tremor of epilepsy

life with cnblue

amanda was inside her room doing her room playing her electric guiter when she felt something funny going on with her body she knew what it was immediatly and shouted for minhyuk he immediately dashed upstairs 

" is it starting " minhyuk said closing the door behind him 

" yes " amanda said feeling scared 

" come and lean against me " minhyuk said holding on to amanda 

" let me take out your electric guiter from  you real quick " minhyuk said removing the guiter from amanda 

" let's count together oppa is here " minhyuk said smiling at amanda 

" how many eyes does oppa have " minhyuk said making amanda calm 

" zero " amanda said joking 

" zero " minhyuk said pushing amanda frinch behind 

and then it started 

" 1,2,3,4,5,6 you are ok 7,8,9,10" minhyuk counted with her and  everything stopped 

" are you ok " minhyuk said as soon as amanda  stopped shaking 

" yes oppa " amanda said smiling 

it was a habit of  amanda's to call minhyuk everytime she has a fit 

she went back to practising her electric guitar until the rest of the memebrs came back 

" are you ok amanda " jungshin said after hearing what happen 

" i am fine oppa it is over  " amanda said smiling 

amanda was happy that minhyuk was around she would have freaked out if she were alone 

p/s :here are some gifs of cnblue members to thank you for supporting me 

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