Is this love or hate?

Crystal's POV

Honestly, when I saw Xiumin eat that tub of ice cream, I almost started to laugh! He looked so cute eating it, to be honest. I really wanted to pinch his cheeks. Anyway, I went into my room and put my stuff there. I laid on my bed and I started to think, "LuHan, do you really like me?" and I just repeated that in my head, and think about the short moments we had together. The thing that replayed in my head was the time LuHan and I had our first kiss. 

The swing. The yelling. The kiss. Kiss. 

I SHOULD SNAP OUT OF THIS. I shook my head. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I should think this over more. 
When I went to get out of the room. Exo m were playing with the xbox. It was a sight to see. 

"MY GOD TAO IF YOU KILL ME ONE MORE TIME I WILL--" LuHan said, intterupted by Tao and his bragging. "HAHA. I BEAT YOU. HAHAHHAHA." 
It was honestly the next funniest thing after Xiumin and his tub of ice cream. 

Anyways, Kris was over by the counter, drinking water. While he was drinking water, he decided to mumble "J-jeogiyo" and started choking. I started laughing like crazy. Was he trying to flirt or, just trying to just have a regular conversation? But, I still started laughing anyway. Man, seeing his face, cherry red, he's super embarrassed. I started to calm down, and Kris just started to walk away before I even asked him 'What's wrong?' even though I kinda embarrassed him. 

Kris' POV

I was super embarrassed. I could feel myself turning red. 
"J-JEOGIYO" was obviously the best I could do. I mentally facepalmed myself. Man, trying to flirt with her is hard. I ran away into LuHan's room apparently. I slammed the door. 
I leaned my back on the door, and I put my hand on my chest. 
dugeun dugeun dugeun. 

My heartbeat, it's even faster than before. I wonder if this is, even more than just admiration. I think it's.. Love. 

I think I should really think this over. I don't know about my feelings with her yet. sigh. Feelings are so hard. 

I don't think I can handle this much. Not even a little. 
I started to lay on the floor, and I slowly drifted into a short slumber. 

LuHan's POV

Augh. Tao beat me in the game. AGAIN!!! I think I need to relax a little. He's just the maknae. No big deal. I put the xbox controlller down and I went into the kitchen to get a drink of water. 
I remember the time when Crystal kissed me here. 
All the memories are coming back again. 

Even the longer, slightest memories. The first kiss. 
I started to redden, like a tomato. I started to drink even more water. 
I put my hand on my chest. 

dugeun dugeun dugeun 

My heartbeat.... It's, quicker. My breaths are even shorter. 

Thinking about her give me the slightest feeling of butterflies. 

Does this mean.. I like her?




Please help me decide who gets to be with Crystal? c::::

you guys get to decide! 

i honestly cannot decide rn. ;A;

please comment in the comment section ;3; since the poll thing is being ty with me //sobs

whael thanks for reading ~


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StarTravelMallow #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon! I love this <3
Chapter 8: hahahaha xiumin so funny! lol
update soon!
Chapter 8: Lol Xiumin >.<
Look forward to the updates !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: :0 This is soooo good!!! I like how your not dragging everything out. ;)
Chapter 7: update soon!
Chapter 7: Wah~~ Kris has a crush on Crystal ?!?!?!?!
Chapter 6: WAH~ OMG
Luhan said "I love you Crystal" and and and TAO HEARD
OMG OMG hahahahahaha
Chapter 5: Aigoo~ Too cute and funny XD