For Now

One In the Same

One in the Same

Ch. 2

I rolled over but soon jerked awake as I felt sharp pain shoot up through my shoulder. I sat up trying to hold in my tears.

“!” I cursed out loud, holding onto my shoulder. My odds are already looking slimmer the more I think about it. How am I supposed to do anything with my shoulder like this? I rubbed my eyes, they still feel heavy. The sun was already shining and judging by its position in the sky I say it’s no later 9 a.m.

I stood up and stretched, my body was in pain and it hurt as I stretched but in a good way. As I made my way outside of the wreckage I took in the sight. I could see every detail of the crashed plane since it was now broad daylight.

I found a nearby fallen trunk caused by when the plane crashed. I sat there and cried. I couldn’t handle the sight, why me? Why was I the only survivor? Wouldn’t it have been easier if I just died?

I shook my head vigorously. No, I can’t have these kinds of thoughts right now; I need to strong for myself because I knew she’ll do the same.

As I surveyed the surrounding area, I found a number of bodies but none of them had a sign of life in them. I spent most of my day gathering up the dead and covering them with the inflated life boats. I know it’s not a proper burial but I don’t have a shovel or anything capable of breaking the earth’s surface and dig them a grave.

The least I could do is to get them covered until someone comes finds me…if anyone ever comes finds me. If there is a missing plane, the airport would go in search of it wouldn’t they?

As they the sun reached its peak position, I took off my hoodie and wrapped it around my waist. Next step is to gather all necessary and available items and go look for any source of running water.

I found a backpack on the ground, it was covered in dirt but it could still get the job done. I dumped the contents of the bag, rummaging through its contents to see if I could find anything useful. In the end I ended up taking a bottle of sunscreen and a hat.

I caught eye of one of the carts where they kept the refreshments and snacks. I grabbed a few water bottles and a couple bags of chips, nuts, and a few candy bars for sugar.

There were a few scattered packages that were meant to be mailed to our destination. I began ripping each one of them open, hoping that I would find something useful. Thank god, most of the packages where items bought online.

I only kept three items. A pair of rock climbing rope, a river knife, and a snuggie…

I looked up at the sky once I was done collected what I deemed necessary for my survival. The sun is going to go down in a few hours. I should probably start moving now before it gets too dark. I quickly applied more lotion on my skin before heading into the dense forest.


My legs hurt, I don’t know how long I have been wondering in these woods but I haven’t even seen any evidence of water source. I think my left shoulder is going to fall off because of the bag, it’s isn’t heavy but I haven’t had anything to eat for at least a few days, give or take.

The chips aren’t really a big help for sustenance. And since my right shoulder is injured it’s hard to have both straps on my back.

I sighed before taking a rest on a large rock. I drank from the water bottle I got back at the wreckage. I have a total of four and I’m trying to make it last for while just in case I don’t find any later. I think I might survive with only a bottle per day. Hard to say though, if it gets any hotter than today I might suffer from a heat .

I took out my pictures. And even when I know my chances of making it out of this alive is a by small margin, a smile graced my face. Her smile already helped me survive a plane crash and thought of having her back in my arms will give me the drive to make it back home.

My eyes landed then on a picture of someone who gave me everything. I promised to take care of her and I don’t plan on going back on it.

“Please take care of her for me ‘til I get back.”


It was dark out now, I need to find some sort of shelter or at least a place that’s a little more elevated. I should’ve joined the girl’s scout when I was younger. Maybe then this whole surviving in the woods would be a lot easier. I would know how to start a fire and make a shelter.

I’ve just been aimlessly wondering around, lost in my own thought that I didn’t even realize the sun was about to set until it was too late.


I turned my head in the direction of the sound so fast that I think that I might’ve given myself whiplash.

“W-who’s there?!” I said pulling out the knife from my pocket. , its dark and I can’t see more than 5 feet in front of me.

Okay, let’s analyze the situation here. I’m alone in the dark. Three possible outcomes can come out of this little encounter.

One, it’s another survivor. Then we could work together.

Two, it’s a wild animal and I’m going to get ripped to shreds if it’s a bobcat or something.

Three, it’s a maniacal serial killer that lives up in the mountains and comes down prey on our innocent hikers.

I heard another crack and turned faced the direction, I slowly took one step at a time, trying to be weary of my surrounding. I heard running footsteps and right there and then I decided to just bolt it.

I started running even with my injured leg, whatever it is or whomever I really don’t want to deal with it. And my first instinct is too run.

I frantically ran through the forest. I turned my head around trying to see if it was following me. I stopped once I realized I was alone. Or maybe I’m just going crazy and I just have been imagining. I rested my hands on my thighs, trying to catch my breath.

When I turned around to see a girl, her clothing dirty and ripped. She looked at me before swinging something and that was it. I fell to the ground, everything go blurry. The girl squatted down next to me, watching me.

I was going to say something but nothing came out of my mouth. My vision began getting blurry. The darkness of the night mixing with each other until it was completely pitch black.


“Ugh…my head.” It was throbbing in pain. What the hell happened? I could see the light from outside the cave.

Wait. Cave?!
 I quickly got up only to go tumbling back onto the ground. I looked at what caused it. My hands! They are tied up with the rope I found back at the crash site. I carefully tried to once again get up onto my feet. I tipped over and my injured shoulder hit the wall of the cave.

“!” I screamed in pain, shutting my eyes tightly, and tears building up at the immense pain that shot through my body.

I yelped in disapproval once more as I used the wall to help me up and back onto my feet. This is really not looking well for me. As I made my way to the mouth of the cave, I immediately closed my eyes at the stinging sensation as the sun’s rays hits my eyes.

I opened my eyes; all I could see was white until my eyes adjusted to the brightness. I surveyed the surrounding around me. There was no one and my bag is gone. What’s even better is that my hands are tied behind my back.

…that chick knocked me out, tied me up, and left me here to die?!

What kind of human being does this?! Especially after a crash like that?!

“WHAT THE HELL, MAN!!” I yelled to the skies, kicking the fallen leaves on the ground which caused me to lose my balance and landing on my . My body gave up and I just slumped onto the ground.

Is it okay to give up yet? It seems that everything is against me at this moment.

I sat back up and released a heavy sigh.

If I’m already doomed then I might as well just keep walking until I permanently stay down. As eased myself up, I began my journey once again.

She could’ve at least be generous and left me a bottle of water and may be not tie my hands. As I strutted slowly along the unpaved path, I thought about all the things I would do different if I could make it back home. All the things I would do if I was given the chance too.

I seriously feel like a prisoner that just escaped prison and is wondering with no set destination. I’m so dehydrated right now. I feel my legs getting week as they wobbled with each step.

I fell to my knees, not even caring about the pain because of how tired I am. Is no one ever going to come? As the hours pass my hope is fading and I don’t even know if I want to continue anymore.


I turned around at the scream to see the girl that robbed me stomping her way towards me angrily. She stood in front of me, with her arms crossed and screaming at me angrily.

“SERIOUSLY?! I go looking for something to start a fire with and you run away?! Are you out of your mind?!”

I looked at her as if she was insane. Why was she yelling at me? And most importantly why is she back here?

I shook my head at her, first off my throat is dry and I’m pretty sure nothing but a puff a smoke with emerge from my lungs if I opened my mouth.

“What? Speak up! Do you not understand me?”

I shook my head; hopefully she understands that I don’t know what the hell she is saying. It was then that I realized it was the girl that bumped into me at the plane.

Really?! Of all people I had to be stuck here with her? Did she not embarrass me enough back at the competition. I despise this girl. What did I ever do to her to deserve how she bashed me at the event? Granted I didn’t know what she was talking about since she was speaking her native tongue but judging from how all her friends laughed and the way she talked, it wasn’t anything good.

“God, you are as stupid as remember. Stupid boy.”

Her attitude is pissing me off, did her parents not raise her right or something? Or maybe she was one of those spoiled brats. Whatever it is I don’t like her.

She waved at me signally for me to follow her. Like hell I will.

“Come on! Do you want to die here?”

I looked at her emotionless. This is so frustrating. Then I weighed my options. We are more likely to survive if we are together. I guess I will comply for now but once I get free from these restraints you are going to wish you never knocked me out.

“Fine.” I heard her huff out in annoyance. She took one of the bottles from the bag and shoved it in my mouth. I drank a third of it before she capped it.

“Now can you move?”

I still can’t understand what she is saying so I made a gesture as if I didn’t know what she was trying to say. Why does this girl keep talking if she knows full well that I don’t know a single thing she is saying?

She made some movements with her hands telling me to stand up and follow her. So I did. I got up onto my feet. We started walking, me trailing behind her. No words exchanged.

This is going to be a long day and an even bigger hardship with our language barrier.


(A/N: Just getting a chapter in before work, i actually wrote this a almost two days ago but i've been too busy to really edit it and i'm going to be running late to work right now :P

So bear with me? Or is it bare? Even when i do speak EngRish i still fail. I'll just stick to chinglish.

Anyways, enjoy

and don't forget to drop a coment if you have the time and havely a lovely (whatever time of day it is in your part of the world.)


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Chapter 4: The story is captivating, but I like your author's perspective at the end. Very deep, very cathartic, very true, very......Amber!!!! Thank you!
Chapter 2: it's "bear" - to deal with or endure
"bare" -
Chapter 1: What movie were you watching?? This is excellent!!!
Chapter 4: Hey author..
I stumbled into this story again when looking for old Kryber stories that I haven't read yet..
And I just wondering since you said there's only one chapter left to finish this story.
Are you forget or smh? Well just want to let you know that I'm waiting, cause it's good tbh :)
Chapter 4: The message was clear...
I love how you make they not talking English at first.
It's so amusing in a good way.
And the story... it's like walking in a long dark tunnel and then I can finally see a light.
Well waiting for the last chapter I guess :)
Thanks for such a good story.

Ps : Purple??? Seriously??? Lmao
Chapter 4: I like this story... X) the message is clear plus the summary... For me, I'm actually not really pay attention on what other people think about me... Not that I'm kind of insensitive type of person... I cried a lot of times read some sad Kryber fic XD... I mean I just do what ever makes me happy as long as its not brings me to jail or something XD... "Everyone in this world is somehow connected. So why not just be nice to everybody"- Richard Simmons... ^^
Chapter 4: And by purple you mean... Barney? Hahahaha
KBwayback #8
Chapter 4: nice update :D
Bo-Remi #9
Chapter 4: i was like this T^T and then :D. There story are so sad. But then your summarize make me laugh. who has purple skin? Purple? hahha
Can't wait for next update
KBwayback #10
Chapter 3: wowwww nice story!!