♥Catch Me I'm Falling For You♥

♥Catch Me I'm Falling For You♥

Mei mei: Xiao xun!! Somebody at the door.

Xiao xun: Okay, I'll get it.

Head House Keeper: Ms. Albee and Ms. Aira! I'm the Head House Keeper[HHK] and i'm here to accompany you guys! Are you'll ready?

Mei mei: Oh! We're still getting ready, but we're almost done, Can you help you us?

HHK: Yes, Ms. Aira and Ms. Albee

Mei mei and Xiao xun: Thank you!!

HHK: Your welcome!! Anyway we have about 1 hour to get ready!!


Xiao xun: Mei mei, are you done packing?

Mei mei: Yup,I'm done.

HHK: Where is your maid?

Xiao xun: Oh, we gave her a break and she will always come here to clean while we are gone.

HHK: Oh.okay!! Then lets go in the car!!

Xiao xun: What about our car??

HHK: It's okay you'll will have new cars over there in taiwan!!

Mei mei and Xiao xun: What kind?

HHK: You'll know when you'll get there!!


HHK: You will stay at your parents mansion, okay??

Xiao xun: Why?!?! I don't wanna be lonely in that mansion!!

HHK: Don't worry you will have somebody to accompany you!!

Xiao xun: What do you mean??

HHK: You'll see!!!

- Arrived in the airport -

Mei mei: I will miss Canada so much!

Xiao xun: I know right!! There were alot of memories together!!

HHK: The private plane will arrive in about 30 minutes!!

Xiao xun and Mei mei: Alright!!

[ 30 minutes later ]

HHK: Ms. Albee and Ms. Aira! Please wake up, our plane is here!

Mei mei and Xioa xun: huh??... We're awake now!!

Xiao xun: Where's our suitcase?

HHK: It's on the plane already! Let's go!!

[ In the plane ]

Xiao xun: How is mom and dad??

HHK: They are doing good!!

Mei mei: What about mine??

HHK: They are good too!! Ms. Albee and Ms. Aira, Please take rest!!

Xiao xun and Mei mei: Okay!!

[ Arrived in Taiwan Airport ]

Mei mei: Xiao xun! Wake up!!

Xiao xun: I'm awake...

Mei mei: Make yourself pretty!!

Xiao xun: Why?!?!

Mei mei: Their are reporters and wear your sunglasses, because it's sunny outside!!

Xiao xun: Umm!! Mei mei, have you seen my sunglasses?!?

Mei mei: It's in your purse!!

Xiao xun: Okay, Thanks!!

[ Xiao xun getting ready ]

HHK: Ready?! You guys don't be nervous, okay?!

Xiao xun and Mei mei: It's okay we've been through this alot of time in Canada!

[ They went out off the plane ]

Reporter: Ms. Albee and Ms. Aira

[ Xiao xun and Mei mei walked pass through the reporters and ignoring them ]

Mei mei: Mom! Dad! I miss you!

Mr. and Mrs. Shin: Aira, we miss you too and Albee we miss you too!!

Xiao xun: i miss you guys too, but where is mom and dad ?!?

Mr. and Mrs. Shin: As always, they are in the meeting!! And don't worry, they are excited to see you too!! And your dad's bestfriend son is here!!

Xiao xun: Great!! (In her mind : Whatever)

Mrs. Shin: Prince, come and introduce yourself!!

Wang zi: Hi, I'm Prince and you can call me Wang zi!

Xiao xun: Nice to meet you Wang zi and I'm Albee Adorabella Huang Please call me Xiao xun!!

[ Xiao xun force to smile ]

Wang zi's mind: What  is she smiling for!! She's pretty, but her attitude don't go with her prettiness!!

Xiao xun's mind: Oh my god!! He's so cute, but don't like the attitude!!

Mei mei: Hi, I'm Aira, you can call me Mei mei and I'm Xiao xun's older cousin.

Wang zi: Hi, nice to meet you guys!!

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