slam her purse down on the table.Then a fry was snached from my plate.

"Hey! That was so mine!" I looked up at to see Hyojin smirking at me. She ate the fry, right in front of me!

"You know, you haven't changed either." She smiled at me. There was a paused silence, then we both ended up laughing at each other.

After finishing up my food, we headed to the place I'm going to call home from now on. We stopped in front of a house I really did recognize. I looked at the house in shock.

Hyojin saw my expression, and laughed.

"Yeah, I know right?" She looked at the house " I never changed anything ever since you left. Your old room is still there too."

She looked at me with another smirk and lead me to my room, although I already know where it is. When I came to my room, I smiled when I  saw the door of my old room.

"Wow, you even kept the GET OUT sign on my door there." I saw her touch it faintly, adn smile. she opened the door to the room. Even it was was kept the same exact way I had left it, every single part of it. Even the trash in the small bin in the corner was still there.

I set my stuff down on the floor and just fell onto the bed smelling the aroma it still had. The pillow smelled like my conditioner.

"I'll get the rest of your stuff from the car." She said as she closed the door behind her.

IShe left me to think to myself. I smiled to myself thinking about how much nothing has changed. Maybe after I left the city, Seoul was frozen in time, only until I had returned. I laughed at my silly thought. Maybe being here with Hyojin wont be so bad, maybe I can move on here.

I rolled around on my bed excited that I might have a chance at a normal life without fear again. When I had moved round on the bed I felt something under my head. I looked at the pillow I was laying on, then I looked under it, nothing. I felt round for the object again and felt it, I reached into the pillow cover and felt a piece of paper. I pulled it out realizing what it was.

The photo I was holding was taken about a few months before rhe whole incident happend. That means that this family wasnt broken at that time. I saw my mother, father, and brother and I happily smiling, not knowing what would happen in time

"I remember when you used to stare at that picture for hours, with the same expression you have now." The sudden voice had scared me. Hyojin was in the doorway looking at me questioningly.

When I didn't say anything, she came in and sat next to me on the bed. We sat in silence for awhile. She starTed to look at the picture I was holding.

"You know, I can see how you guys are related. You look a lot like them. You really resemble your mother, but there are somethings that make you look like your father." I thought about what she said, and looked at my mother.

" You've got her brown hair wth the golden tint. See?" She said pointing at the picture. " You've also got her deep brown eyes. I've always thought they were like a sea of chocolate." she smiled at me.

"And what about my father?" I asked, so curious.

She looked back at the picture and then back at me.

" You've got his smile, a smile that is bright and carefree." She looked back at the picture and inspected it a bit, then, out of nowhere, she started to laugh.

"What? What is it? What are you laughing at?" I asked.

She looked back at me still smiling." You and your brother have something in common that your parents don't have. When you smile you both have that mischevious and evil glint in your eyes."

We both laughed. The laughing died down quickly,then there was a pause.

I felt how grateful I was to have Hyojin, she did her best everyday to make me smile again. Just like she did when we first met. She was like a mother, or even, the sister I never had.

I hugged her. She was a bit taken back by my sudden action, but then started to hug me back.

"Welcome home, _____." We broke the hug and she kissed my forehead. I yawned.

"You must be tired, how 'bout you go to sleep for today. I bet your sleepy from the plane ride." She walked to the door and flicked off the light switch. "Good night _____."

"Good night Hyo-yo." I said. I could hear her scoff behind the closed door.

And with that, I fell into the dark night sleep.


I really have nothing to say really. But thanks for reading my story. Don't forget to subscribe and please write feedback. Thank you!






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