Putting in Effort


I rubbed my eyes as I slowly let my eyes see the ray of sunlight before me. It had been 2 nights and I was still in the alley. I was unsure of where to go. I am definitely not familiar with this place. It looks so foreign. The people here do wear the same type of clothes I’m wearing. Those jeans and t-shirts kind of clothing. Dresses for ladies and suits and blazers for the men.

But..Who are they?

Where am I?

What’s the time?

What’s the date?

Questions were floating in my mind, unanswered.

Chances of me bumping into someone I knew were slim yet I decided to walk through the streets. I stood up and held the walls as a head gush blurred my vision for a moment.

What was I thinking?

“This is tiring. How long do I have to keep this up?” I sighed as a tear flowed down.

“Maybe, just maybe if you were to put in a little effort to find out answers for your questions, God will help you,” my mind said.

“But how..?” I cringed in frustration.

“Take it easy there, young lady. Slowly but surely, God will help you. Have faith in Him,” my mind said in its’ tiny voice.

Half of me was determined to find out the answers, but half of me wanted to give up.

I walked the pavement with the story book still in my grasp close to my chest, trying hard not to shuffle. There was a bakery store down the road just a few meters from where I was which I struggled to get there.

After a good five minutes of shuffling into the bakery store, the aroma of freshly baked buns made me float in the air before I was crashed down back to Earth when the man behind the counter asked.

“What do you want?” he barked.

“I..I… I’m trying to find a job,” I slurred.

Wait. What? A job? Where did that come from?

“What?” he strained himself to hear me.

“I want to work here. Is there a vacant?” I said. This time, it turned out much clearer.

“A job here huh?” he asked again.

“Yes, a job here. Am I applicable?” I asked.

We were asking each other every sentence that comes out from our mouth till he broke the chain.

“Come into my office,” he said in his deep voice. It turned out in a kind manner.

“Rome, take care of the counter,” he howled.

Soon, a man in his early twenties came and took over the cashier. He was tall, not too tall and was such a candy-eye. He took off the chef’s hat and flipped his brownish-black hair as he met eyes with me. I was too shy to respond to his smile.    

I lowered my head and followed the older man into his office.

“Have a sit,” he pointed to a chair infront of him.

“So..You wanna work here? How old are you?” he questioned with his hands together in front of his face.

The man, or more probably the owner of the bakery store, looked like Appa. His postures were all the same. I saw no difference between them.

“I’m seventeen this year,” I answered.

“Do you know how to bake?” he asked again.

“Sure, I do. I’ve been baking for 5 years in my whole life,” I said.

It was not a lie. I used to bake for my family and friends and whenever they have parties, I was the first in their list as the chef for the day.

He nod as he wrote down the details as he continued to give me questions for me to answer.

“Hmmm,” he started off.

“You’re seventeen, you’ve had experienced working as a part-time worker, you’re able to bake. Croissant is your pro,” he checked the paper.

“Well then, Eve, I guess you are applicable for Everlost Bakery,” he smiled.

Now, I’m not kidding. When he said that, he definitely sounded like Appa. His tone in his voice sounds so fatherly and soft unlike the first time I stepped into the bakery.

“Really?” my eyes lit up.

“Yes, we have a vacant here too. We’re in need of workers and bakers as young as you,” he winked.

“Oh thank you so much, Mr…” I stood up and shook his hand.

“Wallus,” he smiled.

“Thank you, Mr Wallus. When can I start working?” I asked in eager.

“Nuh-uh. You have to be trained in order for you to become a permanent baker here,” he said in a matter-of-fact as he left his chair.

“Training starts tomorrow at 7. Don’t be late. Early means you’re on time, on time means you’re late,” his voice echoes as he left the room.

7 tomorrow morning, I reminded myself.

“You did it! You managed to put in effort, Eve,” my mind spoke and cheered for me.

“I sure did,” I exhaled with a big smile on my face.

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Chapter 3: nice :) update soon^^
BangHimShipper #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^