♥Catch Me I'm Falling For You♥

♥Catch Me I'm Falling For You♥

Mrs. Xun: Xiao yu, this is my daughter, Albee!

Xiao xun: Mom!! I told you not to call me that! I told you to call me, Xiao xun!

Mrs. Xun: Okay then!! This is my daughter, Xiao xun!! And This is Wang zi's older brother, Xiao yu!!

Xiao xun:nice to meet you, Xiao yu!

Xiao yu: nice to meet you too, Xiao xun!


Xiao xun: I'll get it!!

Mrs. Okay go ahead!!

[ Heading to the door and open it ]

Xiao xun: Mei mei!!

Mei mei: Are you ready?

Xiao xun: Hold on! One more thing!!


Xiao xun: Mom, I'm going shopping with Mei mei, okay?!

Mrs. Xun: Yes, but Wang zi and Xiao yu, have to come with you'll!!

Xiao yu: sure!!

Wang zi: okay, then!!

Xiao xun: BUT!!

Mrs. Xun: Albee!! NO BUT!!

Xiao xun: Okay!!Fine!!

[ Going in the limo ]

* In the Limo *

Mei mei: what are we going to buy, today?!

Xiao xun: I don't know!! But i'ma buy something that has the color lavander or purple!! something like that!! How about you??

Mei mei: i'ma get something pink!!

Xiao xun: Wow Mei mei, you are so girly!!

Mei mei: I know right!!

[ Mei mei is staring at Xiao yu ]

* Mei mei and Xiao xun are talking in French *

Xiao xun: Stop staring at him!!

Mei mei: What?!?! I'm not staring at anybody!!

Xiao xun: Stop lying, Mei mei!! I just saw you right now!!

Mei mei: Okay fine! He's just cute!! and he look familiar to me!!

Xiao xun: You like him don't you?!?

Mei mei: NoOoOo!!

Xiao xun: Yeah..Yeah.. What ever you say!!

[ They've arrived to the mall ]

[ Walking in the mall ]

Xiao yu: What were they saying?

Wng zi: That Mei mei is staring at somebody!

Xiao yu: Then?

Wang zi: That Mei mei like somebody!!

Xiao yu: Do you who are they talking about?

Wang zi: I think it's you!

Xiao yu: Why me?

Wang zi: Because me and Xiao xun got in an argument!!

Xiao yu: Why?!?

Wang zi: You ask too many question!!

Xiao yu: Where are they?!?!


- Xiao xun and Mei mei is already one of the store and already picking clothes! -

Mei mei: Look at them! They are just standing there and looking around!!

Xiao xun: I know right!! Ayy, they are looking at us!!!

Mei mei: Look away!! Act like you didn't see them!!

Xiao xun: Got it!!


Xiao yu and Wang zi


Xiao yu: I think they are talking about us!!

Wang zi: I think so too!!


Mei mei and Xiao xun


Xiao xun: Mei mei, I wanna buy this one. Do you like it?!?!

Mei mei: It's cute!!

Xiao xun: Okay then! Let's go pay!


Cashier: Hello ma'am. How are you doing?

Xiao xun: I'm good!!

Cashier: That's good!!

Xiao xun: Thank you!!

Cashier: Thank you for shopping here, please come again!!

Xiao xun: Umm... can you do me a favor?!?!

Cashier: Sure! What is it?!?!

Xiao xun: Can you give this bags to those boys over there?!?!

Cashier: Okay then!

[ The cashier walking towards the boys ]

Cashier: Sir, do you'll know those girls over there?!?!

Wang zi: Yes! Why?!?!

Cashier: The tall one and I belive her name is Xiao xun!

Wang zi: Yeah!

Cashier: She told me to give this to you and can you carry it for her?!?!

* Wang zi looked at Xiao xun and Xiao xun smiled evily *

Wang zi: Oh, okay then! Thanks!

Xiao yu: WOW!!


Mei mei: Xiao xun, look at this!!

Xiao xun: It's pretty!!

Mei mei: Miss, I'll take this!!

Cashier: okay!

Mei mei: Thank you!

Cashier: Have a good day!!

Mei mei and Xiao xun: You too!!

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