Tears, Tears Go away. Come Again Some Other Day- or Never Is Better

Spare a Thought for me, I'll Spare a Kiss For You

His tall figure flashes through my mind. What could he possibly doing right now? feeding grandpa? showering grandpa? sleeping?

A small contented sigh escaped from my mouth. The thoughts before was quickly brushed aside as a shy him smiling took place in my mind. How cute.

"Hunny, we've arrived." mom said before flashing an amused face.

"Goddit mom, and what's with the face?" I giggled as the I took the bags from the boot with some help from dad.

"Someone's thinking about her butler boyfriend~" she cooed and made some kissy faces.

"Hunny! she's as red as a tomato, stop teasing her. You know she can't stand it when people are talking about her ray of sunshine and her love of life," dad said dramatically as he shone a torchlight to me pretending that it was the butler.

Laughter boomed the quite neighbourhood. A small smile made a way to my mouth followed by a light shook on the head. This is my parents, ladies and getlemen. Always so teasy and cheesy. See, the words rhyme too. I took a moment to appreciate the lovely neighbourhood as my parents went in first. I could've sworn I heard mom mumbling a 'I thought she was excited to see her boyfriend'. My face cracked an amused smile, much prettier than mom's haha, is it really obvious that I like him? 

Light touches from the wind made me shivered a little also brought me back to reality. My eyes are now wandering around from the houses, to the people itself. Some leaves from the cherry tree made it's way down to the ground with the help from the wind. If only I brought my camera along with me today.. the scenery here is so beautiful. There are couples that were holding hands, children running around, bell tinkling signalling that ice cream can be bought on the moment. I can't help but stare at the couple who are now kissing under the cherry tree beside the park.

"If stares could burn, they're on fire now." a voice whispered on my right ear. Am I being delusional? I was about to shudder when a pair of doe eyes met mine. For a moment, I forgot that breathing even existed.

"Hello, Minhee-ssi," a genuine smile. 

"He-hello Luhan-ssi," I bowed to him.Ppeople usually bow 90 degrees but why do I feel like I'm bowing lower? I gave myself a mental fan on the face after I've done bowing. Suddenly, it felt so hot here. 

"Mr and Mr.s Choi are waiting for you. Grandfather is also waiting for you," why does his voice always sounded like an angel's?

"Goddit." after a shy smile was sent to him, I quickly ran into the house without even sparing him a glance. 

My tracks stopped to the living room, placed the bags on the floor and my hands automatically the television. I was ready to slump my body into one of those fine looking sofa before a voice interrupt my doings.

"Hunny, the dinner is ready! you didn't even had your lunch. I don't want you to be sick like last time." dad's voice rang through the living room. 

"Coming dad!" a small sigh followed after the words came out.

"Sighing is bad for your life," a whisper on my left ear. I swear i'm going to get a psychiatrist help- or is it who I thought it would be? my head snapped to my left and there he was, looking as angelic as ever with a plain light blue shirt paired with gray slack pants. 

Goodness, our faces are so close to each other I felt like dying happily. But I  took this chance to examine his face. Sculptured jawline, a clean skin.. probably cleaner than mine, eyes disapeared when smiling, how cute. Pink lips, resemble a girl's. A cute small nose. The only thing that proves the human being infront of me is actually a human not an angel, is his lower teeth. A bit crooked but it's not that bad. Fits my ideal type perfectly. 

"Ehem." our heads turn to the source of voice. 

"Eat first then you can be all lovey-dovey for all night," a chuckle was heard afterwards. Mom, why are you doing this to me...

After two red faces returned to normal, the dinner started. Mom and dad asked Luhan everything about grandpa. How he's doing, is he sleeping on time, does he often throw on tantrums, and suchs. While the elders do the talking, the Minhee is doing the feeding. Yes, she is feeding her harabeoji his favourite meal. mashed potatoes with black pepper sprinkle on top followed by the holy scrumptious gravey.

"Is it tasty, grandpa?" I asked, after wiping some mashed potatoes that were making it's way out of grandpa's mouth.

"Yes, dear~" he showed me his signature smile.



The dinner ended with laughter all over the dining room. And that also meant that I'm going to wash the dishes.  And my eyes made their way to the sink. Oh boy, this will be a long night.

Wiping the beads of sweat that formed after washing, I quicken my pace to grandpa's room which is also Luhan's room. 

Their room is a cozy type of room. The room was spacious fitting two queen-sized beds and is painted with light brown and some flower prints were pasted along the walls. Chandelier hung up on the ceiling making this room looking a bit of a filthy type of people owned on. A light brown carpet was placed on the floor covering the wooden surface.

It looks like Luhan is using the bathroom since the door is closed leaving only grandpa on his bed. I made myself comfy as I sat on grandpa's bed. 

"Grandpa, what's my name?" a smile. 

"I dont know.. is it Seara?" a scrunched up face.

"No.. guess more."

"who's child are you?"

"Insoo's child,  your second daughter,"

"Then your name must be Minji!" a satisfied smile on the elder's face.

"That's my sister.. then, who's Minji's sister? what's her name?"

"I don't know.. I don't know.. I don't remember.. I really can't remember.."

I felt a big burden was placed in my heart.

"My name starts with a M and ends with an E. What's my name, grandpa?" I hope he remembers.


"A little closer!" a hope.

"Minhee?" jackpot.

"Yes!!" a smile on my face was quickly replaced with tears as I asked again what my name is, and grandpa didnt know. The tears kept on flowing. Flashbacks of me, being taken cared by himwas filmed in my mind. When he bought me ice cream everytime I want one, when he saved me from drowning in the pool, when we laughed together on the smallest things, when he's always there when I need him. Every little things flashed. Very sweet moments. But then again.. if he remembers Minji, why didn't he remember Minhee? have I never been a good grandchild to him? did I never made a place in his memory that he'll forever treasure?

"Why are you crying, baby?" ...baby?

I looked up and saw Luhan with his hair wet and a fresh face, unlike mine. Dull, teary, sad. 

Instead of answering, I cried harder than before. Explaining the reason why is just too hard.

"Grandfather, why is she crying?" he asked grandpa. From the sound of his voice, he sounded very concerned.

"I dont know,"

"Baby, are you crying because grandfather's sick? because he's not remembering your name? is that why?" and the baby word took it place again. My heart skipped a beat, but tears and sadness were much more powerfull, and so I sobbed. I nod, answering his question. To be honest, that's not the right answer.. but i'm just too emotional to even speak. 

"You know baby, we can't blame grandfather for not remembering. He's getting older, you know.. I can never blame him for not remembering. And actually, grandfaher can only remember what happened just for 5 minutes, that's it. If we asked him afterwards he will not remember what happened. And baby, this is an example what we will be on our old days." he explained. And I don't really know  why, his explanation made me calmed down a bit. 

"Grandfather, have you eaten?" Luhan asked. 

"No, I havent," the old man answered. And the burden just then doubled.

"See, that's what I'm saying just now baby. Grandfather's memory need to be sharpen. And to make that happen, you should always call him, visit him when you can, all the little things. okay? hmm?" he wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead. 

"O-okay.." my voice sounded terrible. It sounded like one of those sealions trying to speak. I looked horrible, sounded terrible.. what a way to showcase myself to my crush. 

And my eyes was fixed on harabeoji who is lying on his bed. Alright Minhee! you can do it! I shrugged off all the bad and sad thoughts away, making my way to grandpa's side. 

"Grandpa, do you want to drink coffee? I'll make you one." oh how i love this old man. He never fails to make me smile during my childhood. 

"Ah, yes. a coffee sounds nice," and with that, we walked out of the room side by side. Since grandpa couldn't really walk properly, he hold onto me for support. Strangely, Luhan's not here. where is he?

I made grandpa sat on one of the chairs in the dining table, while I make the coffee.

"Baby, why isn't grandfather sleeping yet?" I wonder why he kept on calling me baby. Not that I don't like it though, and where did he came from?

"I'm making him a coffee first!" 

"Ah, okay!" a smile that  resembles an angel.



I placed the mug carefully infront of grandpa. Putting a small amount of the liquid into a spoon then I blew the hot liquid slowly. From the corner of my eyes, I can see Luhan watching me from the kitchen, which kind of made me feel like grabbing his attention. 

"..all the little things" suddenly remembering what Luhan said, something tinkled in my mind. I know what to do.

"so grandpa, what's my name again? if you can answer that right.. I'll let you drink my special coffee. If you answer it wrong, you're not drinking my special coffee!" I think I'm talking like a 9 year old though I'm already 19.

Three different actions were there, at the moment. Hoping, chuckling and laughing. 

"Then, what's my name ?"

He hesistantly said, "Minhee?" bingo.

"Correcto mundo! here's your prize." I happily gave him the coffee. And the old man laughed his heart out. Such a happy scene to be witnesed.

"Who's my mother?" hoping.

"I dont know.." bummer.

"Then you're not having my special coffee! humph!" a childish attitude hidden by a sad girl. 

Luhan chuckled again.

"Okay I'm going to  give you options,  A. insoo B. minsoo C. myungsoo" I do not know what will happen if he chooses C.

"I don't know?"

 I whined, yet I still  gave him the now a bit warm coffee. 

"it's A, okay. It's Insoo," I don't think the old man even cares about the choices and names.

"Then this is the last one, what's my name?"

"Moonhee?" my heart dropped.

"It's Minhee, Minhee.." after giving him the last spoon of coffee, I decided that he had enough for tonight. And it also seems like Luhan is eager to make grandpa hit the sack.

After I gave a kiss on grandpa's cheeks,  Luhan took him to his bed. And I was left alone sitting on the sofa in the living room. Well, playing with grandpa like that wasn't that bad, right? I smiled remembering grandpa's laughter just then. He should laugh more. Yes, yes. 

"So baby," Luhan's voice took over my full attention as I turned to him who's casually placing his head on my lap. 

"Y-yes?" a stutter is not good.

"Are you feeling much better?" he said as he enterwined our fingers together.

Ignoring the fasten heart beat of mine, I smiled and and said yes. A small yet audible thank you escaped from my mouth, unconciously.

"Why are you thanking me, baby?" the word baby is making my life suffer from itchiness in the heart.

"For taking care of grandpa. Thank you, Luhan." the formalities are now gone, and what's left is a red-faced Luhan after I plant a kiss on his forehead.

"I should be thanking grandfather though, baby." mhm, baby. 

"And why is that?" He got up and sat beside me, placing my head on his shoulder.

"Because I'm able to meet an angel named Minhee." he whispered, making it only audible for me. 

My face redden up and silence took over. I didn't know silence could be this nice.

"So, wanna make out?" an angel said what?

I hit him on the head hard, very hard. 


"Call me Hanhan." what a stupid yet adorable nickname.

"Hanhan, wh-why did you start calling me ba-baby?" bad Hanhan making me stutter and blush.

"Well.. ehem," he turned my head facing him, saying Cbecause, when you're crying just then.. you really look like a baby. Plus, I've always wanted to call the girl I love, baby. So I thought that's the best chance to realize my dreams. You know.. the first time we met was 1 year ago, right? I've always been a shy boy. I can never mix with the crowd without looking awkward, unlike you. Though you don't talk much, you always help people. When there's a person on trouble, you always help, not caring who they are. And that's what caught my attention. One day, a teacher gave me a whole bunch of book for me to carry to the library. The amount of books were numerous!" he made a 'big' gesture with his hands, I couldn't help but chuckle. "When I was mumbling how heavy the books were, I felt a tap on my shoulder. And to my suprise, it was you baby. You didn't utter a single word and took half of the books. When we're walking together, I wanted to talk to you badly but couldn't think of a word to say, so I remained quite. When we arrived at the library, I felt this undiscribeable feelings. After I said thank you, and you smiled at me, I immedietly knew that I, the Xiao Lu have fallen in love with the angel named Choi Minhee. When I found out that your aunt was hiring a butler, I quickly took the chance that led to this" he kissed my dry lips with his wet one. The kiss wasn't weird, definitely not. It felt right. First kiss was stolen by my own crush, couldn't get any better.

"No wonder you look familiar, you're that boy," I pinched his cheeks. 

"..then,why did you like me baby?" He played with my hair, twirling it around his pretty fingers.

"Just when did I say that I like you?" a demon tail was mentally showing on me.

"But..but.. but.." I cut of his buts with a peck, and began on telling my part of story as he proudly smile.

"Well, my story is not long like yours, definitely not sweet like yours either. But.. to be honest my interest on you grew the first time I laid my eyes on you, and to say that I don't believe in love at first sight.." I mumbled. A what-did-you-just-said face was showing on Luhan's face but I decided to ignore it. "But I thought it was just only a physical attraction- well that was wrong alright. After days seeing you taking care of grandpa, the interest grew into something more. You took care of him as if he's your own grandfather, you handle him with care which I respect the most about you, Hanhan. It took me a whole 2 months realizing that I.. ehem love you since I was excited everytime coming over, because of grandpa is a yes.. but I cant deny that I'm excited to see you, too." 

By the time I finished telling my part of story, Luhan wiped his invisible tears and pulled me into a warm hug. 

"Do you often think of me when you're at home, baby?" he my hair gently.

"Not really," he pouted, i laughed.

"Well ofcourse, what kind of a question is that, Hanhan." his cologne smells stronger, meaning that my face has stayed on his chest for a quite long time.

"Then.." he kisses me on the lips again. But this time, a bit longer than before.

"When you spare a thought for me, I'll spare a kiss for you." I didn't know such words could touch my heart , but I do now.


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anne123 #1
Chapter 1: So cute...
abbe_28 #2
Chapter 3: oww.. goodbye grandpa.. :'( Yieh! They lived together already! haha! nice story! hwaiting! :))
abbe_28 #3
Chapter 2: Waahh! So cheesy and cute! >.< i love this! Hwaiting! :D
SparksTalent #4
Chapter 2: Cute! Cute! Cute !
Chapter 2: too much cuteness orz im going to explode soon orz btw this story is awesome! good job author :D
abbe_28 #6
Chapter 1: it's so cute! :D Hwaiting!
cornyking #7
Chapter 1: I love this so soooo much!!! <3
crazyexotic #8
Chapter 1: baby hanhan
BuBblEp0p1 #9
Dude omfg I'm like.... Give me a moment please! Damn you gull I woke up my parents with all that squealing but seriously this is just I LOST MY MIND okay! Now help me find my lost mind! Loved it!