Baby, I’ll Wipe Your Tears Away.

Spare a Thought for me, I'll Spare a Kiss For You

"Hello!" my overly excited sister's voice screams happiness on the phone. I groaned as some of the sunlight made it's way through the beidge-coloured with flowery patterns stamped across the  rather dull curtain. Must be Minji, I thought.

It took a few groaning and lazy minutes later to realize that Minji is actually sleeping beside me. Ah, yes. Minji is going back to her hostel today. How can I forget such thing, I chuckled and burried my face inside my favourite pillow. We are pleasured with just such simple things in life, no school, no homeworks, just happily lazying ourselves out by lying on bed all day or just.. you know sleep to your heart's content.

An adorable, lovely boy with a sleepy face on suddenly enters my mind. Luhan.. hmm. I wonder what he's doing. 

"Get ready we're visiting grandpa . Your aunt called and told me that he haven't spoke for days." what? that man loves to talk. This is just merely ridiculous. A bad feeling lingers inside my heart, but disapeared the second I climb out of the bed. 

Does this mean that I'm going to meet Luhan? my lips unconciously twitched upwards as I stare my phone's background. It's a picture of Luhan sleeping soundly like a baby deer would. It was not that easy to secretly took his picture as his hands seemed to never leave my waist. But in the end I succeeded on doing so when he finally freed me from his strong grip to scratch his tip of nose. 

Ah, such good memories.

I took my orange-blue striped towel and wrapped it around my neck as I hurried my pace to the bathroom.

"He's.. gone? Dad is.. gone?" mom's trembling voice made me literally ran to the living room. I never knew that only five words could make one's mouth shut so tightly.

"What?!" And the tears flowed crazily. I've always wondered that if grandpa died, would I cry instantly? congratulations, Minhee. You now know the answer to your dark question.



As shameful and as disrespectful as it sounds, the Min sisters were mainly singing happily throughout the ride to their grandpa's grave. Because we happen to be that type of person who couldn't register a sad news instantly. Eventhough crying a river made me sound like I already had a mental note glued to the center of my mind that said "your harabeoji is no longer breathing. he's gone, for good." but no, this girl over here has not register any sad news this morning. It may took awhile for this girl to swallow the information willingly.

When we arrived to the grave, the first thing I saw was grandpa's coffin. I haven't seen one in my whole entire life. Knowing that the first coffin I've ever saw contains the soulless body of my beloved grandpa, hurts. It hurt's so much to know that I will no longer be able to see his smile, hear his laugh, kiss his cheeks. 

A strong pair of arms wrapped my waist tightly causing me to squeak in return.

"It's going to be alright, baby." the angel with the black tuxedo that looked stunning enough to be one's eye candy said as he carress my face in a circle form with his thumb.

I turned around and instantly engulfed that familiar figure into a bone-crushing hug. 

I felt a kiss was planted on my crown head as Luhan hugged me back.

"How.. did it happened, Hanhan?"

He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers softly. "After showering grandfather, I dressed him up in his favourite red t-shirt. I was going to help him sit comfortably, he suddenly had trouble breathing. I began on panicking and called your aunt. By the time your aunt arrived, he had his eyes shut for good."

From the moment when I step in the hospital the other day to take care of grandpa, I already had my mind set on one thing ; to be by his side when his soul would leave his body forever. I thought that I would be able to do that, but I didn't. I couldn't.



A lot of people attend grandpa's funeral because that old man just happen to be very friendly even to strangers. He even gives money to kids who wants to buy a cone of ice cream. See how lovely he is?

Most of my relatives crowd themselves inside my aunt's house after the funeral ended. Stories were exchanged, laughter were scattered everywhere, and if you look closely you can see the invisible tears flowing within them.

I excused myself from the crowd and went inside the guest room.  I sat on top of the huge, elegant bed. The room itself represents what I was feeling at that very moment. The room was  dark, covered with a leave-patterned wallpaper. Even the curtain was dark in colour. Was aunty mourning when decorating this room?

I held my breath when I felt something was placed on my lap. Despite the darkness, I know whose presence that accompanied me at the exact moment.

"Luhan! you can't just place your head on someone's lap without saying a thing!"

"Still Hanhan to you. Besides, you're not 'someone'. You're my girlfriend!" And my heart did this dubstep beat that I don't really fancy after hearing the word 'girlfriend'.

I huffed a fine despite my redden face and ran my hand through his silky hair. I can tell that he had his eye closed when I did so.

"You can let it out now, you know."

"Let what out?" I anxiously bit my lips.

"Your feelings, sweetie pie." why must he sweetie pie me on times like this.

But somewhere, along the conversation I found my tears flowing uncontrollably. I guess you got me at sweetie pie, Luhan. Quite sobs turned to loud ones when Luhan decided to pull me into a warm, protective hug.

Remembering what grandpa said to me made the situation even worse. 



"Grandpa do you love me?" and the tears followed afterwards. It hurts to see his current condition.

"Ofcourse, i love all of my grandchildren." he wiped my tears away softly.

I looked terrible. my face were full of stained tears, my nose was stuffy.


"Grandpa, how much do you love me?" curiosity surrounded me.

"4 sacks!" a laugh.

"That's too little! love me more! 10 sacks!" was what made harabeoji laughed harder.

And then reality hit me hard. I was so busy chasing grandpa's love, I never said that I love him. Not even once. If ever, I was given the chance to turn back time, the only thing I would ever do is to tell him  how much I loved him. Granpa, please know that I really love you through my actions. Please, please do. 

My sobs quiten a bit but then tears seems to not want to stop flowing down my face. Luhan pushed me away from his now damped buttoned-up shirt, kissing away my tears, one by one. After making sure not a tear was left, he kissed my forehead. I let out a small whimper afterwards.

And Luhan laughed his magical laugh. A laugh that never fails to put a smile on my face.

"Give me your face." I commanded.

"why-" and I replied his question with a kiss. And him, smiling over the kiss made me deepen the kiss more.

"You." I pointed him.

"Yes, baby girl?" I barely choke up an answer.

"I love you," I switched on the table lamp to see his reaction. But as soon as I turn back to face him, he hid his face into my lap.

"It tickles, Hannie!" I made a new nickname for him subconciously. But I can't help it since his reaction is just too cute!

And he slowly raised his head and grinned widely. "What did you call me just then?"

"Hannie, why?" and he blushed. I mentally screamed.  He is just so cute!

He cleared his throat and asked me why did I said the 1-4-3 code (well according to him) to him.

"Because I don't want it to be too late the next time I say it." A smile.

"I love you too, baby." he ended the conversation by sealing his lips with mine. And this time, it was me who smiled through the kiss.



A week after grandpa's funeral, everything went back to normal except for my feelings. Sometimes I found myself crying over grandpa -and for that, mom and dad made Luhan live with us for.. well let's just say forever. Luhan's family lives in Beijing anyway, so he doesn't really have a place to live. Though this sounds rude, but I have to thank grandpa for that.

In life, things come and go. Sometimes it makes you cry but sometimes it makes you smile. Because hey, everybody wants to be happy, nobody wants to be in pain. But you can't have a rainbow, without any rain. People tend to only want to have a rainbow, they don't know that in order to do so, they need the rain. Yes, rain may be a pain in the , but sometimes you just need to embrace those and become someone even better. And truth to be told, I'm still in the crowd of people who thinks that way, but Luhan made me think otherwise. 

"Baby girl, do you wanna get sick? why are playing under the rain?" he took of his jacket and covered me with it. 

"I was bored," I grinned sheepishly and continued on talking "You're going to get sick too!"

"Let's get sick together,then." a wink.

He brought my face closer to his and closed the distance between us with an enchanting kiss.

I mumbled a "Thank you for being my sunshine." , after the kiss.

"What was that?"

"Nothing~" he pouted, I laughed.

"Kids what are you doing out in the rain! get inside, now!" mom's voice roared through the yard. Oops.

After our laughter boomed the yard, we went inside the house with silly faces on.

"Hey baby!"

"Yes?" I turned to Luhan to be only greeten by Luhan's lips.

"Spare a thought for me, I'll spare a kiss for you." I couldn't help but smile and nod.


its the very end, I missed you grandpa.



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anne123 #1
Chapter 1: So cute...
abbe_28 #2
Chapter 3: oww.. goodbye grandpa.. :'( Yieh! They lived together already! haha! nice story! hwaiting! :))
abbe_28 #3
Chapter 2: Waahh! So cheesy and cute! >.< i love this! Hwaiting! :D
SparksTalent #4
Chapter 2: Cute! Cute! Cute !
Chapter 2: too much cuteness orz im going to explode soon orz btw this story is awesome! good job author :D
abbe_28 #6
Chapter 1: it's so cute! :D Hwaiting!
cornyking #7
Chapter 1: I love this so soooo much!!! <3
crazyexotic #8
Chapter 1: baby hanhan
BuBblEp0p1 #9
Dude omfg I'm like.... Give me a moment please! Damn you gull I woke up my parents with all that squealing but seriously this is just I LOST MY MIND okay! Now help me find my lost mind! Loved it!