Chapter one.

DaeJae's Adventures

{'Chapter one}~




A peaceful, sunny day. The weather was warm, no clouds visible in the bright blue sky. A perfect day – but of course it was perfect, it was summer after all.


Two bunnies were playing together out on a clear grass field, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their fur. They jumped around, playing excitedly together, rolling around in the grass and punching each other a couple of times every 5 minutes. Everything was calm and in place.


Somewhere a little farther away, things were a bit less peaceful...




“Yah! Hurry up! We don't have all day!” A young boy yelled from the passenger seat of a black Toyota Aygo. The small car shaking every now and then as another boy outside was checking the car, kicking it out of annoyance every now and then.


“Calm the down Jae! It's not like it was my choice for the car to break down!” The boy outside yelled, once again throwing a kick at the car with all his strength, as if it would magically repair itself if he kicked it hard enough.


The other boy, known as 'Jae' rolled his eyes just as his phone started to ring, the lovely sounds of what sounded like a wounded dog filling the vehicle. He sighed when he saw the caller-ID and pressed 'decline'.


Himchan... This can't be good.




Outside, he could hear the other happily singing the chorus of the Wolf-song. “Geurae wolf, naega wolf...” The boy trailed of, taking a deep breath before giving it his all. “AWOOOOOOO~” he screamed at the top of his lungs. Youngjae cringed when the boy's voice broke, making his ears feel as if knives were stabbed into them.


“FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP!” Youngjae screamed, pushing the door open, hitting his friend right where it hurt.


The poor guy shut up immediately, only letting out a whimper as tears formed in the corners of his eyes. He collapsed onto the burning asphalt, his hands still protecting his private area.


Youngjae hovered over the pained boy, “Jung Daehyun” he said in low voice, glaring holes into the boys head.


“Why do you have to be so mean, Jae?” Daehyun asked with a pout on his lips, as he tried getting up. It wasn't the easiest task but after several attempts at trying to get Youngjae to help him, and his hitting the ground more times than he could count, he finally pulled himself up by the help of his small car. The only thing in this world he could truly trust.


“Thank you” he whispered, caressing the car lovingly, before turning to look at his friend. Youngjae was glaring at him, arms crossed and cheeks puffed out in annoyance. His glare was hard and evil, but that did not stop Daehyun from squealing.


“God! Why!” Daehyun cried, his hands immediately feeling the younger boy's fluffy cheeks. “They finally appeared! I was so worried they would disappear with all the weight you've been losing!” Daehyun pinched and squished Youngjae's cheeks until the younger couldn't even feel his own face anymore.


He groaned in annoyance and slapped his friend's touchy hands away. He lifted one hand and pointed a finger at Daehyun, who just stared back in confusion.


“You. Fix the car. NOW.” and with that, Youngjae turned around and headed back inside the car, mentally giving himself a pat on the back for remembering to turn on the air-condition earlier. He really couldn't stand the heat.


Feeling defeated, Daehyun finally went back to try to find what was wrong with the damn car that he loved so much.


I really need to find a name for her soon. He thought to himself as he bent down to check if something was stuck under it.


“By the way...” he heard Youngjae's voice and looked up to see the younger boy looking down at him through the slightly open window.


“Himchan called before, you should probably hurry up” Youngjae said as if it was the most boring thing in the world, closing the window again.


Daehyun felt the blood leave his head just by the mention of the name. He quickly pushed himself up from the ground, frantically trying to find out what was ing wrong with his baby. No. He thought, as he ran around the car in a circle, trying to spot the problem. I'm not going through that again! God please! Don't make me do it! Daehyun was sobbing mentally, becoming more and more frustrated.




Inside the car, Youngjae paid no attention to his troubled friend who was running around like a maniac outside, in what felt like a thousand degrees. Youngjae bobbed his head happily to a song on the radio as he read some celebrity gossip on his phone. Ah, this was actually pretty relaxing.


He looked up and stared at the radio after a couple of seconds, feeling his insides filling with happiness. The song was so nice, it had an amazing beat – and if anything, Youngjae appreciated good music. Though there was something a bit suspicious about the chorus. Youngjae turned up the radio a bit, trying to figure out if he was just hearing things. The music played loudly in the car, though the only thing Youngjae could hear was still the weird and slightly inappropriate faint words of “I'm crapped, I'm crapped” (though he couldn't be quite sure since the music in the song was pretty loud compared to the voices).


Youngjae shook his head slightly, shocked by what things kpop-idols sang about these days. But he decided to let it go since it was a pretty awesome beat, and his favorite idol was featured in it (the radio host didn't say anything about who sang the song or who the featured artist was, but Youngjae knew since he could recognize Lee Taemin's voice anywhere), so he didn't complain – he wasn't that good at english anyway, and the chances of him actually being right about stuff like this were shockingly small.


He closed his eyes as the song came to its end and a soft ballad came on, letting him relax fully against the seat.




Outside things were... well... not as relaxing.


“Damn it! it all!” Daehyun was now crawling on the ground, completely desperate and on the verge of giving up, when he saw it. Light shined upon him as right there, in front of him, was the source to all problems. There was something small, a needle it seemed to be, stuck on the front left tire.


Okay, so maybe Daehyun lied a bit earlier when he said the car broke down. Honestly, the car was just fine, he just had a feeling that something was irritating his baby girl, and of course he couldn't let it be without having to check what it was that was annoying his precious car.


Getting up and dusting himself off, he knocked on the window Youngjae was leaning on, watching the younger boy as he shot a slight glare at Daehyun before slowly opening the door and almost falling out the small vehicle.


“...What?” He asked in annoyance.


“Do you have any gum?” Daehyun asked seriously, seeing as the other did nothing but look at him in confusion, he decided to explain the situation to the younger a bit further.


“There's a needle stuck in one of the tires” Daehyun said, as if it explained everything in the universe.


“So?” Youngjae asked with a raised eyebrow, just as his phone went off again, “Awooo”'s filling the car. Once again, Youngjae wondered why he even had that song as his ringtone, he definitely didn't remember choosing it himself.


He glanced at the ID before turning to look at Daehyun, “It's Himchan again” he said, and this time Youngjae himself felt his face slightly pale. One call from Himchan was bad news. Two calls from Himchan meant serious trouble, and Youngjae didn't even dare to think about how dangerous three calls from the man would be. They both stayed silent, holding their breath as they watched the phone ring, only releasing it when it finally stopped ringing (yeah, as if holding their breath did them any good).


Daehyun threw his hands up in the air in panic, “Hurry up! I need the gum!” he yelled, at the poor boy, who was just a few inches away.


Youngjae whipped his face with his sleeve before looking at Daehyun in disbelief. “You're spitting on me, man” he complained, but the look he got from Daehyun meant serious business and no ing around, so the boy decided to stop wasting time and just do as the older asked.


Youngjae rummaged through his completely manly purse. He fished a small pack of gum out of it, slightly frowning when he looked inside.


“There's only one left!” He looked back up at Daehyun looking absolutely torn, not thrilled with the idea of letting that... thing get the last little peace of heaven he had left.


Daehyun held his hand out, waiting for Youngjae to give it to him. But nothing happened. They stared at each other in silence for a couple of minutes before Daehyun crossed his arms. “What gives, dude?”


Youngjae looked at bit hesitant, “It's my last piece...” he said in a small voice, clutching the pack close to him. “I want to save it” he said and looked down at the gum, as if it was his child – or something else just as disturbing.


Daehyun almost let out a scoff, flicking the younger boy's forehead, making the fluffy monster cry out some sort of alien language.


“It's not like you can't buy another one! Do you have any idea how popular this is?!” Daehyun gestured to the (in his opinion) rotten gum. He really couldn't understand how some people enjoyed gum that much. Just chewing away at some weird snot-like plastic that didn't fill up your tummy? Where's the pleasure in that when it didn't make you less hungry? Gross.


“You can chew it yourself god damnit! Just hurry up!” He snatched the pack from the younger, furiously ripping it apart (though not without having to listen to Youngjae's dramatic battle cries as he tried to get the it back from the food-loving maniac)


He picked the up the gum, shoving it in the younger's mouth, almost choking him in the process, feeling a weird but pleasant feeling run through his body when he touched Youngjae's lips.


Youngjae pouted, but started chewing anyway, wanting to cherish the perfection of that one piece of gum. He closed his eyes, shutting everything else out and only focusing on the amazing taste, it was pure bliss. He moaned at the taste, not being able to hold himself back. Damn this was better than .


However, he was rudely interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat, and then a pair of hands forcing his mouth open and taking the gum out. Youngjae almost cried at the loss, using all of his willpower to hold back the tears.


“That's enough” the older boy snapped, going around the car to get to the tire, the puffy bastard following close behind, looking questionably at Daehyun when he sat down and tried to spot the tiny needle.


“What are you going to use gum for anyway?” He asked, plopping down next to him.


Daehyun looked awfully concentrated as he slowly took a hold of the tiny needle between his fingers, letting out a deep breath and closing his eyes for a moment, as if to mentally prepare himself for what he was about to do.


Youngjae facepalmed, begging to everything in the world that his friend wasn't serious about this. “You know a little needle like that can't do any harm to the tire, right?” Youngjae asked, so close to giving up on the other's existence.


He took a good look at the needle. That thing wasn't even in the tire! More like balancing on it, holding on for dear life. Youngjae suddenly felt pity towards the tiny being, then smacked himself on the head after realizing a needle wasn't a living thing.


Daehyun shushed him before taking the needle out, and placing the gum on where the needle had been 'stuck' in one quick movement. The older boy took in a huge breath, and let it out again as he squished the gum in place, making sure it would stay put. Youngjae looked at his crazy hyung in disgust.


“You're gross” he simply said before getting up and getting back inside the car. “Now hurry up before Himch- oh wait, too late” he said as the sound of his ringtone blasted in the car.


Daehyun hurried up, running to the other side of the car and getting in the driver's seat. He smiled creepily to himself. He could feel that his baby wasn't irritated anymore. Turning on the engine, he drove out onto the road once again, continuing their journey (which pretty much only started an hour ago but oh well).


As they were driving off to what they could only hope was the direction of the airport, the silence was broken when something clicked in Daehyun's head.


“JUDY!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, a creepy grin forming on his face once again. Youngjae looked at him in horror as the car started speeding up until the younger boy wasn't sure if they were even driving on the road anymore.


“What?!” He asked, completely not getting what Daehyun was getting at. The older boy turned his head to look at him and Youngjae let out a small shriek when the car shook slightly.


“That's her name!” Daehyun beamed, looking back at the road, caressing the steering wheel mumbling something along the lines of “Don't worry Judy, daddy won't forget you while he's gone” and Youngjae could only close his eyes and pretend that this was a nightmare. Did Daehyun even have his drivers license? Youngjae gulped, deciding it would be best if he didn't think about that.


This is going to be a long trip.





So, here it is, the first chapter... Please tell me how I did and I'll try to improve myself in the future^^
First chapters are always boring, but here you got an introduction to the story, and Daehyun and Youngjae, so you know what kind of people they are lol.
My exams are finally over and done with, so I'm finally done with school, so now the scary future is the only thing that awaits me... dear god.

Anyway, I hope you like it! xD



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Hey guys, my computer crashed, so i'm afraid i won't be able to update for a while, since the story was on it. I'll try to rewrite it on my phone. Sorry!


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please update author-niiiiim!!!! >< :'(
Chapter 3: I don't mind that it took so long because this was AWESOME!! I lurved it!!!! :D I can relate all too well to Daehyun's "hands of destruction". A similar situation stands out in my personal memory... :)
Chapter 1: Hahahah seriously their adventures are truly funny :)

It seems that Himchan is a frightening person apparently --- since Youngjae and Daehyun are freaking out :/
omg I love this! Really good~ :D
v3aish #6
Chapter 2: omg this was so funny!!! jongup as a lost puppy, jae as a ert, himchan in umma mode - soooo good!!! and they havent even left the country yet lol looking forward to the rest of their trip lol
Chapter 2: So funny XD *dies of laughter* and yey you updated!!
jongupie the puppy is soo cute *I can actually imagine him wagging his tail*
poor Youngjae, been mistaken as a ert *bad, bad Himchan* but then Daehyun to the rescue >W<
Chapter 2: hahahh they're misadventures are hilarious =]
Chapter 1: DaeJae is soooo funny lol and this will definitely be a long trip lol
Chapter 1: Ahhh I'm really loving this!
I'm looking forward to the next update!