The Past's a Nightmare

Lost Fantasy

"Here we are dear." Mrs. Lee said as the car came to halting stop in front of my home."You'd better get inside quick dear, it looks like it's about to rain."

I looked up at the sky, dark and gloomy. Definitely rain.

"Thank you so much, Mrs.Lee" I said. I had just spent the day with my best friend, Lee Taemin and his parents. But I am glad I am home to visit my own family. I hopped out of the car with my tiny legs, and ran to the front gate.

"Bye-bye _____!" I heard Taemin yell. I turned around to see him frantically waving his hand out the window. I smiled and did the same. When saw the car speed off I opened the gate and ran to the front door. I looked at the windows, all of the lights were out. I looked at the little hello kitty watch my mother bought me, and saw it was only 5 o'clock.

I rang the door bell,

no answer.

I rang it again,

no answer.

I knocked on the door but to my surprise it opened slowly, and with a deafening creak.

"Umma?" I called out, again no answer. I took a small step into the dark house.

"Appa?" I said taking another step into the house. "Oppa? Where are you guys?"

I heard it start to sprinkle outside, the rain lightly tapping on the window. But it quickly started ot speed up and you could hear the rain tap-tap-tap against the window, and the wind whistleing in the trees.

I took another step inside. All of a sudden the door slammed shut behind me, then a crack of thunder.

I let out a small whimper.

"Umma? Appa?... I'm scared." I was about to cry.

Another crack of thunder and a streak of lightning let me see the way to the living room. I tried to flip on the lamp swItch but it only flicked on once, and burned out.

I saw the candle Appa always used when he read, next to the lamp. I lit the candle and to my surprise it lit most of the room.

I stood in horror. My now limp hands dropped the candle onto the floor, it went out. A high pitched scream came from my mouth, and tears ran down my face.

I another streak of lightning followed by the crack of thunder, illuminated the bodies of my parents and brother on the floor. Unmoving, and lifeless.

Deep breathing could be heard behind me, I turned arund to a masked figure, a knife in his hand. Through the mask I could see his eyes. Eyes that showed the lust for blood to be shed.

My woke up with a start. I was breathing heavily. I could hear my heart beating at a quickened pace. I looked around to see myself in my apartment, nobody else but me. I held my face in my hands.

"Why can't I forget?" I whispered. I brought my hand to my throat. My finger tips brushed over the scar of the wound I had gotten that very night.

I looked around my room. Everything in boxes and bags, piled in the corner. It looks like the way it was the day I moved here, almost three years ago.

I sighed. "I have to do this, don't I?"

I picked up the ticket from my dresser beside my bed. The words printed on it said Seoul. ​I​ am leaving this place, this place I used as a sanctuary from the memories I tried so hard to forget. I am going back to face my fears, and hopefully I will finally forget and move on with my life without waking up every night from a nightmare. I need to go to Seoul.

"I'm coming home."

 Hello, thank you for taking the time to read my story. To be honest I have a bad feeling that my story will probably fail. Oh well.  I would love to hear any feedback or comments, or even corrections about my story. Thank you so much and I will update asap.








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