♥Catch Me I'm Falling For You♥

♥Catch Me I'm Falling For You♥

HHK: Okay, let's go to the mansion!!

Mrs. Shin: Aira, come and ride with us!!

Mei mei: But i wanna ride with Xiao xun!!

Xiao xun:  Mei mei,don't leave me!!

HHK: It's okay, you will see her when we get in the mansion!! Ms. Albee come in the car now!!

Xiao xun: Okay, then!!

------------------Heading to the mansion------------------

Xiao xun is Mei mei!!

Wang zi is listening to music on his Ipod!!

HHK: Ms. Albee, do want anything to drink??

Xiao xun: No thanks and Please don't call me Ms. Albee, just call me Xiao xun!! OKAY?!?!

HHK: But!! Emperor, told me to only call you, Ms. Albee!!

Xiao xun: How about this!! Just call me Ms. Albee when we're with my dad, If not just call me Xiao xun!! okay?!?

HHK: Bu..bu.. bu.. BUT!!!

Xiao xun: No BUT's!!

HHK: Yes, Ms. Albee!!

[Xiao xun gave him a death glare!!]

HHK: Umm.. I mean, Xiao xun!!

Xiao xun: Much better!!

[Xiao xun fell asleep]

(Wang zi is staring at her)

- Wang zi's mind: Why do i feel different from all the girls I've met?!? -

* Mei mei is calling Xiao xun *

HHK: Ms. Xiao xun.. Ms. Xiao xun... MS. XIAO XUN!!!!

Xiao xun: Huh?!? What?!?!

HHK: Your phone is ringing!!

Xiao xun: Oh, Thank you!!


Xiao xun and Mei mei



Xiao xun: Hey, What's up?

Mei mei: Where are you guys?

Xiao xun: Wait up!!

Xiao xun: Where are we?

HHK: We are almost there!!

Xiao xun: we are almost there!!

Mei mei: you guys are slow!!

Xiao xun: Whatever!!

Mei mei; okay then, bye!!

Xiao xun: Bye-bye

[ Hang up ]


Xiao xun: What?!?!

Wang zi: What?!?!

Xiao xun: Why are you looking at me, like I'm crazy?!?!

Wang zi: I'm not looking at you!!

Xiao xun: Whatever!!

_They've arrived in the mansion_

[ HHK open the door for Xiao xun ]

Xiao xun: Thanks, HHK!!

HHK: Your welcome!!

Xiao xun: Mei mei!!

Mei mei: Finally, your here!!

[ Mei mei and Xiao xun are hugging ]

- They went in the mansion -

* They are all sitting in the living room and talking *

Mr. Shin: Xiao xun, how was Canada?

Xiao xun: It's was okay!!

Mrs. Shin: that's good!!

Mr. Shin: How about you, Princess?

Mei mei: It was good!!

[ Still talking ]

Mr. Shin: We better get going now. It's getting late!!

Xiao xun: Okay then!! Nice talking to you'll!! See you later!!

Mei mei: See you!!

Xiao xun: Mei mei, do you have any plans tommorow?

Mei mei: No, why?

Xiao xun: Let's go shopping tommorow, Okay?!?!

Mei mei: Okay then, See you tommorow!!

[ Mei mei and them left ]

- Xiao xun went to her room and getting ready for bed! -

 * She head to sleep *

[ The emperor and Mrs. Xun have arrived ]

Emperor: Is my little Albee here?

HHK: Yes, Emperor. She's sleeping now!!

Mrs. Xun: That's good!! She must be tired from the flight!!

Emperor: Okay then, you go ahead and sleep now!!

HHK: Yes, Emperor!!

- They all head to sleep -


Sunday Morning


Mrs. Xun: Are you awake yet?!

[ Mrs. Xun opened the door and went to Xiao xun ]

Mrs. Xun: Honey, wake up!! I've made you breakfast!!

Xiao xun: Huh?!? Mom?!? I've Miss You!! and Where's dad??

Mrs. Xun: He already went to work!!

Xiao xun: Oh... :(

Mrs. Xun: Here, honey eat your breakfast!


HHK: Mrs. Xun, Mr. Wang zi need you!!

Mrs. Xun: Okay, Albee eat your breakfast, okay?!?

Xiao xun: Okay, but mom don't call me Albee call me Xiao xun!!

[ Mrs. Xun heading downstairs ]

Mrs. Xun: What do you need me for, Wang zi?

Wang zi: Oh, I just want you to meet my older brother, Xiao yu!!

Mrs. Xun: Nice to meet you, Xiao yu! And i'm Zhou xun, but call me Mrs. Xun!

Xiao yu: nice to meet you, Mrs. Xun!

Mrs. Xun: Hold on, I want you to meet my daughter. Hold on I'ma get her!

Xiao yu: Okay then!!

[ Mrs. Xun going to Xiao xun's room ]

Mrs. Xun: Honey, go and change. I want you to meet somebody!

Xiao xun: Okay then, give me 10 minutes!

[ Xiao xun changing,do her hair and then put make up ]

Xiao xun: I'm ready!

Mrs. Xun: You look pretty, honey!!

[ They both head downstairs ]

- Wang zi and Xiao yu is looking at Xiao xun -

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