Chapter three.

DaeJae's Adventures

Chapter 3


After rushing to get Junhong back and making sure they weren't missing anyone else, they all made it safely inside the airplane (safely as in Himchan tied them all together with a rope he found in a trashcan somewhere nearby), only to find out three hours later that they boarded the wrong ing plane.





“Come on Youngjae, it's going to be okay.” Daehyun tried to comfort his friend, who had been sitting in the tiny airplane-restroom for about half an hour.


“No... Daehyun you don't understand!” Youngjae yelled from the other side of the door. “I was supposed to meet with my parents there! We were supposed to see the Great Wall of China together! I already paid for everything!” He sobbed loudly.


Daehyun sighed, feeling really bad for his best friend. Honestly, Daehyun had no idea how something like this was even capable of happening. Things like this shouldn't be able to happen, (like what the actual ? Just how) He felt as if he was in some ridiculous comedy movie or something.


“Jae, open the door. You know it's really hard to try to comfort you from out here.”


The door was slowly opened and Daehyun squeezed himself inside the tiny room, locking the door at once. He was met with the sight of his best friend, sitting on the floor, looking as depressed as ever with his face hidden in his hands. Daehyun had never been good at comforting people, everything tended to get much worse when he tried. Which is why coming in here to a sobbing, depressed Youngjae maybe wasn't the best idea now that he thought about it.


“Um... It's okay Youngjae... Let's go out to the others and sleep or... something. Let's go out and do stuff.” Daehyun sat down next to his friend, slightly cringing at his own awful attempt at getting Youngjae to feel better.


“No... It's not okay! Go away!” Youngjae sniffed, “Airplanes make me sick! I can't stand being here for another two hours!”


The older boy awkwardly patted the other's shoulder, trying to come up with something to say, and for the first time in years, he actually had an idea. A brilliant one. (Maybe not so brilliant but in Daehyun's opinion, it was)


“Let's go out and get something to eat, Youngjae. I'm pretty sure some cute flight attendant has come by with something tasty to eat by now–“ Youngjae, however, had no intention of hearing him out.


“Are you seriously trying to bribe me with girls and food? I'm not you!” The younger slapped Daehyun's head, muttering something about hoping to slap the stupid out of him, making Daehyun wonder what he ever did to always make Youngjae so angry.


Still, the older jumped up with a big smile on his face, not letting himself get bothered by Youngjae's mood. He grabbed the younger's hands and tried pulling him up as well, earning himself a glare that seemed as if it was from satan himself.


“Let's get out of this disgusting place, Jae~” He said cheerfully, his free hand reaching forward to unlock the door.




A sound of something being broken echoed in the tiny restroom. Youngjae's eyes widened, immediately turning to look at Daehyun with a horrified expression – an expression he had seen the other give him all too often.






“What was that?” The younger looked as if he would faint, and Daehyun could already feel the fear spread inside his body.


“It was nothing! Nothing, just... Just my stomach! I'm so hungry!” He yelled, swinging his arms around in the air, “But hey! I actually really like this place. Look at these pretty yellow walls! Let's just stay in here for a while. Until someone comes and finds us, okay?”


“Daehyun, you are so dead.










“Hyung... Hyung... Hyung... Hyung–” Junhong tried getting Himchan's attention, only to receive a light slap on his forehead instead.


“Mmm... Go away Junhong, hyung is busy” Himchan replied, burying his face deeper into the big, fluffy champagne-pink pillow he and Jongup were currently sharing.


The youngest frowned, wondering how on earth the other preferred sharing a pillow with the drooling Jongup instead of play with him.


Something is seriously wrong with the universe today.


Simply put, the maknae of the group was bored out of his mind. Spending 3 hours in an airplane was so unbelievably boring. Yongguk had told everyone earlier that they should have landed around 30 minutes ago, though for some reason, no one would tell the two youngest why they still were in the air.


Sighing in disappointment, Junhong turned to look at his favorite hyung, who was sitting with his headphones on, staring very intensely at the small TV above the seat in front of him. The youngest quickly left Himchan and Jongup, and happily sat on the empty seat beside Yongguk.


“Hyung, what are you watching?” He asked as he peeked at the small screen, curious about what made the older wear such a serious expression.


“This is the movie they call World War Z...” Yongguk trailed off, a sudden wave of frustration and confusion evident on his face. “But... It's... It's not really... It's. just..” He sighed,  “You na'mean?” Yongguk tore off his headphones and ran a hand through his hair as he made his thinking-face. Though after a couple of seconds, the headphones were back on and the sound of explosions and screams was so loud and clear Junhong wondered if the oldest had a hearing problem.


Pouting in irritation, he stood up and started walking aimlessly around, for some reason squeezing between other people's seats and going back and forth, from one end to another. He puffed out his cheeks in annoyance as he walked away from the careless (and mean!) hyungs.


He started making his way towards the back of the plane, wondering if any pretty girl would come to him with one of those trays filled with airplane-food. He only wanted the pretty girl, though. The food was disgusting.


He stopped in his tracks after hearing a mysterious and suspiciously familiar voice calling out from somewhere.


“Hello?” Junhong asked curiously, looking around himself.


“J-Junhong?” The voice called out, now louder than before. “Junhong, is that you?”


The boy's eyes widened, looking up at the ceiling, eyes filled with amazement and disbelief. “God?”


“What? No!” The voice said back, now sounding a bit irritated.


“Junhong, it's me! Please, can you get Yongguk or someone to come?” The voice almost begged.


Junhong's eyes were about to pop out as he nodded eagerly. “Of course! Whatever you need of me! Please wait! I will be right back! Wait for me! I'll hurry! Oh my God!”


He almost ran the tiny distance there was down to his hyung's seats, pulling Yongguk's earphones out of his ears rudely and shaking him by the shoulders. The look the oldest gave him was absolutely priceless, but Junhong didn't have the time to think about it now, not when the world's future depended on him.


“Yongguk-hyung! I spoke to God! He told me to get you! Hyung quickly!” He cried, pulling an unimpressed Yongguk to his feet.


“Junhong, what the are you talking about?”


At this, Himchan's eyes flew open, automatically finding their prey and glaring at Yongguk as if he had committed a terrible crime.


“Language.” He said darkly, closing his eyes and re-adjusting his head on his pillow.


“Hyung, hurry!” Junhong screamed again, pulling him towards where he had heard the voice.


Yongguk could only sigh and roll his eyes, wanting to just get it over with so he could go back to watch his movie. Damn kids.


When they arrived at the exact spot, Junhong declared proudly, “I brought Yongguk-hyung! Do I get to become an angel now?” His eyes were full of expectation.


“Junhong, just shut up and get us out of here.”


There was a bang on the small door next to them, and Yongguk could swear he saw a tear form in the maknae's eyes before he quickly blinked it away.


“Who's there?” Yongguk asked, knocking on the restroom's door.


“Santa Claus. Who do you think, you .” Came the sarcastic reply, and only one person came to mind when he heard it.




Yongguk tried to turn the doorknob, without much happening. He sighed in irritation.


“You guys do know you need to unlock the door for this to work, right?” He asked, feeling more than one hundred percent done with his friends for the day.


“Wow, aren't you just bright. The lock is broken and we have a certain someone to thank for that.”


Daehyun really pissed Youngjae off this time.


“Hold up, I'll go get a flight attendant...Come on, Junhong.”


The poor younger followed him with slumped shoulders, and the biggest look of disappointment he had ever seen a person carry.










Jongup was currently in a world of his own.


He was sitting in a meadow, human-sized flowers beside him, as well as tiny kittens with Junhong's face on them running around between his feet and small Dae-dwarfs and Jae-goblins fighting with each other in the distance. Sparkling rainbows and little Himchans with small angel-wings floating in the bright blue sky above him, and also a big sun with Yongguk-hyung’s blinding smile on it.


He smiled his usual smile, feeling that everything was just as it should be. It was a good dream.


He sat down on the soft grass, which felt almost as soft as a kitten's fur – Hey, where did the little Junhongies go? – and looked up at his favorite hyung. The little Himchans were flying around the rainbows and the pretty, fluffy, pink clouds, throwing fairy dust here and there as they did. Finally, one of them flew down to Jongup, smiling at him with that pretty smile of his, and started to pet Jongup’s hair.


Though the dream soon turned into a nightmare, as he felt Himchan pulling his hair almost painfully instead of caressing it. He looked around at the once beautiful place; The magic was gone. The Jae-goblins were gone as well – the Dae-dwarfs had eaten them. Oh, what a horror. The sun was now hidden behind a huge cloud, which was almost covering the entire sky, and if Jongup looked very closely, he could see Youngjae's evil glare shoot out from the cloud.


Youngjae always, always, had a way of getting revenge on people -- especially if it was Daehyun.


Children started to scream, making Jongup even more terrified. There were no children.


He started running, but it was no use, the Dae-dwarfs catched up to him. He was going to get eaten.


Oh god, please wake me up now –!







Jongup jumped up his seat, making the pillow he had been sleeping on fall to the floor, startling Himchan awake as well.


The children's screams were still there, though now, Jongup realized, there was only one child's scream. A little kid on the seat behind him was crying. Jongup covered his ears, mentally begging the parents to do something about it.


Himchan got the hint quickly, turning around to look at the parents, who honestly looked as if they didn't give a damn about that stupid kid ruining his beauty sleep.




It was a miracle the parents could even hear him with all that noise beside them.


“Please quiet down your child, before I do it myself.” And with that, he turned back around, ignoring the completely shocked faces of the child’s parents.


“There you go, Jonguppie.” He said sweetly.


Jongup smiled brightly. Himchan would always be his favorite hyung.










Meanwhile, Yongguk had finally found someone on the plane who could unlock the restroom's door from the outside.


“I wonder how they did it, this is a very high quality lock. Whoever did this really must be something.” The man had said, leaving Yongguk in a fit of awkward coughing. Even this didn't stand a chance against Daehyun's hands of destruction.


Finally, Youngjae got to see the light of day again. He thanked the man kindly, then turned around to smack Daehyun in the face.


“Thanks for bringing help, Junhong. I swear, if I had to spend another minute in there with Mr. Grumpy I would go insane.” Daehyun grumbled, receiving another hit on the head.


“I'm not grumpy.” Youngjae hissed, quickly making his way back to his seat.


Junhong only glared at Daehyun, still upset that the older actually tricked him to believe that he was talking to God, just to get someone to unlock that stupid door – in fact, everything about this was stupid. Stupid hyungs, stupid airplane that never seemed to land, stupid restroom, stupid stupid stupid!


“You are the tiest hyung ever.” With that, the youngest turned his back to the dumbfounded Daehyun, disappearing somewhere behind the “Personnel Only” sign.


Daehyun and Yongguk glanced at each other for a brief moment, the oldest simply shrugging and walking back to his seat and putting his headphones back on, trying to remember what the movie he was watching earlier was about.


The other was still rooted on the spot, not moving an inch, as he blinked and tried to absorb the situation.


“Hey! What did I ever do to you guys? Does everyone just hate me today or what?!”


“Not only today.” Jongup's small voice was barely audible. While Himchan decided he had had enough of yelling and noisy kids for the day.


“Jung Daehyun be quiet or I’ll chop off your tongue.”










A couple of hours later, and everyone had finally settled down a bit. Junhong was brought back by a very angry flight attendant a few moments ago. Apparently she wasn’t very impressed by Junhong sneaking in the personnel room and falling asleep on the floor.


Yongguk had to apologize more than once before she finally left, giving them a warning.


The oldest sighed, looking at Junhong, who just smiled back innocently and shrugged. What to do with kids like these…


“Attention, all passengers. We will be landing shortly, so please find back to your seats and put on your safety belt.” An almost robotic female voice announced through the  plane's speakers. 


Yongguk took his seat beside Youngjae. Daehyun and Youngjae had to swap seats with the others after they had come back, Youngjae insisting that he couldn’t handle more idiocy for the day. Yongguk didn’t really have a say in the situation.


Everyone on the plane cheered after the announcement, glad they’d finally be able to get down and walk on the safe ground once again. Some were already clapping.


“We haven’t even landed yet, morons.” Youngjae whispered as Yongguk fastened his seatbelt beside him.


The oldest sighed for the hundredth time that day, trying to plan forward about what to do once they landed – in Thailand, apparently.


When the plane had landed (almost) everybody cheered loudly, clapping like drunk seals and all but rushing to get out and finally get some fresh air. As Himchan led the way, the boys also made their way out, getting pushed every now and then by people who were way too eager to see the light of day. Youngjae cussed loudly as he got a particular hard shove, his face meeting with Daehyun’s back, nose being crushed.


This was not what he had signed up for.




This is not really proofread so I apologize for any mistakes. 

I big time okay this took me SO LONG to update. I haven't been motivated and I also got a new computer (which has so many problems i'm so done with it already) and I just had to start from the beginning and it didn't turn out right so I had to rewritte it so many times ;______;
I don't think there's an excuse for it being so late though, and I'm sorry. I hope to improve with updating in the future!^^ 


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Hey guys, my computer crashed, so i'm afraid i won't be able to update for a while, since the story was on it. I'll try to rewrite it on my phone. Sorry!


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please update author-niiiiim!!!! >< :'(
Chapter 3: I don't mind that it took so long because this was AWESOME!! I lurved it!!!! :D I can relate all too well to Daehyun's "hands of destruction". A similar situation stands out in my personal memory... :)
Chapter 1: Hahahah seriously their adventures are truly funny :)

It seems that Himchan is a frightening person apparently --- since Youngjae and Daehyun are freaking out :/
omg I love this! Really good~ :D
v3aish #6
Chapter 2: omg this was so funny!!! jongup as a lost puppy, jae as a ert, himchan in umma mode - soooo good!!! and they havent even left the country yet lol looking forward to the rest of their trip lol
Chapter 2: So funny XD *dies of laughter* and yey you updated!!
jongupie the puppy is soo cute *I can actually imagine him wagging his tail*
poor Youngjae, been mistaken as a ert *bad, bad Himchan* but then Daehyun to the rescue >W<
Chapter 2: hahahh they're misadventures are hilarious =]
Chapter 1: DaeJae is soooo funny lol and this will definitely be a long trip lol
Chapter 1: Ahhh I'm really loving this!
I'm looking forward to the next update!