
Himchan's Confession

Himchan woke up the next morning, early. He remembered he had another exam so he rushed to school to try and get there before anyone else so that he could spend time revising. In school, in the quiet, in the morning, Himchan was able to regulate his thoughts. He was able to easily take in any information he revised. Being at school in the morning, before everyone else made Himchan feel calm, it made him feel as if nothing was real and that he was able to relax. 

After the exam, Himchan went about his normal school day, doing the lessons and regrouping with Leo and Dae Won during breaks and in between lessons. Himchan could never pay attention to what they spoke about. He couldn't even remember a subject they brought up 20 minutes before. All the talk was meaningless to Himchan it doesn't benefit me at all, talking about celebrities, clothes and girls. None of it means anything Himchan sighed as he stared at his book, he had been staring at the same page since the beginning of the lesson but he hadn't been listening. None of the information from the book was getting through to Himchan, because then the classrooms became full and the teacher talked over everyone's quiet sighs, Himchan became distracted. Distracted by the small movements of bored students, the tapping of pens, the rustling of paper, the sound of the teachers voice. He just wanted to sit in the silence again, he wanted to feel calm again.

As the bell rang at the end of last period Himchan turned to Leo and Dae Won.

"I have something to do today, so I can't walk home with you guys" Himchan smiled as he packed his bag.

"Something to do?! That's new! Is it a girl?!" Leo laughed as he jumped over his desk and grabbed Himchan's arms.

"I doubt it! He's probably going to buy a new book" Dae Won joked as he picked up his bag.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right, I'm going to buy a book" Himchan laughed. The truth was he just didn't want to walk with them. He wanted to be alone, to be in silence and he knew that if he walked home with Leo and Dae Won, they would be noisy. He wouldn't have been able to think.

"Ah, boring! We'll see you tomorrow then!" Leo shouted as Himchan walked out of the classroom.

"Yep, see you tomorrow" Himchan waved as he walked away. Himchan walked out of school, turning the corner to the back of the school, he was out of the crowds of students which poured out the gates.

Himchan stared at the floor as he walked, watching his feet. What was the teacher talking about today? he thought as stared at his shadow. Himchan looked up as he tried to remember what page he was staring at in class. Himchan was quickly pulled out his thoughts when he felt a heavy weight swing onto his shoulder. It was an arm, Himchan looked around to see the boy with the brown hair smiling at him ah, I had totally forgotten about him as his friends Himchan thought as he noticed two boys running behind him, laughing and shouting. One patted Himchan on the back while the other also found his arm around Himchan's shoulder. Following close behind was the boy that used the skateboard. Himchan was taken aback by their sudden approach but they didn't seem as if they would hurt him. As he listened to them laughing and arguing playfully, the boy with brown hair spoke up.

"What's your name?" He asked as he took his hand from around Himchan's shoulder. They all became quiet and waited for Himchan's response.

"Kim Himchan" Himchan muttered.

"Eh?! Speak up, I can't hear you!" another boy shouted. Himchan looked at him, he was grinning at Himchan as he playfully patted him on the back.

"Himchan." he repeated as he stared at the boy who smiled at him before beginning to play with the boy who was walking behind Himchan.

"Anyway!" the boy on the skateboard said loudly as he effortlessly maneuvered his skateboard while playing on his phone.

"Ah, yes! Anyway! We are going to thank you, for keeping your mouth shut yesterday!" the boy with brown hair said as he turned around and began walking backwards beside Himchan, pointing at him. Himchan, confused at first, remembered that he had lied to some men so that they wouldn't get caught. Himchan only nodded.

"Good. Obedient. We'll pick the place" the boy with brown hair said as he turned around and pushed his hands into his pockets. Himchan didn't know where they were going but he followed them anyway. He had never been out after school, he had always just gone home. Himchan watched as the boys played with each other, laughing and joking. He could tell that they were close. He watched as they ran and jumped on each others backs, as they pushed each other and ruffled each others hair. They were noisy but Himchan didn't mind. He hadn't seen a group of people so close and so happy before. They stopped in front of a noodle bar.

"Here?" Himchan asked as he pointed to the store.

"Yes. Here. Your highness" the boy with brown hair said as he pushed open the door and bowed as if to introduce royalty. Himchan couldn't tell if they boy was joking with him or making fun out of him.

Himchan walked in, watching as the boys ran in, jumping over tables. He watched as the boy with the skateboard jumped and sat on the counter, leaned back and called into the kitchen which was hidden.

"Yo! Boss!" he called as he started drumming the counter, the other boys followed as they began drumming the tables. As a man appeared from the door, they all began cheering and laughing. It was strange to Himchan how the few customers that were there, did not seem phased or annoyed by their behaviour or noise maybe they're regulars toohe thought as he sat down on a stool by the window.

"The usual then?!" the man asked as he smiled at the boy with the skateboard as he jumped off the counter. 

"And one more!" the boy with brown hair called as he sat beside Himchan. Himchan watched as they all jumped onto the stools by the window. As they waited for their food, they spoke and laughed. Himchan didn't say anything I feel out of place Himchan thought as he clutched his bag which he had placed on his lap. As the waitress brought out their bowls the boys began cheering. Himchan watched as the boy with the skateboard grabbed waitress's hands once she placed his bowl down.

"Darling, when are you going to give me your number?" he asked in a whining tone, he squinted his eyes and pushed his lips out as he spoke. The waitress only laughed as she pulled her hands away, the boy with the skateboard stretched out his arms and kicked his feet out as he watched her walk away. 

"Eat then" the boy with brown hair commanded as he began slurping his noodles. Himchan nodded as he began to eat I've never been treated to food before!! Himchan thought, he was happy having this kind if experience, he wished that he could have shared it with Leo and Dae Won. 

"Ah!" a boy with light brown hair mumbled loudly as he pointed at the window, his mouth still full. The look of shock breached his face. The boy with brown hair looked up, his eyes widening. As Himchan looked out of the window he noticed the man with spiky hair across the street. He stopped eating, if he saw him with the group, he would know that Himchan lied. Himchan lowered his head to cover his face. 

"! They're crossing!" the boy with the skateboard shouted as he got up. Setting his skateboard down, he rode out of the front door, leaving his food. Himchan watched as the other boys jumped up too running out of the back door. He sighed, hoping the men wouldn't recognize him. As he lifted his head he saw a pair of hands reach for the bowl beside him, he thought it was the bald man but when he turned around, it was the boy with brown hair laughing as he grabbed his bowl and ran out of the back door again. 

"Hey! You better bring that back!" the "boss" shouted. 

Himchan watched out the window as the boys began running is he going to run and eat at the same time!? Himchan thought as the men started chasing the boys. He watched as the boy with brown hair threw the contents of the bowl onto the bald man, Himchan watched as he ran away laughing, following the other boys. The bald man fell to his knees holding his face, the other men stopped to see if he was alright before they all began to chase after the boys again. Himchan stood up once they had gone and went to the counter. He got out his wallet.

"Only pay for your own" the "boss" demanded as he stared at Himchan.

"But what about theirs?" Himchan asked as he searched for his money.

"Don't worry. They'll come back and pay. They always do." the "boss" smiled as Himchan handed him the money

"Come back again soon" the "boss" called as Himchan left the store. Upon leaving Himchan checked the name of the bar. 

One day I would like to laugh like that Himchan thought as he began walking home, then he realized I didn't even ask for their names! Himchan thought as he put his hand on his forehead how rude!

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Chapter 25: I only just found this fic now and read it all in one go ><
I'm surprised that I understood what was going on after reading all the comments.
The ending made me giggle xD
I really enjoyed this, thank you! ♡
Chapter 25: I had a difficult time understanding all the story xD but actually I love it!
Himchan was obsessed with all about Yongguk.
Really nice.
Chapter 25: Awesome story you got here author-nim!! \(ˆ▿ˆ)/
I'm sorry if most of us kind a bit slow to understand the meaning of this story ._.

Keep up the great work !! I'll def wait for your next banghim project !
Chapter 23: Ooooooooooooh i'm getting more and more understand of the real story •.•
Chapter 24: i wud hv like it if guk really loved himchan..................but then not all stories shud end that way
Chapter 25: Sooo this story is already in the end author-nim ??????
Chapter 24: I'm sorry, but I'm still confused. I don't know what's what. OTL
Chapter 22: ...W-what?
So... Himchan isn't crazy? Now I don't even know what to believe and what to not believe.
Chapter 22: So that story he told was just a lie ??? Just an effing lie ? Whoah i didn't see that coming •_•
Chapter 22: Omo i'm sooo curious now????????????