Chapter two.

DaeJae's Adventures

{'Chapter two}~




Everyone stood completely still in a straight line, holding their breath, as Himchan started counting them.


“1...-” He pointed at himself first, and then counted each member from the oldest to the youngest, pointing at each person. “...-2, 3, 4, 5. I think that's everyon– wait, where's Jongup?!”


The second oldest of the pack started panicking, screaming his child's name in hopes of the younger boy hearing him, which was pretty unrealistic considering they were standing in the middle of a crowded airport, and the only people actually hearing his pathetic screams were two security guards who were now heading their way.


Youngjae, being the only person who actually noticed the guards, quickly tried slapping his hyung's mouth shut. Sadly, the situation quickly changed to the exact opposite of what Youngjae had intended.


“Yah! Youngjae! Let go of me! Yongguk, help me for god's sake!” Himchan threw another fit, waving his arms wildly in the air as he tried getting the younger boy off him. Just then, the security guards decided it was a good moment to in.


“What's going on here?!” One of the guards pried Youngjae off the panicked male, holding on to him as if he was some kind of criminal, leaving Youngjae to stand beside the stranger with a confused expression.


The other guard rushed to Himchan's side, trying to get him to calm down.


“Now, tell me what happened” The guard patted Himchan's back affectionately, as if comforting a little child. And boy, did Himchan tell him.


He started telling about his whole life story, maybe leaving out some minor details, before he actually got to what the guard had originally asked him about. Unfortunately, that part came out as a bunch of muffled words and sounds that didn't make that much sense.


“I lost... and then.... my child... and I tried to... but he wouldn't...-” Himchan went on and on, and it was visible on the guard's face that he was trying his hardest to understand what was being said.


At some point, after 13 minutes or so, the guard decided that Himchan was unable to cope due to the traumatic experience. The security guard then turned to Youngjae – who was still being held back by the other guard, even though he didn't try to move an inch – and started questioning him.


Youngjae, clearly, had no idea what was going on. The guards kept saying a bunch of stuff that sounded a lot like some kind of secret-code language, which only confused him even more. He looked at the other four boys with a pleading look, silently asking them what the hell was happening. The others looked equally confused. They- wait, where was..? Youngjae frowned as he noticed the two oldest of the group weren't there anymore. At this, he started to get more and more nervous about this whole situation.


Then, it happened. The words that made his mouth drop open and his soul to fly out of his body.


“Sir, I'm afraid you'll have to come with us due to suspicions of you molesting another person publicly”


The guards each grabbed a hold of a now unconscious Youngjae's arms, and dragged him off to some kind of investigation room.


Daehyun looked around, noticing that there was only himself and Junhong left. Without having time to wonder about where the others disappeared off to, he quickly went after the guards, grabbing Junhong's arm and starting to drag the maknae down the large hall as well.


“This is a misunderstanding!” Daehyun called after them, now running to get inside the elevator the guards got on, only to smash in to the doors that decided to close themselves right then.


With his nose now hurting as if a rhino had stepped on it, he pulled himself up from the floor with the help of Junhong's leg, and cursed at the amount of times he had fallen down that day. Junhong let out a deep breath, closing his eyes and shaking his head a couple of times. Daehyun turned to him, knowing that the younger had something he wanted to say – and he was right.


“Seriously, hyung. This is so not cool” Junhong mumbled, seeming embarrassed by the whole situation.


Daehyun silently agreed, though he would never give Junhong the pleasure of knowing that. Instead, he let out a scoff and grabbed the younger's arm once again.


“Come on, we need to help Youngjae!”


And off they went once again.





Somewhere in the center of the airport, in a perfume shop, Jongup wandered around, confused about his own whereabouts. The poor puppy got lost earlier when he, by mistake, followed a random man with a pink suitcase, thinking it was his favorite hyung. Boy, did he get a shock when the man turned around, seeming to be a young foreign guy with freckles, glasses and teeth that obviously were too big to be hidden in his mouth. He literally ran away from the man, trying his hardest to find his way back to the place he had last seen the pretty face of his lovely hyung, but to no avail.


He looked at the big, silver clock on the wall, feeling his stomach drop when he saw that there was only 1 hour and 47 minutes until they had to board on their flight. He looked around, starting to get desperate. He was ready to do anything, well... almost.


With hesitant steps, he slowly walked up to one of the shop-assistants, standing a bit awkwardly before getting the courage to ask for their help.


“Uh... Um... E-Excuse M-M-Me?”


The shop-assistant turned around and smiled politely, only to make Jongup more nervous and regret this even more.


“Yes? What can I help you with?” The girl asked politely, putting some of the perfume bottles back in the boxes, and leading Jongup to the counter.


“I... I just... I don't know.” He said stupidly, wondering how it was possible for a person to be as awkward as he was. “I mean, I think I'm...” He took a deep breath before he continued, preparing himself to let all of his pride go by that one word, “-...lost.” He looked down in shame, arms behind his back, as if he was expecting the assistant to scold him or something.


It was silent for a couple of moments – an awkward silence. He dared to look up through his bangs, only to see the assistant stare at him, looking a bit confused and also unsure of how to react, before she let out the smallest of squeals and then giggled softly, making Jongup blush.


“AWW! So cute!” She said more to herself, before she turned to him once again and went back to professional mode. “Don't be embarrassed, things like that happen in an airport. Just one second.” She said and typed something on the computer in front of her, before walking around the counter and leading him out of the shop.


She led him up a bunch of stairs – why they didn't use the elevator, Jongup didn't know – before they finally made it up to a big, white, clean hallway with lots of doors. They walked in silence for a couple of minutes, though no matter how long they walked, the hallway seemed to stay the same, Jongup noticed.


They even passed by Daehyun and Junhong on the way. The two seemed to be in a rush, but stopped walking once they caught sight of Jongup. Daehyun even screamed out to him, asking what in the world he was doing. The shop-assistant, however, didn't even seem to notice them, as she was still walking up in front of him, skipping and humming happily, so Jongup didn't think much of it. Instead, he smiled innocently, and waved at them, greeting them like the polite puppy he was, and kept following the nice lady who was leading him to god-knows-where.





Daehyun was struggling with dragging Junhong up the 1110 flights of stairs (he wasn't exaggerating... nope, not at all...) At some point, the much taller boy decided that he didn't want to help himself and move his legs anymore, forcing Daehyun to literally pull him up the stairs. His poor hyung was tired, breathless, and coughed every time he tried to catch his breath.


Hyung is actually quite pathetic, Junhong thought, laughing creepily to himself.


Suddenly, Daehyun stopped his movements and let go of the maknae's arm, resulting in the younger boy falling down on the hard (but surprisingly clean) floor. Junhong looked up in annoyance, but also he became somewhat surprised when he saw the member they had been missing, the one person who was at fault for all of this chaos, walking around with some pretty girl.


Hey! Jongup! Jongup! JONGUP!” Daehyun immediately called out to the group's second youngest, only to receive a confused look, and an awkward wave in return.


Both boys stood dumbfounded as their small, innocent puppy walked away with the girl, not even sparing them a second glance. Daehyun recovered fast though, and continued walking, muttering something about not having enough time for this stuff, and before Junhong knew it, the elder was out of sight.


It took some time before Junhong realized that the older boy really had left, and some more time before he realized that oh, he too, was lost. So, lost and alone, Junhong walked towards the only direction he thought would be safe enough; where the pretty girl went.





Jongup wasn't the brightest of people (though he liked to think of himself as a “hidden genius”), so it really was no surprise when he stood in front of some office man, and quite simply put, didn't know what to do with himself. Luckily for him though, he had the assistant-girl help him with that.


“This young man got lost from his family.” She explained to the man sitting behind the neatly organized desk.


The man smiled kindly, turning to look at Jongup. “Oh you poor thing...” He said, almost looking at the boy as if it was his own child, “Don't worry, we'll fix this.” He said, pushing down some button on a small weird-looking machine before starting to talk – a speaker, Jongup found out once the loud sound of the man clearing his throat boomed through the room and probably the whole airport.


“Excuse me, all travelers!” He announced loudly. “We have a young man here who is lost from his family, his name is... ah-” He covered the speaker-microphone with his hand and turned his attention back to Jongup, who stood awkwardly in the middle of the suddenly big room, feeling like a little 8-year old kid.


“What's your name?” The man asked, and by the look on his face, he wanted an answer as fast as possible.


“Joon Mongu- I mean Moon Jongup!” The poor boy blushed once again, wanting nothing more than to hide in his hyung's pretty champagne-pink colored pillows and hide his face from the world.





“Himchan! Yah! Slow down!” Yongguk panted, chasing after a completely panicked Himchan, who was desperately calling out his favorite dongsaeng's name.


“Jonguppie! Jonguppie where are you?!” He screamed, ignoring the frightened looks he got from people. One guy even called out: 'shut up or I'll call the police on your round '. Himchan ignored him as well.


Finally, Yongguk caught up to him, grabbing his arms and pushing him against a wall. In any other situation this would've been hot. A sweaty, breathless Yongguk pinning an aggressive and "feisty" Himchan against the wall in public... well, Yongguk would probably have been a bit too, if it wasn't for Himchan kicking him in his private area, then running away while continuing to call Jongup's name.


“Excuse me, all travelers!” A voice announced in the speakers, making everyone quiet down and look up.


Himchan stopped in his tracks as well, looking back to see Yongguk slowly crawling his way over to him.


“We have a young man here who is lost from his family, his name is...-” Suddenly the voice got caught off, and muffled voices in the background were the only things that could be heard. There was an awkward silence in the big room for a couple of seconds before the voice returned, continuing with the message, “His name is Moon Jongup. If you know Jongup, please come to the main office. Thank you.” Then a click was heard, and people started talking again, noise filling up the airport again.


“That's my baby!” Himchan yelled, immediately taking a hold of Yongguk and running off towards the direction he thought the office was, completely ignoring Yongguk's yells about the office being in the opposite direction.





Daehyun was so caught up in saving his best friend, that he didn't even notice leaving Junhong behind. He rushed through the large hallway, opening every door in sight to check if Youngjae was inside. Luckily the first few doors he opened had been empty, though his luck apparently ran out at some point during his search.


He was sure he had seen it all by now; a small, chubby office-worker doing some supposed-to-be y dance moves to an 80's song, an office filled with eggplants – to which the owner didn't seem too pleased with Daehyun entering so rudely and threw her heels at him, an office-worker (a pretty important looking one at that) making out with his male assistant, and last but not least, the snake who tried to attack him as soon as he opened the second-last door (Daehyun decided he would warn someone about it as soon as he found Youngjae).


Feeling defeated, he dragged his feet as he made his way towards the last door. It was smaller, darker, and less clean than the others. It didn't fit in with this part of the building at all. The sight almost looked ridiculous. Shrugging to himself, Daehyun opened the last door, expecting the worst. Though what he wasn't expecting, was the sight of his best friend sitting alone on a small plastic chair in the tiny room, his hands handcuffed and placed on the wooden table in front of him.


“Oh my god. Jae!” Daehyun rushed to his side, taking his friend's face into his hands.


Youngjae glanced at him with tired eyes, looking a bit confused, then realization hit him. “Dae, you got to get me out of here! They have been questioning me ever since I stepped into the room! They gave me water, but they didn't even let me use the bathroom! They went to get their lie-detector!” The younger seemed absolutely traumatized.


Daehyun took a moment to absorb the situation, but figuring that he had no idea what to do, he just pulled the boy up and ran to the nearest restroom.


“What are you doing?!” Youngjae yelled in fear, not understanding Daehyun's way of thinking at all – but then again, he never did.


“What, you said you needed to go to the bathroom right? Well, here!” He gestured to one of the stalls.


Youngjae scrunched up his nose. Surely he wasn't serious, was he?


“Daehyun I-”


“Hurry up!” His best friend pushed him into one of the stalls before he even had the chance to finish his sentence.


“Daehyun! I can't!” He snapped, holding up his handcuffed hands in front of the older boy, who just stared at them in confusion until...


“Oh...” He stopped pushing the younger and thought for a second, but he figured that he probably wasn't smart enough to come up with a solution, so he continued pushing the younger, even harder this time.


“Do it anyway!” He said, as if it was the easiest task in the world.


“No! I refuse to-”


The door to the restroom was violently kicked open, shocking both boys. Daehyun, being the quick thinker that he normally was not, took this as a chance to push both him and Youngjae inside the very small and disgusting stall.


“Where did that little rascal disappear off to?”


Youngjae's eyes doubled in size. “It's him!” He panicked.


Daehyun put a hand over his friends mouth, shutting him up. They kept quiet as they heard the security guard take a step inside the restroom. Daehyun looked back at Youngjae.


“There is only one..?” He questioned, clearly remembering that there were two guards dragging Youngjae away earlier.


“The other went to eat his lunch.” The younger explained, and Daehyun nodded in understanding, hearing his own stomach growl by the mention of lunch.


Both boys' eyes widened at the sound. The guard seemed to hear it as well, as the footsteps now approached the stall they were hiding in, making them panic even more. Daehyun then looked at Youngjae with serious eyes, making the boy fear of what was going to happen.


“When I remove my hand, I want you to moan” Daehyun said, dead serious. Though Youngjae clearly disagreed with the idea.


“What?! That would make them more suspicious of me than they already are!” The younger whispered after pulling Daehyun's hand away from his mouth.


Daehyun sighed in frustration, “He's not going to find out it's y-”


“Who is in there?!” The guard the said, taking step closer to the stall, ready to open the door that they unfortunately forgot to lock.


“...” Daehyun whispered, locking his eyes to Youngjae's. “Just do it!”


“No way! That guy knows what my voice sounds like! And why does anyone have to moan?!” He asked, pulling at his own hair. “You do it!”


Daehyun hated to admit it, he really hated to admit it, but Youngjae was probably right. So with a final look towards the door, which was about to be opened, he let out the most realistic moan he could force out of himself.


A gasp and retreating footsteps were heard from the other side of the door, before the door to the restroom was slammed shut. But Daehyun couldn't care less about where the guard ran off to at the moment. He had just done the most humiliating thing he had ever done in his whole life, and in front of his best friend! His face heated up until it felt as if it was burning, as thousands of thoughts ran through his head. Avoiding his the younger's eyes, he slowly slid down the door until his body met with the cold floor.


Youngjae was pretty sure he had never heard anything so disturbing in his whole life. His whole body shivered as he stood there, staring at his friend in shock.


Oh my god.


He shook all kinds of weird thoughts out of his head and bent down a bit, reaching out his hand for the other to take. The older boy looked up in confusion, and Youngjae couldn't help but smile at how embarrassed his best friend looked.


“Um... I guess... Thank you for... that...” The younger said awkwardly, feeling a bit guilty about making his best friend (or as Daehyun called it 'bestie'), do something like that.


“It was nothing... That's what friends are for, right?” The older boy tried to return the smile, as his own hand reached up to meet Youngjae's.


Just as Youngjae was about to pull him up, the stall door opened, making Daehyun fall on his back and take Youngjae down with him. Of course, Youngjae had to land right on top of Daehyun. Of course, it just had to look like was pinning the older down, hand on Daehyun's wrist and legs on either side of the older's hips, straddling him. And of course, it just had to be the two security guards standing there, shaking their heads at them.


“Well, well. We can't be away for 10 minutes without you going off to find your next victim...”


You gotta be ing kidding me.





It had been a very long and tiring day.


Himchan and Yongguk had finally found the right way to the main office, when they bumped into Daehyun and Youngjae, as the two were being dragged away by the two security guards from earlier. It had taken a lot of talking, yelling, hitting, and a bit of flirting, from Himchan's side, before they finally convinced the guards of Youngjae's innocence (more like scaring them away but as long as it worked, it didn't really matter).


Jongup was safe and sound as well. They found him sitting on the floor in the main office, watching cartoons on the office-worker's computer. The man was creepily smiling the whole time they were there until they all bid him farewell, Jongup even walked up and hugged the man before they left, which came as a surprise to everyone because the second youngest was normally quite awkward with physical affection.


Now, 34 minutes before they had to board their plane, everyone was relaxed and happy, sitting around a small table at one of the cafés in the airport. They sipped their hot chocolates and coffees, talking quietly among each other.


“Woah. So many things happened today...” Daehyun yawned, stretching his arms.


“I know! I was so worried about you, Uppie,” Himchan said, his eyes falling on the small puppy who was taking a sip of Yongguk's coffee, coughing as soon as he gulped some of the bitter liquid. “Don't ever run away like that again!” Himchan warned, before he returned to drinking his americano.


Jongup just nodded in agreement, spitting the rest of the gross coffee back in the cup and pushing it back towards the oldest of the pack, thanking god when Yongguk didn't notice anything. Jongup then looked at every person sitting around the table, looking a bit confused, but he always looked confused so no one really paid attention to him.


“It's just so nice that everyone's together again. Really, let's not get separated like that again, especially now that we're going to another country.” Youngjae said, glaring at a particular person seated beside him, though Himchan didn't notice a thing.


“Um... About that, guys...” Jongup said quietly, turning all attention towards him.


“What is it?” Yongguk asked, taking a sip of his coffee and making a weird face, looking down at his cup thoughtfully, before shrugging and taking another sip.




“Attention all travelers!” A loud voice said through the speakers, “There is a young man who says that his friends are lost. His name is Choi Junhong, if you know him, come immediately to the main office. Please hurry, he's saying something about jelly and tomatoes... I think he's hungry.” Then a soft 'beep' was heard, indicating that the message ended.


All five boys looked at each other, with eyes bigger than Jongup's love for Chris Brown, in fear and confusion. Then, Himchan immediately started all over again...


“1...” He counted himself first, as always, “...2, 3, 4, 5...– damnit!” He cursed, grabbing his bags and shooting up from his seat.


Oh great. Here we go again.





So... Hi guys, I'm sorry I didn't update! My computer crashed, and then came back to life and then it didn't work and many things happened. .__.

Here's the second chapter! I'm sorry it's boring and not funny but I had to get back into it like, re-do the plot and everything. I hope it's okay though, and that you aren't disappointed! English isn't my first language, and I haven't had the time to proof-read it so I apologize for any grammar errors!

Thanks to everyone who subscribed and commented, it made me so happy! c:

Thank you very much for your patience!



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Hey guys, my computer crashed, so i'm afraid i won't be able to update for a while, since the story was on it. I'll try to rewrite it on my phone. Sorry!


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please update author-niiiiim!!!! >< :'(
Chapter 3: I don't mind that it took so long because this was AWESOME!! I lurved it!!!! :D I can relate all too well to Daehyun's "hands of destruction". A similar situation stands out in my personal memory... :)
Chapter 1: Hahahah seriously their adventures are truly funny :)

It seems that Himchan is a frightening person apparently --- since Youngjae and Daehyun are freaking out :/
omg I love this! Really good~ :D
v3aish #6
Chapter 2: omg this was so funny!!! jongup as a lost puppy, jae as a ert, himchan in umma mode - soooo good!!! and they havent even left the country yet lol looking forward to the rest of their trip lol
Chapter 2: So funny XD *dies of laughter* and yey you updated!!
jongupie the puppy is soo cute *I can actually imagine him wagging his tail*
poor Youngjae, been mistaken as a ert *bad, bad Himchan* but then Daehyun to the rescue >W<
Chapter 2: hahahh they're misadventures are hilarious =]
Chapter 1: DaeJae is soooo funny lol and this will definitely be a long trip lol
Chapter 1: Ahhh I'm really loving this!
I'm looking forward to the next update!