Second Chance: Daddy!

The Tutor/Second Chance

YoungGuk (4 years later)

"We found him" Himchan ran into my office breathing hard.

"He wasn't that far at all but he's been keeping low making it hard to track him. Yesterday he use his credit card to make a purchase at a nearby car dealer." DaeHyun hands me some pictures of Zelo walking in the streets, and some with him entering his apartment building.

"Finally" I breathe out in relief.

I finally found the bastard after two years. We didn't break off in a good way either, he was so angry at me about Ha-eun he finish up his project that he started and then two years after that when it was done with he put in his resignation letter.


Mapo-gu was where Zelo was. I look around the neighborhood and search for the apartment building DaeHyun said he was residing at. As I walk through the side walk something pink grabs my attention. A pair of pink shoes kicking back and forth hypnotizes me telling me to go closer. I observe the little girl in pig tails as she continue to kick her feet back and forth on the bench. She had the most precious little feet and the tiniest hands that was clutching onto a teddy bear. I approach her cautiously; I didn't want to scare her. The little girl looks up at me, at first she just stared at me like she seen a ghost but then the most amazing thing happen, her smile bloom.

"Hi" The cute chubby cheek girl smiles up at me.

"Hi." I spoke amaze by her close resemblance to Ha-eun. "What's your name?"

She smiles brightly and proud. "Iris, it means rainbow."

"What a pretty name." I sat down at the end of the bench afraid if I got to close she would run.

She giggles at me wiggling her feet back and forth. "My mommy picked it."

"Is your mommy here with you?"

She shakes her head pouting. "Mommy has to work. Uncle Zelo is here with me."


"That's my name."

I look up and there he was Zelo. It's been two years since I saw him. He's gotten taller and manlier. He left two years ago to open his own business but I never saw him again. He had never emerged into the business world like I was expecting. The girl jumps down and ran to Zelo to be picked up.

"Sorry about that sweetie pie, uncle Zelo had to take a call. How was your day?" He spoke to the girl with aegyo.

The girl giggles. "I painted!"

"Wow, did you paint me a picture?"

"Yeah! It's in my backpack."

"Okay, show me when we get home okay."


Zelo puts her down and held her hand. The girl turns to me and smile, she was adorable. Zelo clears his throat.

"I know you've been looking for me. I got the message and even though I'm living well with the money I have I'll think about your offer. I'll call you so don't come looking for me again." He smiles to the girl and they turn away.

I stand up. "Wait Zelo."

He turns back around. "What is it?"

Do I dare ask him? As soon as I laid eyes on the girl I already knew but I wanted to confirm. We had one night together and was this the result of our reckless night? Was this Ha-eun's daughter and how did he end up with them? How did he not tell me? Zelo is looking at me and then the girl. The girl was still smiling at me.

"Is she...who does she belong to?" I ask looking at her smile that could melt ice.

"A neighbor."



On the first knock Zelo open the door for me. I was running late once again but I had to get the editing done for tomorrow and I never miss a dead line. I follow Zelo to Iris. She had her own little room in Zelo's apartment even though we live on the next level. Iris is sleeping in her pink bed clutching to a piece of paper. I walk over to her and kiss her on the forehead. She smelled clean and her hair was down from her two piggy tails. She is the most precious thing to me and I thank god everyday for giving her to me. In my time of darkness the feel of her in me gave me hope and strength to move on and live.

Iris yawns and opens her eyes smiling at me.

"Hi sweetie."

"Hi mommy."

"How was your day?"

"I painted."

"Oh wow. What did you paint for me?"

"A flower."

"That's so sweet of you baby. Mommy is going to grab your bag and then I'll come back and carry you okay."


I stand up but she held my hand and I sat back down.

"I saw him mommy."

"Saw who?"

"Daddy, he came back. He came back for us mommy."

I look up at Zelo and the look on his face confirmed it. YoungGuk was not far from us but Seoul was such a big place, he had never found us before but he had found us now. I carry Iris into our small apartment and lay her down in her bed. I lay down next to her and held her in my arms. I was scared. Scared about how he would react and how he will take her away from me as punishment. I know he will be mad that I kept her from him.

Morning came too quick, Iris was up jumping on the bed telling me to wake up. I grab her and tickle her until she couldn't breathe before we got of bed to start the day. I quickly pour her a bowl of cereal while I munch on grapes and a toast. Iris ran out of her room with a white shirt and jean shorts. Her pink socks were just an inch under her knee and her favorite pair of black converse completed her outfit.

We quickly ate our breakfast and left the house at nine like we always do. Iris runs out of the building and I follow her. The sun was shining and it wasn't too hot outside. Iris was waiting for me jumping excited.

"Why are you so happy today?" I ask walking towards her.

"Daddy's here!"

She pointed to the parking lot and there he was. YoungGuk.

"Daddy!" She screams out.

I grab her right before she ran to him and pick her up. I step back when I saw that YoungGuk was coming towards us. Iris starts wiggling and calling him daddy. YoungGuk approach us faster. When he got closer I let Iris go and she ran to him with wide open arms. Without hesitation he kneels down and hug her.

"Daddy you came back." Iris was crying now. "I knew you come back."

She took off her backpack and pulls out the picture of YoungGuk I gave her. I never lie about him to her, she deserve to know who her dad was and what he look like. She compares the picture to him and hugs him again.

"I love you daddy."

He kisses the side of her head. "Daddy loves you too."

Zelo came out of the apartment building and stood next to me. "'s about to get real huh?" He asks me.

I turn to him and he held me. I needed to be embrace and calm down before I talk to YoungGuk and that's what Zelo did. YoungGuk stood up with Iris in his arms looking at us. I've never been so scared in my life and the way YoungGuk is looking at me I wanted to crawl under a rock and never come out, I was that scared.

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Chapter 27: Hi there.. I read this is one go.. I must say I'm not regretting at all.. love the way you put the story into a beautiful one.. love love this author sshi.. you put emotions in each if your story and I love that..
Chapter 13: Okay, this chapter was a surprise.
Chapter 11: Ooh, he's a jerk, like her sister, what kind of plan was that? Glad Zelo punched him.
Chapter 8: Love the way Zelo speaks to his boss/friend.
Chapter 7: Omo, drunk Ha-eun reveals a secret. I didn't think she was that stupid to give money to Jay. Poor her.
Chapter 5: It's starting to seem like a Spanish soap opera where two make an alliance to break a couple. Haha.
Chapter 3: So funny, imagining her drunk at her sister's wedding.
sylvia15 #8
Chapter 27: it's really touchy...i am glad i have the oppurtunity to read this wonderful story...i feel pity to tristan...but glad that he made into his family and iris and tristan will be happy siblings...including their future siblings...
Chapter 27: Aww that was such a cute story!!!!