
Super Woman

"Daehyun oppa!" Ji Eun shrieked and lunged forward. She caught him bridal-style in time.

"Oppa! Are you alright?" Ji Eun asked, worried. Daehyun didn't respond. His eyes were shut and he couldn't move. 
"Oppa! Wake up! Don't scare me!" Ji Eun rushed to put him on the grass patch next to where Suzy and Sandeul sat.
"Is he alright? Oh god, I shouldn't have dared him to climb the tree. Ugh, it's all my fault!" Sandeul slapped himself.
"Oppa, it's nobody's fault. We didn't expect this to happen," Suzy grabbed his hands to stop him from slapping himself.
Meanwhile, Ji Eun was busy tring to revive her lover. Then, she remembered one thing that would make Daehyun wake up. Extreme cold water.
She rushed to buy a bottle of really cold mineral water from the cafeteria and ran back to the field as fast as she could. Sandeul and Suzy were busy shaking him and telling him to wake up.
"Yah, Jung Daehyun! If you don't wake up now, you'll suffer a great pain from this icy cold water splashed all over your face!" Ji Eun threatened. Daehyun suddenly sat up.
"Daehyun! You're awake!" the trio cried in surprise.
"Oppa! You made me so worried? Are you alright? Do you feel numb or anything? Are you hurt anywhere?" Ji Eun bombarded her live with numerous questions.
"Woah chill Supar Woman. I was just ACTING," Daehyun said nonchalantly.
"How dare you make me so worried! Jung Daehyun, I hate you!" with that, Ji Eun stormed off.
"I think you'd better go after her, Daehyun. It's best if we end this game and continue it until all of us cool off from this incident," Suzy said.
"Yeah, you're right. Come on Suzy, let's go have our private time while Daehyun coaxes Ji Eun," Sandeul said and picked up the bottle. Suzy nodded and Sandeul wrapped his arm around her. They walked to wards a romantic and empty place in the school.
"Ji Eun! Ji Eun yah, listen to me! Let me explain!" Daehyun ran and grabbed her arm.
She spun round and glared at him.
"Explain what? There's nothing to explain about, now let go of my hand!" Ji Eun shoved him away and ran, tears spilling down her cheeks. How could he? How could he lie to her so badly? She was so worried about him and all he had to do was say it was just an act? If only he could feel the pain in her heart!
Ji Eun didn't know why she felt so emotional. Maybe it was because she couldn't trust Daehyun as much as how she trusted him before after that incident. But it was only a prank, why was she so het up about it? Ji Eun didn't know that either. She continued to walk briskly. She didn't know where she was going. Withiut anticipating it, Dahyun caught up with her and backhugged her.
A/N  Wow! 65 views!! I really wanna thank you guys sooo much! 65 views may be little to some people, but it means a lot to me, since I'm new here! 
Gah!! Whatdo you think will happen to Daehyun and Ji Eun? Argh I really hope they make up soon :( :(. Anyway, what is Suzy and Sandeul up to? *pedoface*
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soshiramen #1
It's very good! Keep up the awesome work! This is totally DAEBAK! Update soon, Authornim!