Overnight at the Hospital

Spare a Thought for me, I'll Spare a Kiss For You

"Get ready we're visitting grandpa."  a chorused of whats and confused faces were exchange afterwards. What? I mean we were all aware that grandpa was admitted in hospital few days ago, but we didn't know it was that serious.

I hurriedly change into some appropriate outfit. 

"Should I brought along the Ipod?" after I received a nod from my sister, I shove them into my bag and began on punching some powder to my face.

"Why would you even put a make up on? it's night, for heaven's sake Minhee! I know you're going to meet your butler boy-" I cut my sister's babbling with a glare that pretty much  made her shut up and pouted.

Sighing, I lazily replied "I'm not putting a make up on, okay? It's just powder! my face is a bit oily." I scrunched my nose a bit.

"Yes milady, how foolish of me to think that you were caking up your face for your beloved boyfriend," she sniggered.

I decided to ignore her eventhough I could feel some heat crawling up to my cheeks. 



Having a journey on night is seriously one of my favourite things in life. You can watch the stars twinkling in the midst of your car moving, moon creepily following you, streetlights welcoming you on each corner of the city and just the people itself. 

"It's still a dark night~ the stars are twinkling in the sky~" Minji and I sang as we put our earphones on.

"My God! Sehun is just too hot I can't take it anymore! someone hold me! I said hold me you idiot!" she smacked my head with her Hightcut magazine.

"Why you- what was that for?!" I rubbed my head, plastering an annoyed look on my face.

"For not holding me and look! you made my magazine fold to two!" she roared as she patted the magazine that has her favourite group on and whispered some sweet words such as 'I'ts okay baby, mommy's going to make you feel okay', 'That little witch how dare she imperfect you like this' okay wait that's not- nevermind. I sent her a few glares and continued on listening to the song.

"Girls! behave." a smiled was displayed on mom's face.

We replied with a yes and a chuckle.

It's going to be a long night.


We were welcomed with people rushing in and out of the hospital, scent of medications and sounds of footsteps. Either running, or lazy walking. You choose.

"Let's see..  level 4, room 404."

The steps I took was probably one of my longest since I lived. Why am I so nervous? I mentally groaned.  

"Hey you should greet your boyfriend back, you know," I felt a nudge on my left arm. Huh?

It took me awhile to realize that I was keeping my head hung low all the time. Eating my inner cheeks, I slowly lift my head up. And there he was, looking as stunning as ever. As perfect as ever, as angelic as ever. Unconciously, my lips twitched upwards despite my fasten heartbeat.

"Hello, Luhan," a shy smile.

"Hello, Minhee-ssi." an angelic smile. But i missed the word baby, I pursed my lips subconciously.

I kissed grandpa's forehead and smiled to him. I didn't say a word to the old man since he's having a trouble breathing. I distanced myself a bit from his bed as it was getting stuffy with the amount of visitors that he was having. Suddenly I felt my arms getting pulled to the left side of the room. 

"I missed you too, baby." a sweet smile followed by an enchanting kiss.

"I didn't say anything about missing you!" I huffed as I burried my face on his chest.

He laughed and my hair softly. It give me the tickles whenever I hear him laughing.

"It feels like somewhat ages since we last had a skinship." I know he's pouting eventhough I couldn't see him. 

We only text each other, rarely give calls to one another. Why? because Prince Hanhan said, if he hears my voice he'll be having the urge to fly to where I'm at. I felt like crying when he said that video calls are forbidden. "I'm sorry baby but video calls are a big no no. I'm the type that will have the urge to just fly to where you at and just kiss the hell out of you, when I tend to even have glance of your face." charming, isn't he?

I pushed my face away from his chest and placed my hands on his cheeks. How can a man's cheeks be this soft? I planted a small kiss after caressing those soft, milky, squishy, loveable [okay maybe i'm exaggerating] cheeks.

"Will grandpa be alright, Hanhan?"

Luhan gave me a small nod and patted his lap after grabbing a chair from the waiting room.  He placed his chin on my shoulder as I sat on his lap. He then proceed on by hugging my waist. 

"Are you spending the night here, baby?" puppy eyes, oh God no. 

"I.. I don't know about that yet. You'll have to ask my parents about that." I gave him an apolegetic smile.

"What are your thoughts right now?" I think I know where this question leads to.

"hmm, gramps."

"Liar. You're thinking about me aren't you?" he whined cutely.

A soft, plump lips were placed on my rather dry ones the second I hummed a yes. 

"I could kiss you all night long if you asked me," he sighed contentedly as he enterwined our fingers together. I just couldn't help but smile.


Luhan's smile is getting nearer and nearer to his ears as he was informed that we will be spending the night at the hospital. I mentally face-palmed myself seeing him like that. 

"Now, now childrens. Take good care of harabeoji for the night, okay? don't do something beside that." Dad emphasized the word 'something' and grinned. Oh and another news that makes Luhan so happy is that, that angelic boyfriend of mine will be taking care of grandpa. With me.  

The rest of them will be spending the night at my aunt's. They hurriedly leave the room after teasing us by making kissy faces, which made our faces turned colours. Hmm, the red colour of  tomato would be a perfect preference. 

"Baby, you should sleep first. It's getting late." maybe I should record him saying the word 'baby' and make it as my alarm clock. 

"Hmm? then what about you?" our gaze met and he gave me one of his dazzling smile.

"They don't  call me Manly Lu for nothing, you know." he smiled sheepishly.


"Yes, sweetheart?" oh, a new heart itchingt nickname.

"Let's sleep together, since grandpa is already sleeping. I'm sure he wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night since he hadn't have enough sleep. And you too! you look like you haven't had some sleep either!" I bit my lips as the words came out.

It's true, he do looked worn out. His eyebags are getting heavier by second. 

"Okay, okay baby. I'm all yours tonight." he laughed before sending me a wink. Typical corny, cheesy, gressy Luhan.

Since grandpa's room were big, it fitted two beds. I lied down after washing my face. I let my gaze dance around grandpa's figure before finally setting my gaze on the sleepy boy who was lying beside me. I run my hands through his golden locks before caressing his face. Luhan smiled and pulled my body closer to his, placing a kiss on my forehead, nose and finally my lips. I closed my eyes as the nice feeling surround me once again. That nice feeling whenever Luhan decided to plant his lips on mine.  I liked them. No- I loved them. 

"Sweet dreams, baby." He hugged my waist tightly.

"Sweet dreams to you too, Hanhan." I placed my hands on top of his.


"I'm beginning to very like hospitals," a whisper on my right ear was what I'm woken up to. 

"Well good morning to you too mr-who-suddenly-likes-hospitals," I chuckled.

Right before I could even open my eyes properly, Luhan attacked me with a kiss.

I gasped, "Morning breath!!!" was all I can say as I burried my face in his chest.

After hearing his angel-like laugh, I began to laugh too. Seconds passed, I felt a finger on my lips. 

"grandfather is still sleeping, baby. Keep it low okay?" he patted my head and climb out of the bed.

I want to sleep back..

It took awhile for Luhan to come back with a fresh coffee, pastries and face. 

"I bought them for you, I hope you like it." he gave me small smile.

"If you're closer  I could give you a kiss as a thanks," and a running puppy luhan came into my vision.  I laughed and kissed the tip of  his nose.

He scrunched his nose and mumbled a "that's cute but I prefer a kiss on the lips more." before walking away to check on grandpa.

After being satisfied with grandpa's state, he turned to look at the now stuffed me. He was holding a laugh badly but ended up bursting out his laughter loudly. Although I really like hearing his laugh but that's not very nice okay.

"Luhan, shush!"

"That's Hanhan to you," he pouted and continued his talking "I've been talking to the doctor incharge. He said, harabeoji would be sleeping for the few days ahead."

"Why is that?"

"He havent sleep for a wink for 3 days straight,  and so the doctor said he may be sleeping for 3 days straight as well. Don't ask me why, I'm not a doctor okay,"

"Then how about his meal?"

"They'll be using the tube to give him all the meal and water he needs. I've told your parents about it too, and they seemed relieved about it," we exchange smiles and I began on munching my food again.

"I heard that you'll be having a week off school? is it true?"

I hummed a yes and sipped on the now warmed coffee. 

"Then, you can accompany me.. right?" his voice begged me to do so. 

"Ofcourse, mom and dad wouldn't mind" a grin.

Then, out of nowhere, smooch! right on the lips.

"That's my girl," he then ruffled my hair.

"Thank you, Hanhan."

"For what?"

"Because you make me happy." and I felt a chin was placed on my shoulder, my waist being hugged tightly. No words were spoken but I can hear the silence "you're welcome."

And there will be more overnights at the hospital.


Bonus ! hehe. vomit your comments, okay? 


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anne123 #1
Chapter 1: So cute...
abbe_28 #2
Chapter 3: oww.. goodbye grandpa.. :'( Yieh! They lived together already! haha! nice story! hwaiting! :))
abbe_28 #3
Chapter 2: Waahh! So cheesy and cute! >.< i love this! Hwaiting! :D
SparksTalent #4
Chapter 2: Cute! Cute! Cute !
Chapter 2: too much cuteness orz im going to explode soon orz btw this story is awesome! good job author :D
abbe_28 #6
Chapter 1: it's so cute! :D Hwaiting!
cornyking #7
Chapter 1: I love this so soooo much!!! <3
crazyexotic #8
Chapter 1: baby hanhan
BuBblEp0p1 #9
Dude omfg I'm like.... Give me a moment please! Damn you gull I woke up my parents with all that squealing but seriously this is just I LOST MY MIND okay! Now help me find my lost mind! Loved it!