Down With No Regrets

One In the Same

Ch. 1


I feel cold. My breathing is heavy and shallow. I feel a sharp pain in my right shoulder and left leg. I find comfort as the feeling of dew of the grass cooling my overheating body. It hurts too much to move. I swallowed trying to get some sort of moisture down my dry throat. Every time I replay the day’s events in my head, I feel nothing but dizziness.

I looked up at the stars, the night sky had already settled in by the time I regained consciousness. How long have I been out? Could have been days and I wouldn’t even have known. Many thoughts have run through my head in the countless hours I have been laying here, motionless.

Am I going to die like this? Will anyone ever find me?

I feel so pathetic, I haven’t even tried and I’ve already given up. Am I really going to go out like this? Am I not going to fight to survive? I want to try but my common sense is telling the odds are against me.

A tear drop escaped my eyes, as it dripped down my cheek leaving a streak of moisture behind. I closed my eyes as the wind blew by, relishing in the feeling. The wind was like a wakeup call. As my body shivers, that was enough to say that I am still very much alive and if I wanted to keep it that way, I need do something, anything. I've been given a second chance and I am not going to surrender to the challenge that has been thrown in my path.

I let my head fall to the side. As much as I dreaded from looking at it the more time passes I feel like I have to accept what has happened and try to make it out of this alive.

I took a few deep breathes before holding my breath and pushing myself up with my arms.

“Aaargh!” I screamed in pain as I sat myself up. I panted heavily. I must’ve dislocated my shoulder or something because the pain is so unbearable.

I let the pained feeling subside before I move onto my next attempt to stand up. I grabbed collar of hoodie and bit down on the fabric before pushing myself up and off the floor.

My bones creaked and I stumbled as I got onto the soles of my feet. I stumbled forward slightlly, following back on my hands and knees. I rested for another few seconds and once again pushed myself off the ground completely.

It’s still too dark to do any wondering around. I slowly limped my way towards the wreck. After using the last of my strength shoving objects to the side and finding a temporary shelter until morning. I slumped down onto the partly destroyed seatings.

Funny how I just got up from lying down and now here I am a some feet from where I was originally about to go to sleep. Let’s just pray to god I’d be able to open my eyes tomorrow.


I can't believe my luck! I knew if I kept my hopes up and worked hard everything was going to pay off and look at my result! I am currently boarding a plane to South Korea. During the summer I worked my off running around from different dance studios doing different gigs and even being their intern. Months of hard work, buckets of sweat, and sore muscles opened a door of possibilities for me.

One of the choreographers at the last studio I danced for gave me the opportunity to accompany her and a handful of other dancers that she had chosen to go sign a year contract with a huge dance company in Seoul, South Korea.

Of course, I jumped in at the chance. The other dancers and I flew from California to England for some competitions to earn money for our travels and hopefully sponsors. We spent a month in London and today is the day that we will fly to South Korea.

As we boarded the plane, I got bored waiting for takeoff. I pulled out a set of pictures that I always keep in my pocket. The reason why I’m working my off trying to make it as a professional dancer. A smile brought to my face as I shuffled through the pictures until I came to one in particular.

She has grown up so much. I remember when she was still in diapers and would always cry when the pain form her teeth growing in bothered her too much.

“Is that your kid?”

I looked over my left and saw Luhan. He wasn’t originally in the group but we saw him dancing on the streets and his skills were pretty amazing so Hyoyeon recruited him on the spot. He didn’t speak English so we spoke Mandarin with each other. Of all the members he and I are the closest since it was easier for him to communicate with me.

I laughed at his question.

“Something like that.”

“She’s really cute.”


Once the plane was off the ground and in the air, I decided to plug in my earphones and take a nap since the plane isn’t schedule to land for 11 hours.

I don’t know how long I dozed off for but when I woke up I didn’t imagine that I’d be shaken awake.

Put on your seat belt. There’s some really bad turbulence.”

I quickly sat myself up straight and strapped on my seat belt. I looked over to Luhan; his hands were clenched around the armrest so tight that his knuckles where turning white and his hands were shaking.

I didn’t know if they were shaking because of his tense muscles or because of the fact that the plane was shaking rather violently, jerking up and down sporadically.

I leaned back into my seat, trying to ease my breathing. As I was about to close my eyes and go to a happy place my eyes shot open once again and I unbuckled my belt. I stood up, opening my compartment.

“Are you crazy?! What are you doing?!” Luhan screamed at me, pulling at my shirt, trying to get me back in my seat.

I was shifting the items in my backpack until found what I was looking for. It was the necklace that I got from my mother, also my good luck charm. I kissed the necklace before putting it around my neck. As I closed the compartment, I was about to get in my seat when someone bumped into me.

“Mianhe.” I turned to see a girl about my age with long black hair bow to me; I caught a glimpse of her face before she hurried back to her seat about 5 rows in front of us. It was the girl we encountered at one of the competitions right before our scheduled flight.

Luhan pulled me down by the shirt and into my seat.

“Are you out of your mind?!”

“That girl looked scared.”

“What girl?”

“The one that bumped into me.”

“Her face, she was scared.” I said putting on my seatbelt once again. Why do I even care that she’s scared? She was such a….i don’t even want to say it. I didn’t understand a thing she said but everything that came out of sounded obnoxious.

“I think everyone in this plane is scared right now.”

“What does ‘mianhe’ mean?”

“I think that’s ‘I’m sorry’ in Korean.” Luhan answered quickly before returning to doing a death grip on the arm rest. I dismiss the incident and slipped back into my own little world but was soon taken out of it.

I can hear people crying next to me and some praying for their safety and for the safety of the others on the plane. I don’t know what to think as of this moment. This is one of those situations that you always hear about from other people but never really thought that it would happen to you.

I took out her picture and looked at it; I gave it a kiss before holding it close to my heart. The plane dropped for a split second causing the passengers to voice their shock and disapproval.

The intercom came one and the pilot’s voice rang throughout the cabin. He was trying to keep everyone calm and tell us that everything was going to be all right, that it was just some minor turbulance.

Minor? I think that's far from what every other passenger is thinking as of the moment.

Everyone kept relatively quiet until the emergency airbags popped of their compartments and the plane dropped once more. Some more shaking and jerking were felt before the plane began dropping at a rapid speed.

All the passengers were screaming, crying, and those rare ones like me who just sat still and stayed silent. Just like Luhan, i gripped the armrest tighter, i don't know why but i was counting down ''til we hit the ground or ocean.

“I shouldn’t have agreed to go! I could be at home right now with my family!” Luhan began bursting into tears, fearing our end.

As our altitude was rapidly decreasing, I placed the picture back in my pocket. Yeah, I do wish I was home with them, with her. I do want nothing to do with this nightmare that has befallen upon us. But even if I perish in this crash, I won’t regret taking the opportunity. Live life without any regrets, I may be young and have not made enough decisions to wish that I would’ve done things differently but I know for a fact that at least if I died, I would’ve died trying to achieve my dreams.

“Brace yourselves for impact!”

I hope she won’t be too sad at my absence. She’s a strong girl. She’ll pull through it, one way or another. I know she will, after all i did raise her and she is her mother's daughter.

“I love you, Sulli.”


(A/N: So how do you guys like it so far? I actually got the inspiration to write this story from a movie I recently watched. The storyline is NOT the same as the movie but the message is and i hope i would be able to convey the message to you readers as well as it did for me in the movie. I'll try my best in capturing the moment. Thanks for taking your time and checking it out and for those who subscribed.

Tell me how i did below? Yeah? Thanks! BYE :D )


btw, chinese is in red and korean as you can see is in blue.

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Chapter 4: The story is captivating, but I like your author's perspective at the end. Very deep, very cathartic, very true, very......Amber!!!! Thank you!
Chapter 2: it's "bear" - to deal with or endure
"bare" -
Chapter 1: What movie were you watching?? This is excellent!!!
Chapter 4: Hey author..
I stumbled into this story again when looking for old Kryber stories that I haven't read yet..
And I just wondering since you said there's only one chapter left to finish this story.
Are you forget or smh? Well just want to let you know that I'm waiting, cause it's good tbh :)
Chapter 4: The message was clear...
I love how you make they not talking English at first.
It's so amusing in a good way.
And the story... it's like walking in a long dark tunnel and then I can finally see a light.
Well waiting for the last chapter I guess :)
Thanks for such a good story.

Ps : Purple??? Seriously??? Lmao
Chapter 4: I like this story... X) the message is clear plus the summary... For me, I'm actually not really pay attention on what other people think about me... Not that I'm kind of insensitive type of person... I cried a lot of times read some sad Kryber fic XD... I mean I just do what ever makes me happy as long as its not brings me to jail or something XD... "Everyone in this world is somehow connected. So why not just be nice to everybody"- Richard Simmons... ^^
Chapter 4: And by purple you mean... Barney? Hahahaha
KBwayback #8
Chapter 4: nice update :D
Bo-Remi #9
Chapter 4: i was like this T^T and then :D. There story are so sad. But then your summarize make me laugh. who has purple skin? Purple? hahha
Can't wait for next update
KBwayback #10
Chapter 3: wowwww nice story!!