
Himchan's Confession

Himchan arrived at school earlier than everyone else as usual. The same old, continuous routine over  and over again Himchan sighed as he sat down at his seat. This time he didn't have anything to focus on, only the scenery outside. Staring at the window, Himchan began to stare at his own reflection, wondering how others saw him and how he saw himself boring. Himchan tilted his head back and closed his eyes Zelo, Zelo, Zelo the name still dominated his thoughts, he wanted to know more, he wanted to know the boy with brown hair. Himchan rubbed his eyes, last night he couldn't sleep, the chant of Zelo's name stayed on his mind all night, rendering him to stay awake and address his thoughts like how they met or why they were being chased.

Himchan listened as the bell rung after the children had arrived, the sound made his head hurt. He thought he could've been vulnerable to the loud noises because of his lack of sleep. As he listened to the teacher call the names on the register, Leo turned to Himchan and began whispering to him.

"That boy I told you about, Zelo, I saw him yesterday close to your house" Leo whispered, watching the teacher to make sure he didn't see them talking.

"Really?!" Himchan exclaimed quietly. 

"Yeah, he was watching a fight. I think it was between his friend and another boy" Leo whispered, looking at Himchan.

"Hey! You two! Be quiet over there!" the teacher called as Leo quickly sat straight again. Both apologizing, Himchan felt his headache getting worse.

Each time the teacher spoke, Himchan felt his head beginning to pound before he could bear it no longer. Raising his hand, Himchan spoke while the class turned around to stare at him.

"Sir I'm not feeling well, can I go to the nurses office?" Himchan asked as he pointed to his head. His eyes beginning to water as the bright classroom lights stung them.

"You don't look well either. I'll mark you in, you can go" the teacher responded as he searched for Himchan's name on the register.

Himchan got up, picking up his bag, he walked out of the classroom. As he walked down the corridor he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. It was a message from Leo: 

I hope you're okay! Text me later, okay??!

Himchan smiled as he placed his phone back into his pocket. As he turned the corner he saw a group of people, walking up to the third floor, Himchan remembered that students weren't allowed to go up there because of renovation. So to save them from the risk of trouble he followed them to tell them to come down. As Himchan got closer he realized that he recognized the group as he saw the silver haired boy turning a corner clutching his skateboard it's them! he thought as his walking pace began to get faster, then it became a run.

As Himchan turned the corner he stood at the bottom of the stairs, catching his breath as he looked up at the group of boys, his head was pounding even more now, he felt as if it was going to beat through his skull. He called out to the boys.

"Stop! You're not allowed up there!" Himchan squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for their reply. He opened them again to see that the  boy with dark brown hair was standing right in front of him, making him stumble back a little. 

"Ah it's you!" he said loudly, making Himchan's head ring.

"Who-" Himchan began, before he began coughing, trying to regulate his breathing.

"You don't remember us?!" the boy frowned as he pushed his finger against Himchan's forehead.

"It's not that, I just don't have my glasses on" Himchan lied as he looked up, spotting the boy with brown hair on the top step.

The boys began to laugh as the boy with darker brown hair lightly pushed Himchan back against the wall and turned to continue walking up the stairs.

"How many fingers am I holding up? You can see it right?" the boy with brown hair called down to Himchan, as if he could see through his act. Himchan didn't answer him or else they would know that he was lying. 

"Anyway, you can't go up there! You'll get into trouble" Himchan called as they continued walking up the steps. They only laughed at Himchan's protests which made him angry. He was not used to being ignored or laughed at. He grabbed the shirt of the boy with dark brown hair and pulled it in protest. 

"What are you?! A girl?! Get the off me!" he shouted as he pushed Himchan back. Himchan wasn't expecting the amount of force in the push as he fell back into the wall. Shocked by the boys aggression, Himchan called out again.

"I said, you can't go up there" his hands became fists. 

"Why are you so annoying!?" Zelo called out, as they all stood and stared at Himchan.

"Forget it, let's just go. Don't entertain him" the boy with brown hair said calmly as he patted Zelo on the shoulder.

"Yongguk, we were going to leave school anyway, so let's just go now. This idiot has annoyed me" the boy with dark brown hair hissed as he squinted his eyes at Himchan. The boy with brown hair nodded in agreement. Ah so his named is Yongguk. Himchan thought as he stared up at the boy descending the staircase. Himchan watched as all the boys began to run past him, and watched the silver haired boy get onto his skateboard and turn the corner. As Yongguk passed, Himchan was sure that he whispered something to him, as he squinted his eyes looking back at Himchan.

"You shouldn't tell such stupid lies" he thought he heard Yongguk whisper.

Himchan watched as Yongguk walked away, it was if he was in slow motion, he looked so perfect as he had his back turned to him. Himchan was becoming intrigued by him, he wanted to know more, he felt as if he wanted to see Yongguk suffer, to rid him of the smile he gained through breaking rules and doing as he pleased. Himchan wanted to inflict his own personal pains onto Yongguk. 

As he watched them all turn the corner, Himchan continued to the nurses office and easily fell asleep after she told him he was in pain because of exhaustion. Yongguk's expression stayed on his mind as he slept, it was a carefree expression, as if he had nothing to worry about. Yongguk's name replaced the chant of Zelo's that was running through his mind the night before. But this time Himchan was able to sleep. The nurse woke him up at the end of school, reminding him to eat and rest well as he left her office. 

As Himchan walked home, he could only think about how Yongguk and his friends didn't take him seriously, as if they took nothing seriously, it irritated Himchan. He didn't understand why they were able to live so easily, and happily while others were suffering. He wondered how Yongguk was easily able to see through his lie but why he didn't say anything to the others. Himchan remembered to text Leo. 

Just wanted to tell you I'm fine now. I just wasn't sleeping very well :)

Himchan put his phone away, before unlocking his front door. As he opened it, he was greeted by his angry mother, throwing a letter into his face. Himchan was shocked as he took the piece of paper out of the envelope and stared at it , how did this happen?! Himchan thought as he looked up at his mother. His eyes widening.

"What the hell is this?!" she shouted as she pointed at Himchan's test results.

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Chapter 25: I only just found this fic now and read it all in one go ><
I'm surprised that I understood what was going on after reading all the comments.
The ending made me giggle xD
I really enjoyed this, thank you! ♡
Chapter 25: I had a difficult time understanding all the story xD but actually I love it!
Himchan was obsessed with all about Yongguk.
Really nice.
Chapter 25: Awesome story you got here author-nim!! \(ˆ▿ˆ)/
I'm sorry if most of us kind a bit slow to understand the meaning of this story ._.

Keep up the great work !! I'll def wait for your next banghim project !
Chapter 23: Ooooooooooooh i'm getting more and more understand of the real story •.•
Chapter 24: i wud hv like it if guk really loved himchan..................but then not all stories shud end that way
Chapter 25: Sooo this story is already in the end author-nim ??????
Chapter 24: I'm sorry, but I'm still confused. I don't know what's what. OTL
Chapter 22: ...W-what?
So... Himchan isn't crazy? Now I don't even know what to believe and what to not believe.
Chapter 22: So that story he told was just a lie ??? Just an effing lie ? Whoah i didn't see that coming •_•
Chapter 22: Omo i'm sooo curious now????????????