Jae past and Yun headache

Ungiftted Present

*Wek*     *Wek*

Jaejoong throw up inside the toilet.After riding all types of rides willingly,Jaejoong can’t help but throw up everything inside his stomach.Jaejoong head was spinning, ‘God,why did human makes this creation? God,did you gave them this idea?’

“Joongie! Come here! Dont wonder around like that! It’s dangerous!” A women voice screamed from a far,Jaejoong look at himself,he was small.That women was calling him over ten times already but he was busy looking at his small hands.

There was about nine women,waving at him to walk forward.They were beautiful,among the nine beautiful women there was one that was catches his eyes,she was beautiful with her doe eyes,her body was small and petite,her hair was raven black shoulder-length and she had some wrinkles.Jaejoong assumed that she is the oldest among the nine women.

They were at a park,the park was so familiar.The nine women gave up on calling Jaejoong,they choose to walk towards Jaejoong who was still clueless.

‘What is this? Why am I here? Who are them? How did they knew my name? Why does this situation seems so familiar to me? The women.....are so familiar.....When I see them,I wanted to cry and hug them..without a reason’

Suddenly a black cloth was covering Jaejoong small body,womens screamed and shout was heard.Jaejoong tried to brake free but failed when he heard a familiar growled.

“HE BELONG TO ME!”The barbaric voice was heard,Jaejoong can only widened his eyes. ‘Yunho?’

“NO HE IS NOT! HE IS MY SON!”A femine voice also can be heard.Without a reason Jaejoong screamed.


“Baby! Are you doing fine?”

Yunho asked as he knocked the toilet door.Jaejoong shokes his head,trying to erase that women voice,it was just his imagination,maybe?.

“If dare to ignored me after this.I will brake the door open,you know I am strong enough to do that”

Jaejoong shiver in the coldness from Yunho words,it was so cold.Jaejoong tried to stand up but failed.His legs was far too weak.Jejoong first attempt failed but it doesn’t mean he gave up,he tried to stand up again and again but the result was still the same.

“Baby?”Yunho asked when he heard heavy panted inside the toilet.

Jaejoong can only gasped when another strike of dizziness attack him.Slowly using his right hand,he knocked the toilet door, signalling Yunho that he was still alive but Yunho got the signal wrong.

“Moved back a bit baby!”

Yunho looks left and right,seeing nobody was nearby.Using his supernatural power,he hold the door knob and pulled it harshly.Yunho choose to pulled the door than pushing it because he knows that the toilet is small,if he pushed it maybe Jaejoong will get hurt.

The door gave up and was pulled by the strong hands,Yunho looks inside the toilet and can only jumped in surprised,Jaejoong was so weak,he cant even stand up straight.


Yunho shouted and startled the latter.Yunho hurriedly get inside the small toilet and carry the poor latter.Although Jaejoong was weak but he still can hear and feels.He felt warmed when Ynho wraped his masculur arm around his body and he hears Yunho asking his numerous question.

“Babe,hold in there!”

“Dont go to the light!”

Jaejoong chuckled when he heard Yunho childish words.He wanted to answer but he was far too weak.


Inside a modern looking bedroom,there was a flat-screen tv,a king sized bed in the middle of the room and a nightstand on both side of the bed.There was a person lying on the King Sized bed with a blue blanket covering half of his body.That person face was pale.

“How is he?” Yunho asked his personal doctor,Siwon.
“He is doing fine,Yunho.Stop worrying,you are growing old.”Siwon joked.
“I am old but I ain’t showing it”Yunho said coldly,he wasn’t in the mood to joked around.
“Opps,I forget that you are my grandfather cousin.Does it runs in the Alpha’s King blood?,you look too young for your aged”
“Maybe or maybe not.I am not in the mood to joked around Siwon.You should be glad that you’re Hyun Bin Grandson,if not,I already killed you and your wife for your careless”Yunho glared at Siwon who was getting nervous.
“Hey,Jaejoong is found.He ONLY had a slight amnesia, he will gain some memories.”Siwon said as he gulped the lump he was saving.
“Okey,OKEY.Not slight but he doesn’t even remembered anything before that happend but to me,it’s a lot better he doesn’t remember than he remembered everything that you did infront of him.”Siwon said trying his best to defend himself.

“Don’t bring up the past Siwon.I didn’t mean it,I have to and I have my own reason.”

“Yeah Yeah.Do you even once thought that everytime our people killed witches,you felt pity for the witches clan,they never felt happiness in both world.I have to say this,I think Jaejoong is one of the witch clan,I did some examination on his body and the result was surprising.His DNA and vines were Monster but his strength,power and his features is mere human,he is between human and monster.His life span is like monster but he will stop aging between 30 or 35 years old when usually for us,we will stop aging when we awakened.He is seventeen,he should have some changes from skin to strength but nothing changes,he only gained weight and height.”Siwon said.

“Pity? They don’t deserved any pity and shut up Siwon.Jae is just having some hormones problem maybe.”Yunho said coldly,he was using his Alpha tone.

“I am sorry for my rudeness,your highness”Siwon bowed slightly,showing some respect.He knew that it’s useless to keep talking about the witch clan,maybe he will be killed by Yunho if he continue his talk about the past,he maybe be dead in a few seconds.

Yunho waved his hands and refused to look at Siwon who is lowering his head, “Out,instant.”Yunho said.

“Yes,your highness.”Siwon bowed formality.Siwon left the room with silence even when he shut the wooden door.When the door shut with a slight click, signalling that the door was lock from the inside.

Feeling dizzy and frustrated was filling inside Yunho mind.There were slight of regret tinted inside his eyes when he looks at sleeping Jaejoong.

Yunho POV.

Whats wrong with everybody! Keep on bringing up the past! Jae is a vampire,why did they say he is a ing witch?!  ,Damn,!

His pale white skin,plump lips,pointy nose and silky raven hair.I hate to admit it but he does look alike the last witch I killed.No,he doesn’t look like her! Jung Yunho! Your mate is a vampire not a witch!

Damn it! Why is my life messed up after killing that stupid witch?!

Yunho POV ends

Yunho messed his hair out of stress. Scales are appearing on his tanned skin,his brown eyes are turning yellow,his black and messed hair are turning white and long.His well built body expend,making his clothes ripped by his expending size.

“! I need to cool down”

Yunho said as he makes his way to the bathroom that was inside the room.To cool down his dragon,his dragon come out if he is overly stress,angry and sad.Dragon clan was also one of the almost extinct clan other than the phoenix and the vampire clan,Yunho’s mother is a one of the few dragon that survive after the war between humans awhile Yunho’s dad is an Alpha’s King.Alpha’s King or The King of the Alphas,Alphas are strong and they lead their pack and the king is to lead the werewolf clan,they are ultimately strong due to the responsibility they carried behind their back.But,it’s the first time in werewolf history that the Alpha’s King ruled over hundred of years and he didn’t just ruled the werewolf clan,he ruled the monster world since he won the King of King battle.King of King battle will be held once in 10 years,it’s was a battle among every King of each clan.The person who won the battle will be the King of the monster world for 10 years,if he won the battle again,he will continue being the King of the monster world until he was defeated.

On the other side of the room.Jaejoong was still sleeping.But he wasn’t alone,Changmin was there when Yunho was busying himself inside the bathroom.

“Jae,wake up.”Changmin said as he shokes Jaejoong body lightly.Jaejoong stirred up and frown because his beauty sleep was disturbed.

“You didn’t ate anything for 5 hours already,you skip lunch and now it’s dinner time.Come down stairs to have dinner.”Changmin said out of concern,he didn’t us mind linked because Jaejoong is sick.When mind linked happend when that person was sick,it will have major headached.

“Okey.”Jaejoong said as he stretched his body,he heard the shower was running,he assumed that Yunho must be in it.he did has aany intention to get up,he lay down.Jaejoong closes his eyes and hum to a random song.He felt the right side of the bed sink and arms were wraping around his waist.

“Babe.Wake up.”Yunho said as trailed tender kisses on his coller bone.Jaejoong shivers in pure pleasure.
“Yu-nho,let go.”Jaejoong tries to remove the tight grip on his waist.
“Well,no.Do you know whats next week?”Yunho ask as he smirk. Obviously knowing why.
“Exam.”Jaejoong said innocently.Yunho wanted to slap himself for having such a innocent mate.
“Next week,I will be on heat.Wanna join?”Yunho smirked wider as Jaejoong flinched.
“N-no,I have exam.”Jaejoong said as he pouted a bit.No reason,he felt disappointed.
“Thats hurts babe.Is exam a lot better than a fiancée on heat?”Yunho ask.
“Yes.”Jaejoong answered shortly.Yunho frown from that answer.Jaejoong can hear some mumbles from Yunho.

Suddenly the door burst open.Changmin was there with some maids.
Yunho punted. “Shut up food monster.you disturb our bonding time.”
“Well,forgive me your higness but I am hungry.”Changmin said in annoyed tone.

Jaejoong hurriedly get up from the bed and walks towards the door,leaving the pounting Yunho behinds.
“Boo,wait for me!”Yunho squeal ,he was running and tailing behind Jaejoong.
Jaejoong ignored Yunho who was tailing behind him,he can hears every mumbles,squel and sighs.
They reached the dinner hall,it was large with gold curtain and long tables in a middle.The cute and loveable Yunho suddenly changes to a manly and strong willed man.How can he change so fast?

Jaejoong sits at a chair that a butler pulled for him.Yunho was sitting next to him awhile Changmin was sitting infront of them,Changmin plate was filled with food.
“Lets dig in!”Changmin said happily as he eats his food.
Yunho and Jaejoong can only stare in worry,afraid that Changmin will choke is food.
“Eat slowly,Changmin.You’re going to choke yourself if you eat that fast.”Jaejoong said out of concerns.Changmin only gave a thumbs up.
“Shim Changmin.”Yunho growled,giving a warning glare at Changmin with his red eyes.
“That wont works on me.”Changmin said happily.People usually scared when Yunho gave them his growled and his wolf eyes but not for Changmin.
Jaejoong and Yunho sighed at the same time as their appetite is gone because of the food monster,why must he be a werewolf when he can be a shikshin.


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Chapter 5: N noooooooo please don't
I'm in love with this story please update more ♡
samirajoon #2
Chapter 3: werewolves,... vampires... witches... ghosts... ok... so complicated
samirajoon #3
Chapter 2: it's so nice. i love this story
cassiesya #4
Chapter 5: Noooo please dont. Why dont u continue with this ?
aenkr28 #5
Chapter 5: And this one too please?
loveyunjae4ever #6
Why i just found this story???subscribe and going to read right now!
Chapter 4: Kya!! U update XD gomawo author-nim loved the updateXD!though i forgot your story a li'l bit so i had to read the forward XD! So yunnie killed joongie's mom;( meani yunnie! Hahah hyun bin as yunnie grandpa! I wonder what wil happen next? As heat up did u mean werewolf's condition in full moon? :< tell me,ne.!
mar1adyve5sa #8
Chapter 4: this is getting more interesting.. I wonder what happened in the past..update soon..
Kyung1Ari #9
Chapter 4: Yay, an update!
Hahahaha, I love Changmin in this fic. Yunho and his multi-changing moods, poor Jae.
ShoJoongia #10
Chapter 4: This yunni idon't understand him really ? Man stick with one personality so cute yet so creepy (hope jae will be fine also yunjae relation)