Protecting Me

Protecting Me

You gracefully walked upon the warm, soft sand along the shores of Jeju Island as the fresh, ocean breeze billowed through your hair. Every so often, the cool water from the waves would reach your ankles. Just as you were about to turn back, a pair of arms slid around your waist pulling you close. You smiled while inhaling that intoxicating cologne which you loved so much.

“Jagi,” a deep voice whispered against your ear.

“Hmm?” you asked trying desperately to conceal your crimson face.

“You’re so beautiful.”

A coy smile appeared upon your lips as you felt a gentle peck on your neck. This was the first time in months since your boyfriend Yunho had received a break from his hectic schedule and of course, he had to spend that time with you. He knew how much you loved Jeju Island so within a couple of days after his tour ended, you found yourself on a flight to one the most beautiful places on the Earth. Not only was this a holiday for you but also Yunho as well. You knew how tired he was from those endless concerts, strenuous dance practices, and long, tedious flights so you made sure to take extra good care of him by preparing his favorite meals and having fun in the city.

“Are you hungry?” he asked turning you around to face him.

You nodded.

He pinched your rosy cheeks and replied, “How about some funnel cake?”

You squealed with delight. Only he knew that your favorite food was funnel cake. You had so much fond memories eating it when you were young while wandering around the boardwalk with your parents.

As soon as you agreed, you watched him as he ran across the sand to the street vendors. The sun continued to beam down upon the shores causing your cheeks to flare up due to the intense heat. Feeling uncomfortable, you removed your sheer, white cardigan and wrapped it around your waist. Now that you were in your silky blue halter top and shorts, you felt so much better.

It didn’t take too long before you heard a chorus of snickering and laughter from behind you. You slowly turned around. Your eyes then met with a man who was surrounded by his obnoxious friends who were no doubt admiring your long legs and curvy body. Disgusted, you rolled your eyes and turned to face the ocean. They were the same group of guys who you had crossed while entering the beach with Yunho but they obviously didn’t do anything since you were with your boyfriend.

It didn’t take long before the guy walked over to you. “Hello there.”

“Hi,” you said sternly with no sort of emotion what so ever clearly indicating that you wanted him to leave.

“What’s a nice girl like you doing wandering around dirty mind like mine?”

You rolled your eyes and took a step back. “Excuse me, but I have a boyfriend.”

“Who? That guy?”

“Yes, and he is hundred times the gentleman you will ever be.”

“Ah, come on babe, I’d look after you much better than he can.” He took one step towards you. “By the way, that’s a nice top,” he stated as you felt his eyes scrutinizing you, “Can I talk you out of it?”

“Get away from me,” you exclaimed trying to walk back to the streets. The man noticed his friends in the back who started laughing at him since he couldn’t win you over. Determined to not to be the object of ridicule, he quickly ran up to you pulling your wrist. His strength caused you to crash into his chest and together, the two of you plummeted to the ground.

You opened your eyes after hearing a pandemonium of jeering and laughter and when you looked up, you noticed the creepy guy glaring down at you.

Disgusted, you tried to wriggle free from beneath him. “Get off me you jerk!” Soon after, you felt his heavy weight being lifted from your body within a fraction of a second. You looked up and noticed your boyfriend shoving the boy into the sand while angrily glaring at him.

“How dare you treat my girlfriend like that!” he exclaimed, capturing the attention of every spectator who passed by. Embarrassed, you dropped your gaze to the ground while Yunho continued reprimanding the guy. You had never seen your boyfriend this angry before. He was always so gentle.

The guy stood up and brushed the sand off his shorts. Before he could flee the scene, Yunho grabbed him by the collar, nearly causing the guy to lose his balance. “You come near her again, I swear to God I will kill you!”

“Oppa, lets just leave,” you pleaded not wanting to attract any more attention. You noticed some people were even taking out their cell phones to take pictures of the fight. You didn’t want a scandal to break out within the media, so you vigorously tugged on his arm pulling him away from the fight. The two of you made it through the crowd and arrived at the parked car.

“What is wrong with you?” you exclaimed leaning against the car door, “You never lose your temper like that. Not ever.”

“You’re yelling at me?” Yunho exclaimed, “That bastard was all over you. What else was I supposed to do?”

“Walk away. What if some reporter was there and he caught the whole thing on tape? Do you have any idea what might happen to your career?” Yunho hung his head and looked away from you.

“Or what might happen to me?” you asked sniffling. You were on the verge of crying now. Ever since you had first started dating Yunho, you made it a priority that you would never harm his career in any way. You knew how hard he worked to stand up upon that stage and the last thing you wanted was for his dream to be stripped away from him. Losing him was the equivalent of losing yourself.

“That’s just it, isn’t it? I must be such a burden to you.”

“Oppa, you were never once a burden to me.”

“No it’s true. I can’t protect you like the other normal guys without having to worry about the media. It’s just so damn frustrating!”

“Oppa, don’t say that. No other guy could take care of me like you do. You were protective over me even before we got to know each other. Remember?”

Yunho smiled. He thought back to a year ago on a summer day just like this one.

While wandering around the busy streets of Seoul, his eyes landed upon the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his entire life: you. While speaking to your mother on your phone, you struggled to carry the plethora of shopping bags in your free hand. Yunho’s heart quickened when you made your way towards him at the busy intersection. Since you were distracted by your mother’s lecture on the other end of the line, you didn’t pay attention while crossing the street. Before you knew it, a car raced down the street as soon as you stepped onto the black pavement. Your eyes widened in shock, but the impact never came. You suddenly felt a firm grip on your waist and you were instantly pulled back onto the sidewalk. Gazing up, you finally saw those warm brown eyes which had been admiring you from afar . . .  those eyes which you were destined to fall in love with.

 “I guess I did didn’t I?”

“You also help me whenever I am cooking since you are so paranoid I might hurt myself. And what about that time when you never let go of my hand when we were on that huge roller coaster? And also when you would hold me close whenever we watch scary movies? And – “

“Okay I get it,” he replied chuckling, “I guess I have been taking extra good care of you. But that’s probably because you are a clumsy baby.”

“Oppa!” you whined.

Yunho grinned and wrapped his arms around bringing you as close to him as possible. He lowered his lips towards your neck, kissing it softly. “But that’s what I love the most about you.”

You giggled at the tingling sensation and shyly replied, “You being protective over me, is what I love the most about you, oppa.”


You nodded. His grip tightened around your waist when you felt his lips approaching your jawbone. He gently left butterfly kisses upon your jaw while making his way towards your lips. Within a second, he captured your lips into a passionate kiss, lifting you to state of pure bliss and ecstasy.

“Oppa,” you whispered in between his sweet kisses.


“I still want my funnel cake.”

Yunho chuckled and laid you gently upon the back seat of the car. “Only after I get what I want first,” he whispered mischievously and locked the door.

HEHEHE playful Yunho oppa!!!

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Chapter 1: Wow!!!! :D
Totally loved it! ^^
Stars2Heaven #2
Chapter 1: awww so cute! ^^ Yunho is just ugh! lol, love him to bits!
2036 streak #3
Chapter 1: such a nice story author-nim :)
the girl to be with Yunho is really lucky. He is like a perfect package with everything perfect about him... ;)
babymichiie #4
Chapter 1: OMG! YUNHO is being all naughty! I want funnel cake and YUNHO oppa as well! Please be mine!
sylvestingrae #5
Chapter 1: Yunho!!! Please be mine!!!
foreverhae12 #6
Chapter 1: Omg toooo cute!!
MariELF #7
Hi Unni!^^
What a cute story!
I really like then Yunho came and rescued 'me' and the cake episode in the end haha :)
Thanks for sharing, your writing are really good!:D
Chapter 1: OMG THIS IS SO CUTE!!!
I've always loved Yunho so this was like HEAVEN for me HEHEHE
THAT GUY WAS SUCH A JERK. YUNHO should have thrown him overboard LOL
But he's too cool for that xD LOVE THE ENDING TOO *giggles*