Moving In

We Got Married: Eomma-Appa Couple

Italics = Captions on screen Underlined = Actions without words Bold = English

Yongguk opened the door and walked in together with Haesung into their new home.

HS:'s so beautiful.

YG: It's a bit big for two people, don't you think?

HS: Will you be able to pay for this?

YG: Laughing I...I will try my best.

Why didn't you stay at the Han River for a date?

HS: The Han River is really popular as a dating location. We were there early but a lot of people started coming so we decided to move into our new house and get to know each other there instead.

Would you prefer to stay at the Han River instead?

YG: I don't actually mind where we are but there was a lot of people at the Han River. In the new house, we were able to talk and get to know each other better.

Haesung pulled in her suitcase and bags, sitting in the middle of the living room and Yongguk followed behind her with his own belongings.

HS: What did you bring with you, husband?

YG: I brought...clothes. I brought my laptop so I can work on some new tracks. These are my headphones for when I listen to music and...I brought Tigger along with me. 

HS: Tigger? Oh hi, Tigger. Haesung smiled, shaking Yongguk's Tigger's hand. You didn't bring a lot of things.

YG: I don't have a lot of things to begin with. These are the things I have with me in our dorm.

HS: I didn't bring a lot either. I brought a lot of iPad so I can Facetime my members. I have my laptop too and...this is my comfort pillow, I can't sleep without it.

YG: What's that bag?

Haesung looked at the bag that Yongguk pointed to and she laughed, feeling a little embarrassed.

HS: This my knitting.

YG: Knitting?

HS: I knit. She opened the bag and pulled out her knitting I'm knitting a scarf. 

YG: Why do you knit?

HS: It relaxes me. When I knit, I go into this...zen mode. Jooyong makes fun of me though. She calls me grandma.

YG: I think it's quite cool.

HS: Oh! This is the most important thing. Haesung dug around in her bag and pulled out a box Tadah, Yorkshire Tea.

YG: Is that the tea I had to guess this morning?

HS: Yes. This is my favourite tea. I had to bring this all the way from England. I don't think they sell it here in Korea.

YG: What if it runs out?

HS: I don't know...I might suffer from withdrawal symptoms. Do you drink tea?

YG: Er...not English tea, no.

HS: You're missing out in life. I'm going to make tea now and you're going to try one.

YG: But I already drank like...ten cups of tea this morning.

HS: Trust me, this cup of tea will be different from the others.

What were you thinking when Haesung made you tea?

YG: Laughing I um...I was thinking, "Not again?". I drank a lot of tea in the morning when I was looking for her so I kind of have a bad memory of English tea but...the tea that Haesung made for me was good.

YG: You came back from overseas, didn't you?

HS: England.

YG: long were you there for?

HS: Sixteen years.

YG: That's more than half your life.

HS: I don't actually know Korea as well. I have vague memories of it when I was here but it's all very fuzzy.

YG: Why did you move to England?

HS:'s because of appa's business. We moved there for his business but came back to Korea because Jooyong and I were accepted into KMW Entertainment so eomma came back with us.

YG: Oh, so your father's still in England?

HS: He flies over sometimes and then fly back.

YG: Do you have other siblings apart from JY-sshi?

HS: We have one older brother. He's an accountant and he moved back to Korea with us.

YG: Oh...I have one older brother and sister.

HS: Twin brother, right? It's all over the internet.

YG: Haha...I never thought that my own brother would be famous as well.

HS: My brother told me specifically to never know people who he is. He's going to kill me for even mentioning I have a brother.

YG: It's really rare that sisters get to be in the same group.

HS: I was put in to take care of Jooyong. Jooyong has heart problems and the company was worried that other members wouldn't know how to take care of her.

It's seems a little boring just sitting and talking. Did you not plan anything to do with your wife?

YG: I thought we were going to have a date at the Han River but since the date was cancelled, I don't have anything else planned. But...seeing as we're a married couple, I don't think it's boring at all that we're talking to get to know each other better. I learnt a lot about Haesung.

While the couple was talking, Haesung's iPad suddenly started ringing.

HS: members are calling me. She answered the Facetime call Yeobeoseyo?

SY: Unnie, this is Facetime, not the phone, you don't have to say yeobeoseyo.

HS: It's just manners. 

YH: Unnie, can we see your new house?

BJ: Idiot, why do you want to see her house when we can see her husband? Yah Haesung, who's your husband?

HS: Husband, they're asking for you.

Haesung handed her iPad to Yongguk who suddenly turned shy in front of the camera.

YG: Ann-annyeonghaseyo...

E: Oh! It's Yongguk-oppa! 

SY: Unnie's so lucky...

JY: I can't see anything. Bijeong-unnie has a big head.

BJ: You punk...

HS: There, you've seen my husband now. Was that all you called for?

MY: We wanted to speak to your husband. 

YH: We wanted to give a few advices to him. 

BJ: Number one, Lee Haesung is actually quite popular with the guys. Yongguk-sshi, look out for all the guys hitting on her.

HS: Since when do I have guys hitting on me? Stop making up stories.

YH: Number two! Haesung-unnie is really good at cooking but if you don't tell her what to cook, she will make the same thing over and over again every day.

HS: Is that a complaint?

SY: Number three, Haesung-unnie is smart but she does have her moments. Don't laugh at her though because her feelings get hurt easily.

E: Number four, if she ever does get upset, all you have to do is make funny faces or do aegyo. Unnie is a er for aegyo.

MY: Number five, Haesung-unnie volunteers at the orphanage. If you want to make her happy, volunteer with her.

JY: Number six, unnie loves me more than anything. Make sure that I'm happy all the time and unnie will be happy.

BJ: Someone get this punk away.

HS: Jooyong ah, behave yourself. He's your brother-in-law.

JY: Does that mean Jello's my...relative?

HS: How so?

JY: Yongguk-oppa is my brother-in-law and Jello's his brother in a sense so...we're relatives.

SY: I do apologise for our maknae.

MY: Her brains works in a different frequency to ours.

YH: Those were the advices we wanted to give your husband. We shall be going now.

E: Bye bye, unnie, have fun!

BJ: Enjoy your married life!

W.W: Bye!

The call ended and Haesung put the iPad away, looking at Yongguk.

HS: Did my members scare you?

YG: They're very straightforward.

HS: I'm sorry. They don't act like girls at all. We're a loud bunch.

YG: You're like a happy family.

HS: I'm like their mother. Even with Jooyong, I feel more like her mother rather than her sister.

What do you think of the W.W members?

YG: They're Haesung's family. They don't seem like a girl group at all. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean it in a bad way. I meant that they're more like a big family than a girl group. They seem quite scary at first but they mean well. They treat me like family now very nice.

YG: I feel like I'm the father with my members too sometimes.

HS: Ha, we're like the mother and father and our members are our children.

YG: That's a lot of children.

HS: Oh! Should I call you appa?

YG: Appa? Laughing Should I call you eomma then?

HS: It's only fitting.

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Chapter 3: Omg yongguk has 2 children under his name in unicef too screams this is so realistic
Chapter 2: D'AW WHAT CUTIES.
And the eomma-appa nicknames appear! arrrgh I wish this was a real couple! Or at least a real WGM couple! ARRRRRGGH
Chapter 1: OMG and Bijeong and Himchan really are meant for each other, both teased by their members and both call other people "punk"! :D
Chapter 1: AWWW THEY'RE SO CUTE! I love how they're both sooo completely clueless hahahaha!
LOLOLOL YOU'RE a lazy procrastinator? I'M a lazy procrastinator! You are sooo not a procrastinator at all because you diligently write your stories and finish chapters in a timely manner. I really do need to learn from you. ><
Anyways, SO EXCITED FOR THIS! HAEGUK couple so cuuuuute~ <3
PattyPatata #7
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
jayparkaom #8
Can't wait ;)