life style of cnblue part2 (minhyuk's birthday )

life with cnblue

" jonghyun hurry up and come downstairs " yonghwa shouted making breakfast 

" that is my eldest oppa " amanda sai to the camera man 

" coming" jonghyun came downstairs with only his shorts on 

" eek oppa where is your shirt " amanda shouted as minhyuk came downstairs and covered amanda's eyes

"jonghyun wear your shirt mind you we have acamera crew here " yonghwa shouted as jognhyun went back upstairs 

luckily the camera did not capture jonghyun as jungshin blocked the camera man when minhyuk was blocking amanda's eyes 

" sorry about that  he was 2nd oppa and he does that at home all the time " amanda said to the camera 

at the breakfast table 

" minhyuk stop hitting your drumsticks on the  table and finish your breakfast " yonghwa said 

" i am done i am going upstairs to change " amanda said leaving the table 

in your room everyone gathered there including jungshin and yonghwa after their breakfast 

" everyone it is minhyuk oppas birthday today " amanda said lighting the candle on the cake 

then they went downstairs 

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da ,

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da, 

sarang ha neun minhyuk 

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da" the hyungs and amanda sang 

minhuk was almost in tears 

" happy birthday oppa " amanda said hugging minhyuk 

" thanks dongseangie " minhyuk said ruffling your hair 

later amanda felt that funny feeling in her again 

" minhyuk oppa " amanda shouted 

" again " minhyuk said knowing what it was 

" come here " minhyuk said siting in the floor 

amanda leaned against minhyuk 

" amanda what is wrong" the other guys came 

" i got her it is ok " minhyuk said smiling 

" how many eyes does oppa have " minhyuk said 

" 100" amanda said smiling 

" 100?" minhyuk said moving amanda's frinch 

the guys removed the camera from amanda's hand and held it 

" count with oppa 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,you are ok ,11,12,13,14,15,16 " anad suddenly amanda stopped shaking 

" are you ok " the cnblue members said smiling at her 

amanda just did a peace sign to the camera 

"sorry about that guys that happens to me well thats it for this episode of ifestyle of cnblue see you next week guys bye " amanda to the camera 

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