Going Back

One In the Same

Ch. 3

Amber’s POV:

I seriously feel like a prisoner of war at the moment. My hands tied up, my clothes ripped up, and I’m tired; not to mention I’m trotting behind this witch of a dictator. I don’t know how long we’ve been walking now and the sun is really starting to have an effect on me.

That’s right; there should be some sunscreen in my bag.


She stopped in her track and looked at me with a glare.


God, this is so hard. How do I say sunscreen? Does she know English? Should I try but if she doesn’t some Chinese words are similar to Korean.

Or maybe a game of charades will do.

“The sun is really high; if we keep going like this it’s going to burn us.” I said, motioning up towards the sky with my chin.

“What about the sky?” She said crossing her arm. Gosh, this girl really have no patience what so ever.

I just shook my head telling her to forget it. After a few seconds of giving me some weird look she started off again.

My throat is dry, we’ve already drank more than we should be considering that we haven’t even found one sign of water yet. We’ve been moving up the mountain, but as the hours pass (which I don’t even know how long it’s really been) my hope is starting to take a plunge.

I don’t even have the strength to really keep moving on anymore. Every step I take my legs are wobbling, the soles on my feet are throbbing and burning with pain. I need to rest. I didn’t notice sooner because of the heat but now that every part of my body is aching, this stupid searing pain on my head that I received from that she witch is becoming more apparent.

Not even a second after that thought, I fell to my knees. The thud on the ground must’ve caught the attention of the Korean girl. My eyes were fixed to the ground and my vision became foggy.

I noticed her feet facing my direction and walking towards me. I heard some mumbling which is her probably saying something but I can’t even make out the words correctly, I mean not that would’ve understood her anyways.

I just need some sleep. I said slumping over, falling onto my side. I felt her hand on my forehead. Since when did she get near me? I looked up at her with my fading vision; I could still see the glare from the sun behind her as she moved her head.

She honestly looked worried at the moment, I’m surprised. I thought she had no emotions. My breathing slowed and my eyes got heavy.

You know what I find funny though…even at time like this where I’m about to pass out I just can’t help but think that she looks like an angel with the rays of sun shining down her like that.

That or I must be more delirious than I thought.

My eyes are slowly starting to close.

Yeah, I need sleep. It’ll do me some good. And maybe…if I’m lucky I won’t wake up.


Krystal’s POV:

“Gah! Why does this girl give me so much trouble?!” I looked angrily at the tomboy, lying on the ground. That’s when I noticed something. Her skin is a lot more flushed than I remembered. Then I recalled back a couple hours ago how she was nodding towards the sun.

I touched her skin, it burned.

…she was telling me the sun was too high. I opened up the bag that I stole from her and shuffled towards the bottom.

There was sunscreen.

I put the bottle back in the pack and lifted her upper body up from underneath her arms. I used what little energy I have left and dragged her to the side of a rocky corner where a large boulder provided shade.

“I hope she’s not dead.” I don’t really want to be in the forest all by myself. I looked at her, brushing her bangs from her face.

Why does she look so happy, sleeping? Is she dreaming about something nice? I’m actually surprised to find her out here. I seriously thought I was the only survivor but I have a reason to survive, to keeping moving on until I can’t anymore.

So…what’s her reason? She looks young, can’t be much older than me, maybe by a year or two.

*sigh* I hope she’s not too worried. Don’t worry; I’ll make it back home alive. I promise.

I looked at the girl laying ground; I had grabbed a hoodie which I suspect is hers and used it as a pillow for her. Maybe I’ve taken this approach all wrong. We should be helping each other escape.

But how do I know that I could trust her? Exactly the reason why I knocked her out in the first place. Well…okay at first thought it was an animal then some sort of serial killer. I might’ve gone overboard.

Then it hit me, I did whack her over the head pretty hard, I wonder if it left any damage. I shifted closer to her and moved her head to the side, looking for the spot that took the impact.

When I found it, I found some sticky substance surrounding the bump.

I gasped and jump back a little. Did I really hit her that hard? There was a gash in her head but the bleeding had ceased.

This isn’t who you are Krystal. You aren’t the type of girl to make fun of others because they are different. You aren’t the type to tie someone up and drag them around like you own them. And you for one am not going to be the type of person to go down like this.

I untied the knot in her hands. I felt even guiltier now, her wrists had some bad bruising on them; she pulled and tugged on them too much.

My parents would not be proud of me at all…neither would she.

I took off my shirt that was covered in dirt and started to rip it. It might get chilly with just my tank on and I know my shirt is dirty but anything is better than her getting the wound on her head infected.

I took what little water we had left and damped the shirt slightly and began cleaning the cut on her head as best as I could before taking the fabric I ripped from my shirt to wrap around her head.

I hope she won’t get too mad. If we are going to survive this we are going to have work as a team.

Once I was down properly securing the “bandage” around her head, I positioned her into a more comfortable position.

That’s when some pieces of paper fell out of her pocket. I picked them up only to discover they were pictures. They were all wrinkled up; she probably keeps them with her all the time. There were a few pictures. Most of them consisting of a small and cute girl no older than 4 years old. The other was another woman in her mid-20s.

Seeing this it makes me think back to my sister back home. She must be worried sick.

I was brought back to reality when I saw her shuffling from the corner of my eye. The sun was starting to set now and it’s a lot cooler than it was earlier.

I witnessed as her eyes shot open and she jolted up with a start. She stared at me confused, and then she looked at her hands, noticing that her hands aren’t bound anymore. Before I could get a word out she bolted.

She ran down towards the worn animal trail, tripping on rocks as she descended.


“YAH!” What the hell?! I untied her and the first thing she does is escape? Then again…I would too.

What the hell?!” I yelled running after her.


“Stop running!” God, I should just let her run. Not a second later, I tripped and fell on the ground, skinning my knee.

I guess she heard my cry of pain because she stopped in her track and turned around. She looked at me for second, contemplating whether she should leave or not. I don’t know why but my heart sank when she gave me a look of apology and disappeared behind the rocks.

I tried getting up but my right ankle gave out and I went falling back onto ground. I buried my face in my hands, tears burning my eyes. Exactly how long have I been here crying out my frustration. Suddenly I felt like I was being lifted off my feet.

I uncovered my face and saw the tomboy carrying me and walking back up the rocky hill.

“You came back…” I whispered. My hand clenching her shirt as she held me in her arms. She’s pretty strong for a rather thin girl, but in a healthy way.

I assumed she understood what I said since she looked at me and nodded. I was confused when she set me down to sit on a large fallen rock. I guess she’s tired. I’m not that light. What confused me more was when she turned around, her back facing me.

“Hop on, it’s easier.” She said gesturing me to get on her back. I hesitantly moved forward but grabbing onto her shoulders. I squealed a little when her hands came into contact with my legs to lift me up.

I heard her wince in pain when I applied pressure on her shoulder. Did she hurt herself before we ran into each other. I decided to test it out to confirm. I pressed down on my bother her shoulder simultaneously and she wailed in pain.

“What are you doing?!” She snapped at me.


Amber’s POV:

I feel bad for leaving her but as of now nothing good really came out of sticking around with her. I looked back and she was already out of sight. I decided to stop and catch my breath, that’s when I felt something on my head. It was a white fabric tied around my skull.

Did…did she wrap this? I rethought upon my action. I should really go back. My conscious won’t let me live it down if I leave that poor girl alone out here. No matter how nasty she treated me before.

I huffed out a sigh and walked back to where I last saw her. When I arrived, she was on the ground, crying. She was holding onto her ankle, her knee dirty from where she fell. She didn’t notice my presence as I approached her.

Without thinking, I swooped her up into my arm. Her look was that of surprised. She whispered something, it was quite faint but I just nodded my head, assuming that she was thanking me for coming back.

After deciding to give her a piggy back ride, I continued onto the path we were originally taking. She stopped squirming around a while ago, her head slumped forward. She must’ve fallen asleep.

I bet she’s tired. After what happened, with the crash, and this whole ordeal. She probably didn’t get any good rest being stuck in this forest all alone. I don’t even know if she rested prior to our meeting.

I don’t know why but I feel an immense urge to help her get out of here even if it’s just her who’ll make it out.

The longer that we are out here, the slimmer our chances look. I shook my head, trying to get the negative thoughts and scenarios out of my head.

I wonder how’s Sulli? Is she crying? Is she eating properly? How about Victoria? I don’t want her to lose someone else that’s important to her.

I heard faint mumbling coming from the girl slumped over my back.




(A/N: I think this will have one or two more chapters but i don't think you guys will mind. I'll try to finish this story as quickly as possible so i could get back to my longer ones.

How do you guys like it so far? Different? Similar? Heard it before? Let me know :)


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Chapter 4: The story is captivating, but I like your author's perspective at the end. Very deep, very cathartic, very true, very......Amber!!!! Thank you!
Chapter 2: it's "bear" - to deal with or endure
"bare" -
Chapter 1: What movie were you watching?? This is excellent!!!
Chapter 4: Hey author..
I stumbled into this story again when looking for old Kryber stories that I haven't read yet..
And I just wondering since you said there's only one chapter left to finish this story.
Are you forget or smh? Well just want to let you know that I'm waiting, cause it's good tbh :)
Chapter 4: The message was clear...
I love how you make they not talking English at first.
It's so amusing in a good way.
And the story... it's like walking in a long dark tunnel and then I can finally see a light.
Well waiting for the last chapter I guess :)
Thanks for such a good story.

Ps : Purple??? Seriously??? Lmao
Chapter 4: I like this story... X) the message is clear plus the summary... For me, I'm actually not really pay attention on what other people think about me... Not that I'm kind of insensitive type of person... I cried a lot of times read some sad Kryber fic XD... I mean I just do what ever makes me happy as long as its not brings me to jail or something XD... "Everyone in this world is somehow connected. So why not just be nice to everybody"- Richard Simmons... ^^
Chapter 4: And by purple you mean... Barney? Hahahaha
KBwayback #8
Chapter 4: nice update :D
Bo-Remi #9
Chapter 4: i was like this T^T and then :D. There story are so sad. But then your summarize make me laugh. who has purple skin? Purple? hahha
Can't wait for next update
KBwayback #10
Chapter 3: wowwww nice story!!