
Himchan's Confession


"You're free to go. Why did you stay to tell us your story?"

"You asked me... you asked me what I knew about Yongguk. I'm sure by now you can tell that there's nothing I know..."

"Have you finished telling your story yet?" Himchan looked down and shook his head as the other men moved the small table back into the center of the room "then there's a possibility that I'll learn something about him at the end... continue..." 


After showering and getting dressed, Himchan went downstairs. He saw Yongguk sitting in the living room, possibly waiting for him. Himchan crouched on the stairs. Looking down at Yongguk who had his back to him. He was n his phone. Brushing his thumb up and down the screen, waiting. Then it vibrated. He quickly scrolled up, Himchan couldn't make out the words on the screen so he stood up and ran down the stairs. Making enough noise so Yongguk would know he was there. 

He stood at the front door, quickly pulling gloves on to cover his burn. Yongguk walked out of the living room, pushing his phone into his pocket.

"You ready?" Himchan nodded and he sat down to put his shoes on. "Good, Zelo just sent me a text, they're waiting for us" Himchan checked his watch. 

"Ah, we're late" Yongguk nodded as he opened the front door and walked out.

"It's okay, they'll wait for us" 

"What are we going out for anyway?" Himchan stood up and walked out as well, locking the door behind him.

"Zelo wanted to buy something for his mum. So we decided we'd all go into town"

"Birthday?" Yongguk nodded again as they both began descending the hill, towards the bus stop closest to Himchan's home. I hope Zelo isn't meeting us down there. Himchan pushed his hands into his pocket. His burns rubbing against the material created an irritating sensation, making Himchan wince in pain.

This time, unlike the others, Yongguk didn't say much. His usual pointless chatter was replaced by silence and wind. Constantly checking his phone, he only spoke twice. First was to ask where the bus stop was and second was to ask if Himchan had enough change to catch the bus.

As they got to the bus stop Yongguk pushed his phone back into his pocket.

"Wait here. I'm going into that convenience store" Yongguk pointed to a store around ten feet away. Himchan nodded. Yongguk patted Himchan shoulder before walking to the store. Himchan placed his hand onto his shoulder I want those hands to touch me all the time. Himchan let out a deep sigh, he let his arm fall by his side. Yongguk returned in no time. Himchan watched him drink, his Adams apple moving up and down. His lips clasped around the opening of the bottle. Yongguk stood beside Himchan.

"Don't stare... it will bother me" Himchan opened his mouth to retaliate but before he could, the bus began pulling up to the bus stop. Yongguk got on first and Himchan followed. He sat beside Yongguk. This time Yongguk didn't take out his phone, instead he stared at the window. Whether he was staring at his own reflection or what was outside only made Himchan think that Yongguk didn't want him to see what was on his phone.

The journey wasn't long, but it felt long. Himchan felt cold and disconnected. They both got off the bus, Yongguk pulled out his phone. He sent a text and then pushed it back into his pocket. They walked only for a few minutes before arriving at a cafe. It's sign was brown with cream writing on it. Cupcakes decorated the sign and the cafe specials were written on a small pink and white chalk board outside the store. It's cute Himchan thought as they both walked in.

"Hey - hey! Yongguk... Himchan, over here" Yongguk turned and waved, his expression became soft as he began walking over to a booth placed by the window. He lightly pulled on Himchan's coat sleeve. As they both sat down, Himchan looked around the table. Everyone was there, even Youngjae. Despite getting off to a bad start with each other, Youngjae seemed calm. 

"Since we're all here, has anyone been talking to any girls lately?" Zelo sat back as Yongguk sat beside him. Himchan sat opposite, beside Jongup. Jongup smiled at him, patting him on the shoulder, replacing the area where Yongguk touched. Himchan smiled back and brushed Jongup's arm away politely. 

"I have..." Youngjae spoke up first as he began searching his phone. He showed everyone a picture of a baby faced girl with pink cheeks and curly brown hair running down her back. Zelo nodded.

"What kinds of things does she like?! I don't know how to buy for women..." Zelo sighed as he brushed his hair back. Just then the image saved on Yongguk's phone, of Zelo smiling, came up in Himchan's mind. Seeing them sit side by side, it was like an image made in heaven. Himchan took his coat and gloves off, however he kept his burnt hand under the table. 

"Mmm, just buy something that matches her personality" Youngjae put his phone away after everyone had looked at the photo. Zelo nodded. 

"We should go in a minute if nobody is buying anything here!" Zelo stretched and sat forward.

"If that's the case... Himchan let me out, I'm going to the toilet" without thinking, Himchan placed his hand on the table in order to stand up. "Oh! What happened to your hand?!" Jongup called out. He grabbed Himchan's hand, making him clench his teeth together in pain before pulling his hand away.

"So it's recent? Otherwise it wouldn't hurt..." Himchan looked at Yongguk from the corner of his eye. He covered his hand, everyone was looking at him. 

"It was this morning, it was an accident but I took care of it after..." Himchan looked down before looking around the table again.

"When?" Yongguk sat forward. Himchan didn't answer.

"I think I need the toilet too." Himchan stood up. Jongup followed. 

When Himchan got into the toilet, he ran towards the sinks and ran the cold water over his hand.

"That wasn't an accident... right?" Himchan looked back at Jongup who stood in front of the urinals.

"It wasn't... but it's better if Yongguk thinks it is..."

"He went back to yours yesterday?" Himchan nodded as Jongup walked towards the sink beside him. "You should be more careful... he only likes one person" Himchan didn't say anything.

"Come on, let's go. They're waiting for us" Jongup walked out of the toilet and Himchan followed. Jongup, you're too kind. Himchan smiled to himself, he knew he wouldn't give Yongguk up. He knew Yongguk loved him.

As they both walked out, the others stood up. Daehyun left some money on the table before they all walked out of the cafe.

As they walked, Yongguk was up front with Zelo while Himchan walked at the back with Jongup. He watched Yongguk as he let his smile make faint appearances. As he allowed Zelo to cling to him. Jongup spoke.

"It must hurt right... your burn?" Himchan nodded as he took his hand out of his pocket. "Here" Jongup took Himchan's hand, holding it close to his mouth, he lightly blew on it. Himchan blushed we're in public Himchan thought as he allowed Jongup to continue blowing on his hand. Himchan looked up, he saw Yongguk turn his head away from them. Himchan had no way of knowing if Yongguk was looking at Youngjae and Daehyun or Jongup and himself. Himchan slowly moved his hand away from Jongup.

"Thank you... it still stings but I'm sure it'll be better soon" 

They all began walking into a boutique. Himchan looked around, it seemed expensive. Oh! I know this store!. An employee walked over to Himchan as he let go of a dress. 

"Mr Kim..." she looked around at the friends he had brought in "isn't your mother with you today?" Himchan shook his head. 

"No. My parents went to visit my grandfather. He's ill." Himchan looked around him, his posture became relaxed. The others were looking at him. 

"Could you help me pick something out?" Youngjae approached the employee.

"Hmmmm" she looked at Youngjae "I don't think you'll find anything accustomed to your taste" Youngjae growled as the employee walked away. 

"Let's go. This store is tacky anyway" the employee scoffed as Yongguk spoke and walked out of the store. The others followed. Himchan smiled and waved to the girl before leaving.

"You go there often?" Daehyun asked as they began to group together instead of walking behind one another. Himchan shook his head. 

"I've been there a few times... but it's my mother who goes there a lot..."

"Rich boy then?" Youngjae looked back as he continued walking. Himchan shook his head again.

"Not rich, just lucky." Youngjae smiled and continued walking. This time Yongguk was beside him, Jongup had taken a place beside Zelo at the front. Youngjae continued showing off pictures of the girl he liked to Daehyun.

"Does it hurt? Does your hand hurt?" Himchan nodded. The material in his pocket had been rubbing against his burn since he took his gloves off.

"Next time you should be more careful" not like Jongup at all. Himchan nodded.

"I'll try..." as Himchan spoke, they walked into another store. He recognized it before they even walked in. The clear glass and white interior with it's clothing organized by color and brand. He knew it all to well.

"Ah! Mr Kim! Are you here to buy again?" a young female walked up and hugged him. 

"No, no. Actually my friend is here to get something" Himchan gestured towards Zelo. She looked at Zelo and then laughed nervously.

"Um... well a friend of yours is also a friend of this store" she smiled and walked over to Zelo. Showing him pieces of clothing that she thought would suit his mothers taste.

"Your mother shops here too?" Yongguk spoke quietly as he stood beside Himchan but watched Zelo. Himchan shook his head.

"No. I shop here... frequently" Himchan felt like gloating. He wanted to be noticed by Yongguk.

"Pretty expensive..." 

"I guess so" Himchan smiled to himself.

Yongguk walked over to the till as Zelo placed a dress on the counter. 

"That's the ones you're getting?" Zelo nodded. "Okay. Are you paying by cash or card?" Yongguk suddenly spoke up.

"Card. We're paying by card" Yongguk handed his card over to the female employee. Himchan stared as Zelo smiled happily at everyone. Did they all put money together? Here I was showing off! He was making fun out of me!! Himchan walked out of the store. Jongup quickly followed after him.

"Hey! Wait up! We have to wait for the others" Jongup grabbed Himchan's arm but he shook him off. He felt a rage surge through him. He wanted to hit Jongup, but he didn't. He looked around, he wanted to hit something or someone but there was nothing. "Calm down Himchan. Yongguk is trying to get a reaction out of you. Here..." Jongup held up a packet of cigarettes to Himchan. He took one and lit it. When he felt a rush of feeling run through him as he inhaled he felt his body relaxing. He smiled at Jongup who lit his own cigarette.

"This is becoming a habit for us isn't it..." Jongup laughed a little as he exhaled smoke. Himchan nodded and smiled.

The others were soon approaching them. Zelo clutched the bag with the dress that Yongguk had just paid for. Himchan wanted to throw the bag into traffic but he put his lips to the of the cigarette once more. Inhaling and then exhaling. Yongguk walked past them first, taking the cigarette out of Himchan's mouth as he did. Jongup laughed a little as he patted Himchan's arm.

"I got her number! She was cute!" Youngjae showed his phone to Daehyun.

"I thought you were dating the girl from the picture?!" Daehyun tried to pull his phone away.

"I'm still single!" Youngjae snatched it back.

"Anyway" Jongup put his arms around both of their shoulders "we can finally shop for ourselves!" they began smiling. 

They spent the day looking in stores. Yongguk brought sparingly, unique items. Fitting his personality. He's stylish too Himchan always thought when Yongguk picked something. Producing his card every time only made Himchan wonder more and more how Yongguk got the money. After shopping, they ate and started to make their ways home.

"Himchan, I'm coming back with you" Yongguk spoke as they all left the cafe.

"Why? I don't want you to Himchan looked at Yongguk. 

"I left my things there... remember. I have to get them" Himchan quickly nodded. Before leaving with Yongguk, Himchan turned to Zelo. 

"I hope your mum has a good birthday" Zelo laughed.

"What are you talking about?!" Zelo continued laughing and slapped Himchan's shoulder "this is for my girlfriend! Where did you get an idea like that?!" Himchan shook his head.

"Nowhere. It's just that the first store you went into is aimed at an older audience" Himchan quickly glanced at Yongguk. Zelo laughed and shook his head.

"It's soon her birthday. I wanted to get her something nice. But they all decided that they would help buy it since I'm having some financial troubles" Zelo blushed and scratched the back of his head as he spoke. Himchan smiled and nodded. 

"I'll see you again soon?" Zelo nodded as they both waved goodbye. Yongguk waved too. Himchan started walking alongside Yongguk. He was silent. The cold air made his breathing apparent. As they got on the bus together Yongguk stayed silent, he paid for Himchan to get on. He stared out of the window just like he did on the way there why did he lie? As the bus came to a halt at their stop, Yongguk picked up Himchan's bags and allowed him to get off first. Himchan was lost for words. It was most likely his sense of kindness or covering up his hurt that he acted in such a way towards Himchan. But he didn't care. Himchan couldn't see Yongguk's face. He put his head against Yongguk's arm as they walked towards his home.

"I can help your forget.... I can ease the pain" Himchan whispered. Yongguk didn't push Himchan away. That's right... I'll be here for you when you need me. Then you'll love me.

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Chapter 25: I only just found this fic now and read it all in one go ><
I'm surprised that I understood what was going on after reading all the comments.
The ending made me giggle xD
I really enjoyed this, thank you! ♡
Chapter 25: I had a difficult time understanding all the story xD but actually I love it!
Himchan was obsessed with all about Yongguk.
Really nice.
Chapter 25: Awesome story you got here author-nim!! \(ˆ▿ˆ)/
I'm sorry if most of us kind a bit slow to understand the meaning of this story ._.

Keep up the great work !! I'll def wait for your next banghim project !
Chapter 23: Ooooooooooooh i'm getting more and more understand of the real story •.•
Chapter 24: i wud hv like it if guk really loved himchan..................but then not all stories shud end that way
Chapter 25: Sooo this story is already in the end author-nim ??????
Chapter 24: I'm sorry, but I'm still confused. I don't know what's what. OTL
Chapter 22: ...W-what?
So... Himchan isn't crazy? Now I don't even know what to believe and what to not believe.
Chapter 22: So that story he told was just a lie ??? Just an effing lie ? Whoah i didn't see that coming •_•
Chapter 22: Omo i'm sooo curious now????????????