
life with cnblue

phone conversation

"hello is this mr lee jonghyun i am amanda's teacher  " amanda's teacher said on the other line 

" yes i am how may i help you " jonghyun said feeling worried

" amanda fainted in school please come and pick her up " the teacher said on the other line 

end of phone conversation

jonghyun rushed to the school to pick her up and saw amanda lying in the bed at the  sick bay 

" oppa " amanda said regaining conciousness 

" amanda don be scared oppa is here i will bring you home " jonghyun said carrying amanda to the car 

he brought amanda to see a doctor 

after doctor 

" amanda i ma going to the office do you want to go to the office with the other oppas " jonghyun said looking at amanda 

" i have just taken my medicine and i want to sleep because the medicine makes me drowsy " amanda said weakly 

" i thought so ok i will bring you home " jonghyun said sighing 

at home after making sure amanda was ok he left for work 

"how is dongseang " yonghwa asked feeling worried 

" don worry she is ok  just that she did not eat anything for her recess thats why she fainted she has eaten her medicine and is resting " jonghyun said assuaring them 

" why did she not eat " minhyuk said frowning 

jonghyun shruck his shoulders and continued his work 

a/n: why did she skip her recess and not eat anything 

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