Six-Woohoo Hot Suzy and Sandeul scene xD

Super Woman

At the romantic place...

"Suzy, do you remember the first time we met?" Sandeul grinned.
"Oh god, don't remind me! I can't believe you were so clumsy at that time!" Suzy giggled.
Sandeul gazed at his girlfriend lovingly. Suzy stared back at him and smiled.
"Suzy, do you know how much I love you?" Sandeul asked.
"I don't know. This little?" Suzy held up her hand and her index finger and thumb moved apart by 1cm.
"No. I love you this much," Sandeul grabbed her and kissed her passionately. At first, Suzy was shocked. However, she responded to the kiss quickly by rubbing her hands against his neck.
"Mmmm...I too...mmmm," Suzy mumbled in between the kisses. The kiss was getting hotter and hotter. Finally, she nibbled on his lower lips for access. Sandeul readily opened his mouth to let her tongue in. They let their tongues explore each other's mouth.
Then, Sandeul pulled away from the kiss and smiled. He then started to kiss her upper neck down to her collarbone. Suzy did the same.
"Yah Suzy, saranghaeyo," Sandeul smiled and he pulled her into a hug. Suzy roamed her hands around his back.
"Nado (me too). I hope we can get married soon," Suzy said.
"Omo, I almost forgot! What's going to happen to Daehyun hyung and Ji Eun dongsaeng?" Sandeul asked, pulling away from the hug, surprising Suzy.
"Molla. I really hope that they would make up," Suzy muttered.
"Ji Eun, please listen to me!" Daehyun said as he tightened his grip. 
Ji Eun struggled to squirm out of his grip. She didn't know why but she would always become weak when she's with him.
"Let go of me now," she said firmly and calmly.
"No! Ji Eun, I love you! Don't leave me! Why are you behaving like this?" he asked, resting his chin on her right shoulder.
"Why am I behaving like this? Huh! Well it's because you made a fool out of me! You probably thought I was an easy target and pulled that stupid trick to make fun of me!" Ji Eun finally broke free of his grip. She quickly ran into the school building, leaving Daehyun shocked and confused.
After school....
"Mwo? She just stormed off and left you alone out in the field?" Suzy asked, widening his eyes.
The trio, Sandeul, Suzy and Daehyun were chatting in Sandeul's bedroom.
"Dae. I just don't know why my acting is bothering her so much," Daehyun sighed.
"Tell you what, maybe I should talk to her," Suzy said. She grabbed her schoolbag and ran out if the house.
"Honey, be careful!" Sandeul called out.
"I will!" Suzy called back.
"Yah, when I was chasing Ji Eun, where did you go with Suzy?" Daehyun asked, curious.
"In a quiet place. And we kissed so passionately," Sandeul smirked.
"Yah I don't need to know about kissing. What did you talk about?" Daehyun asked.
"Hmm..let me see. We talked about how we first met and then we just kissed," Sandeul told him.
"That was so cheesy! Ji Eun and I don't really like to do cheesy and romantic stuff together!" Daehyun said.
"See, that's the problem with you two. Don't you know that Ji Eun likes romantic guys? But because you weren't romantic, she had to stick with the image of being an unromantic girlfriend just so that she could please you and be with you," Sandeul explained.
"What do you mean?" Daehyun asked, confused.
"Duh, she told Suzy and I all about her problems with you," Sandeul said.
"How come she didn't tell me?" Daehyun asked.
"She doesn't want to break up with you. Aren't you the kingka of the school? Many girls like you. And because of that, Ji Eun's scared that you'll break up with her to date one of them girls," Sandeul explained.
"I didn't know..." Daehyun's voice trailed away.
"Of course you didn't know! You never cared about her! Your love for her was as fake as a counterfeit handbag!" Sandeul scoffed.
"I never knew! Gosh, I wish I could turn back the time to spend more time with her and love her more. My love for her isn't fake. It's just that I don't know how to show it," Daehyun said.
"She's upset at you because she thinks you're bored with her and don't want her anymore. The best thing to do is console her and apologise and tell her how much you love her. Then you seal it with a kiss. Girls love kisses," Sandeul whispered, though they were the only ones in the house.
"All right, I'll go to her house now. Can you tell Suzy not to go to Ji Eun's place?" Daehyun asked.
"Of course! Now run along. By the way, I'm sorry. I kind of made you two fight. Sorry," he muttered.
"Nah, it's not your fault. It's mine. Now I know what to do. I'd nette get going now, bye!" Daehyun rushed out of the door.
Sandeul grabbed his phone and texted Suzy not to go to Ji Eun's house and that Daehyun was going to make up with Ji Eun.
A/N Wee!! So how was it? The kiss scene was so wibsjxnsbzs ♥_♥ I love Suzy and Sandeul moments xD
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soshiramen #1
It's very good! Keep up the awesome work! This is totally DAEBAK! Update soon, Authornim!