The Angel Haesung

We Got Married: Eomma-Appa Couple

Italics = Captions on screen Underlined = Actions without words Bold = English

Early Morning~

Yongguk came out from the kitchen with a plate in his hand, sitting at the dining table, and Haesung joined him, sitting opposite of Yongguk.

YG: Do you have breakfast like this in your dorm?

HS: When we have days off and depending on who's cooking that day. If I am then yes, this is what we have for breakfast. 

YG: Who else cooks?

HS: Yoonhye and Jooyong. The other members can't cook to save their lives.

Yongguk laughed softly to himself.

YG: What kind of breakfast does Yoonhye cook?

HS: If Yoonhye is cooking, she goes all out. She makes really extravagant meals. For breakfast, she would cook an English breakfast like this one then make an American style one with pancakes. She would then buy different kinds of breads and bake small cakes. She would also have different coffees, teas and juices for you to choose from. We tend not to let her make breakfast because by the time she's ready, we would be eating lunch.

YG: Sounds very cool. If only we get that kind of breakfast at our dorm.

HS: Not when you're on a diet and Yoonhye just stuffs you with food.

YG: What about Jooyong?

HS: Ramyun with a fried egg. You don't even get to say how you want your eggs. If she feels generous, she will put in some ham or hotdogs. 

Yongguk stared at Haesung with a face of admiration.

HS: I forgot that ramyun is a gift from God for you. Maybe we can ask Jooyong to come and make ramyun for you one day. Although simple, her ramyun for some reason is quite delicious.

YG: Really? I'm looking forward to that. But what are we doing today?

HS: We're having a day out. But before we do anything else, after breakfast, we're making lunch.

YG: Already?

HS: It's for when we go out. Take your time though, we still have a lot of time.

YG: Will you tell me where we're going?

HS: It's a secret. I can give you a clue though: Jooyong and I visit this place once every month.

Where did you think Haesung was taking you?

YG: I thought...this is purely because Haesung gives me the feel that she's a very traditional person, I thought she was taking me to a cemetry to visit the grave of some relatives who passed away. 

Why did you think that?

YG: Usually when you get married, don't you take your new wife or husband to visit your relatives who passed away to tell them that this is your new wife or husband out of respect? That's what I thought.

After breakfast, Yongguk took the dishes into the kitchen and washed them, putting them away while Haesung prepared the lunchboxes.

YG: That's a lot of lunchboxes.

HS: The blue one is for you and the pink one is for me. The Pororo and Hello Kitty one is for the people we're going to meet today.

YG: We're meeting someone? Pororo and Hello Kitty...are they children?

HS: You'll see. Alright, come here. I already put the rice in but we need the other food so please help me put them in. You can decorate the lunchbox as well. Here, you take the Pororo one.

The couple busy at making lunchboxes~

HS: Are you finished?

YG: Mine doesn't look professional like yours.

HS: It's okay, as long as it's from your heart, they will love it. Let's go then.

YG: How are we getting to where we're going?

HS: Driving. I have my license. Yongguk hung his head in shame. I'm sorry, Appa.

YG: Let's go then.

They got into the car and Haesung drove off, arriving at the church.

YG: I didn't know that you were Christian.

HS: Actually, both Jooyong and I are Christians because of our parents. We're just not very religious. I don't really like going to church, neither does Jooyong but that's not why we're here at the church. Come on, follow me.

Haesung navigated her way through the church, entering into a section, going into the garden where children were playing. Yongguk watched the children and immediately had a gummy smile on his face.

HS: Ah, there they are.

Haesung made her way over to a group of smaller children and Yongguk followed behind her.

HS: Jiseong-ah, Yoonkyung-ah, did you miss me?

JS: Eomma.

HS: Good boy, Jiseong. Yoonkyung-ah, what do we have to do when we see other people?

YK: Eomma...

HS: Good girl. Jiseong, Yoonkyung, come here. This is Yongguk-appa, say hi to him.

JS: Yongguk-appa.

YK: Appa...

YG: Good boy, good girl. Yongguk smiled, petting their heads gently. These aren't really your children, are they?

HS: Of course they are! They're not my biological children but they are my children. You see, as the Angels of Korea, all members in White Wings are required to help with a charity as often as they can. Our mother helped in this church when she was still in Korea and while we were abroad, we still made donations to the church for the orphanage specifically. When we came back, Jooyong and I volunteered here and we come once every month to visit and help out. Jiseong and Yoonkyung are orphans but I am their mother temporarily for now until they are adopted.

YG: I see...they are lovely children.

HS: Aren't they? How old is Jiseong going to turn in a month?

Jiseong held up three fingers, smiling at Haesung.

HS: And Eomma will be here to celebrate for you, won't I?

YG: What if you're on tour and can't come and visit them?

HS: Usually I let the Sister know in advance and I'd either come more often before I go or after I come back. I call them regularly if I'm on tour to make sure that they're okay. Especially Yoonkyung. Yoonkyung has the same heart condition as Jooyong.

YG: She does? But she's a strong girl, isn't she? Yoonkyung nodded her head, looking at Yongguk.

HS: Those are Jooyong's children over there, Donghyun and Yongmin. 

Yongguk turned his head around and saw two boys across the playground, nodding.

YG: They are much older than Jiseong and Yoonkyung.

HS: Donghyun is five and Yongmin is four. We didn't want Jooyong to be dealing with children younger than that because she's a child herself.

YG: So what are we doing with Jiseong and Yoonkyung today?

HS: First off, since we're in the playground, shall we play with Jiseong and Yoonkyung?

The two children nodded their heads together and Haesung smiled, getting up from the ground.

HS: What do you want to play?

YG: Hide and seek?

HS: How about we hide and Appa look for us?

JS: Yes!

HS: Okay then, Yongguk-appa, please count to ten!

While Yongguk turned around to count, Haesung took Jiseong's and Yoonkyung's hands, going off to hide behind trees and bushes. After they finished with the game, Haesung took them inside to the bathroom to wash up.

YG: There's a good boy. We have to wash your face too.

JS: Why?

YG: Because I think you have a cold. You've been sniffing and your nose has been running. We need to clean you up.

JS: Where's Eomma?

YG: She's helping Yoonkyung wash up. We'll see her later.

JS: Did she bring Pororo lunchbox?

YG: Yes she did. But Appa made the lunchbox for you.

JS: Really?

YG: Yes really. So you have to finish everything, okay?

JS: Nodding Okay.

What do you think of Jiseong?

YG: Jiseong is adorable. Actually, both Jiseong and Yoonkyung are adorable. Smiling They really see Haesung as their mother and in return, they see me as their father which I'm very honoured to be. If it was possible, I would adopt them as well. I definitely will visit them more often even without Haesung.

HS: Right, now that we're all cleaned, we can have lunch now. This is for Jiseong. Haesung took the Pororo lunchbox out and handed it to Jiseong. This is for Yoonkyung. Haesung smiled, giving the Hello Kitty one to her. And this is for Eomma and Appa.

YG: Thank you.

JS: Why doesn't the lunch look good?

HS: Hm?

JS: When Eomma makes lunch for us, it looks really good. This one is messy.

HS: must have been messed up when we were bringing it here.

The messed up lunchboxes:

YG: Laughing Well...I...I tried my best with the lunchboxes. I was so ashamed when Jiseong mentioned that it was too messy. It was still edible though because Haesung cooked the food. I was just the arranger and apparently, I'm not good at it.

The messed up lunchboxes:

HS: They weren't really messed up. Usually when I'm making the lunchboxes, I would make shapes and cartoons out of the food, arranging them to make it look like Mickey Mouse, etc. But Yongguk didn't know that so he just put the food in which made Jiseong think that it was messed up. Yongguk's still a very good appa though.

HS: How was lunch?

JS: It was yummy.

YG: Was it yummy, Yoonkyung?

Yongguk her cheek gently and took a tissue from Haesung, wiping Yoonkyung's lips for her while Yoonkyung nodded.

YG: There you go. What are we doing now, Haesung-eomma?

HS: Now? Hm...well, it's about time for us to go, actually. We have to say goodbye to Jiseong and Yoonkyung now.

JS: You have to go?

YK: Bye bye, Eomma...

HS: Bye bye to you too, Yoonkyung. Don't worry, Eomma will come and see you very soon, I promise. Now what about Appa?

YK: Bye bye, Appa...

YG: Bye bye. Yongguk kissed her chubby cheek gently and smiled. I'll miss you.

JS: Bye bye, Eomma. Bye bye, Appa.

HS: Bye, Jiseong.

YG: Bye Jiseong, I'll miss you too.

HS: Come on, Appa.

Yongguk gave one last wave to the children and got up, leaving with Haesung.

YG: I thought we were going to stay here all day.

HS: Ah, we're not. I don't usually stay here all day. We can visit next time and we'll take them on a day out.

YG: I didn't know that my wife is an angel.

HS: You think so? My husband's not too bad himself.

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Chapter 3: Omg yongguk has 2 children under his name in unicef too screams this is so realistic
Chapter 2: D'AW WHAT CUTIES.
And the eomma-appa nicknames appear! arrrgh I wish this was a real couple! Or at least a real WGM couple! ARRRRRGGH
Chapter 1: OMG and Bijeong and Himchan really are meant for each other, both teased by their members and both call other people "punk"! :D
Chapter 1: AWWW THEY'RE SO CUTE! I love how they're both sooo completely clueless hahahaha!
LOLOLOL YOU'RE a lazy procrastinator? I'M a lazy procrastinator! You are sooo not a procrastinator at all because you diligently write your stories and finish chapters in a timely manner. I really do need to learn from you. ><
Anyways, SO EXCITED FOR THIS! HAEGUK couple so cuuuuute~ <3
PattyPatata #7
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
jayparkaom #8
Can't wait ;)