Birthday Presents

The Cold-Hearted Prince


"Saengil Chukahhamnida, Saengil Chukahhamnida, Sarang Haneun, SeoKyung-ah, Saengil Chukahhamnida!" My family chorused. Well today was my Unni Seokyung's birthday and my family decided to celebrate it together. She was turning 20, while Daehyun was 22 and Donghae is 24.
He cake was so pretty, I baked it myself... Well with the help of Chef Jung I did. And now it was time to give her the presents.
"Unni, open my present first?" I asked her and smiled. Once she saw what was inside she stood up and  gave me a tight hug. I got my Unni a whole new set of clothes a dress and a denim jacket to go with it, also a new blue purse. 
Next she opened Daehyun's present and squealed as soon she took a glance at it and gave him a tight hug too. Daehyun got her a heels with a flower on the side of them.
Then next was Donghae's gift, I helped him choose it. And as I predicted she would love it and gave him a tight hug too. Donghae got her a heart necklace with a small diamonds in it.
"Here Seokyung, I hope you enjoy your present." Umma said, while appa stood there smiling.Well for umma and appa's present I didn't know what they got for Unni, but it was in a small envelope decorated with a mint green ribbon. Once she opened it, she screamed really loud that it looked like everyone was now hearing impaired.
"OH MY GOSH!!!! Umma, Appa, Thank You so much, I love you guys!!" She said in excitement. 
"Unni what is it?" I asked. 
"Hyera, it's tickets to EXO's upcoming concert, the seats are near the front too, where EXO can see you!" She replied.
"Ha! It's my hoobae's concert, I actually might come myself. Ooh and I'll take you backstage if you want." Donghae said.
"Jinjja?! Oppa you will?" Seokyung asked.
"Ne, think of it as another gift from me." Donghae replied
"Ahh, thanks so much oppa!" 
"Since there's 2 tickets, Seokyung you must take your sister." Appa told her.
"Eyyy, I'm not really a fan and I have to study for my exams." I replied.
"Just go, for your sister, one night won't kill your studying, your a straight A student anyways." Umma said.
Should I go or not? I debated in my head.
"Ahh... Arasseo, I'll come only for you Unni." I explained to them.
"Yay, thanks Dongsaeng!" She shouted.
Well it's this weekend on Saturday so it doesn't really matter, I'll just study before 7:00pm and it's only Wednesday, plenty of time to study. But who says I'll stand and sing, I'll just be sitting there since I'm not a fan of EXO, in fact in a way they seem to annoy me, but I have no idea why. While my sister was a big fan her bias was Luhan, she always blabs on about how he has a really angelic and baby face, even though he's one of the oldest, like 22 years old? Mollayo.
Now for the cake that I baked, it was chocolate her favourite and she did the honors in cutting it. My oppa's dug in the cake and no words needed to say that they found it delicious. 
After a long day of preparing for the party everyone bid each other goodnight and went to sleep.
3 Days Later (EXO's Concert Day)
"Omo, I have to get ready it's already 4:00pm!" My sister said as she paced around in my room. 
"Unni no need to rush, we still have 2 hours." I told her.
"But 2 hours isn't enough, I need to look good for EXO." She said panicking. 
"Don't worry Unni you're already beautiful, even if EXO don't recognize it." I said 
"Ohhh, Hyera your so sweet." She said, while pinching my cheeks.
"Okay, okay. Now go get ready!" I ordered.
"But what should I wear?" She asked.
"We'll take a shower first then decide, okay?" I explained.
So she runs to the shower and I also take one too.
------ 2 hours later ------
"Let's go now, I don't wanna be late!" Seokyung screamed from downstairs. 
Well we both lightly curled our hairs, well she insisted in doing mine, but I like my long straight hair. Now I was wearing something simple, just and oversized sweater, leggings and a beanie . Seokyung Unni wore a plain top on the inside and a denim top over it, then another green jacket over it, plus a cream scarf and jeans.
We both dressed warm and set off into my car. It was about 6:00pm and we need to be there at 6:30pm, good thing out house is like 25 minutes away or else we'll be late.  
As soon as we go there, there were already heaps of fangirls. Gosh they were so loud, some were chanting and others were blabbing about how EXO were so good looking and how skilled and amazing they were. Talk about obsessed.
Oppa said he'll take us to an entrance not as crowded. So Unni and I were waiting at the back door for oppa to come. And 5 minutes later the door opened revealing Donghae oppa, he quietly led up through the halls and to the seating places, to where we are sitting.
"Okay my little dongsaegs, I'll meet you here when the concert has ended, arasseo?" He said. 
"Ne." We chorused before he left to go somewhere else.
Now it was about 6:45pm, 15 more minutes, until I go deaf of screams. I'll just sit here either talking to Yoonmi and Minhee or just playing my phone. But for all I know, I'm not gonna sing along, no matter how catchy, it's not that I hate this group, or maybe I do? 
I'm only here for Seokyung Unni I kept on repeating in my head and before I know it I head the speakers blasting loud music. With a song their fans called Mama. What a weird name? Right?
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Chapter 3: Ahhhh oh my goshhhh update soon~~ I will be hwaiting~~! This is dae to the bak !
Chapter 2: Noo it ended too quickly!! Please update soooooon!! Im craving for this!!
Chapter 2: I feel like one of those fans there :00