
Himchan's Confession

After getting home, Himchan sat in the hallway thinking about all that had happened. Something which lasted only two days felt like a lifetime. He looked around him. He noticed how lonely it had become, he realised that as someone spends more time with others, they dread being alone. Himchan got up and walked to his living room it's much smaller compared to Yongguk's Himchan looked at the envelop he had left on the table. Grabbing the envelope Himchan ran upstairs, changing his clothes quickly. He ran back downstairs and left the house with the envelope in his pocket.

Himchan walked to a convenience store nearby. Walking alone felt alien to him now. Although he had done it so much before, he felt strange and lonely now. Himchan went into the store and gathered all the confidence he could.

"10 pack of XXX please, and a lighter" the lady behind the till didn't even blink as she turned around to gather what Himchan had asked for. Inside himself, Himchan cheered a little. The lady processed Himchan's items and then he paid. Walking out of the store he opened the packet. Putting a cigarette to his mouth, he lit it. To Himchan it also felt strange to smoke alone, but the cigarette filled him with such a rare warmth that he kept smoking it anyway. 

Himchan stared at his feet as he continued walking. One in front of the other. His usual routine in life had become jaded however his basic functions continued in the same patterns as everyone else's I'm normal Himchan thought to himself. 

Suddenly from behind him a hand reached over his shoulder and grabbed the cigarette out of his mouth. Turning around he saw Yongguk, who was putting the cigarette into his own mouth.

"I didn't know you were a regular smoker" Yongguk looked as if he was almost about to smile. But Himchan could only remember how cruel he was before.

"Didn't you leave with Jongup?" Himchan said turning around. Yongguk walked with him.

"I do have control over my own body" Yongguk continued puffing at the cigarette as he spoke to Himchan he looks so cool Himchan thought as he looked up at Yongguk.

"Why did you come back?" 

"Because I upset you earlier. That's not how a friend should be treated" friend, friend, friend, friend, always calling me a friend! Himchan clenched his fist. They were close to his home.

"Are you coming in?"

"Are you saying I can?" Himchan nodded, pushing open his gate they walked up to his front door. Opening it, he moved aside for Yongguk to walk in first.

"This is starting to feel like a second home. Are you going out with Zelo tomorrow?" Yongguk walked straight into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Himchan followed him.

"Yeah, he asked me to go out" 

"Mmm okay, I'll go with you. I wasn't going to meet with everyone until 6 but I'll just stay with you" Yongguk pulled a can of juice out of the fridge and opened it. Yongguk I hate you, why do you act so indifferent Himchan's thoughts didn't match the images in his head. The images of Yongguk pushing him down onto the floor and ing into him repeatedly. The images made a feeling run through Himchan's stomach.

"Yongguk do you like me?" 

"You're my friend" Yongguk didn't look at Himchan. 

"Will you ever like me as more than that?" Himchan grabbed Yongguk's waist, almost making Yongguk drop his can. 


"You're lying, you wouldn't be here" Himchan didn't let go, he shut out Yongguk's answer. 

"I'm lying" Yongguk continued drinking from the can until Himchan let go. That's right! I knew it Yongguk. I knew he liked me 

Himchan let go of Yongguk before walking around the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" Yongguk shook his head.

"I'll eat something later" Himchan nodded but opening his cupboard he took out some cakes.

"Well I'm hungry now" 

"Cake will fix that? Should have brought food instead of cigarettes" Yongguk's tone was becoming condescending and while Himchan appreciated his concern, he didn't appreciate his tone. 

"I'll use my money as I please. Shall we order food later?"

"Can you cook? Cook something for me" 

"I can't cook"

"I'll eat it anyway. I only like takeaway food from Boss' place" a small smile appeared on Yongguk's face for a brief moment and then disappeared. 

The rest of the day went by quickly. When Himchan cooked, Yongguk did just as he said he would. He ate everything and didn't complain. Although Himchan knew he hadn't done very well. Himchan felt as if he and Yongguk really were together. When they went to the living room and watched tv together. They spoke and ate, making Himchan feel comfortable unlike the feeling he got when he was with his family. With his family, Himchan felt suffocated but with Yongguk he felt liberated.

"It's 1, you should sleep. Don't you have to meet Zelo early?" 

"He'll text me in the morning. But I am a little tired"

"Let's go up then. I'm tired too" Yongguk stood up and began to walk up the stairs "I'll sleep on the floor"

"If you want to, you can" Himchan walked behind Yongguk "My room is the second door on the left" 

Yongguk turned and walked into Himchan's room. Himchan went in behind him and noticed how clean his room was again. He had forgotten he hadn't been there for two days. His room felt cold. 

"Wow. Neat. Very neat. Just as I expected. It's cold though, let me sleep in the bed instead" Yongguk looked around Himchan's room. Himchan felt his stomach doing flips of joy. 

"That's okay. I haven't been here for two days so the heating hasn't been on. I have a portable heater"

"A portable heater? Those little ones with the fan? Haven't seen those in a long time!" Yongguk sat on Himchan's bed. Himchan smiled. Sometimes Yongguk felt so close and friendly other time he felt so disconnected and distant. Himchan didn't know which side of Yongguk was real.  Himchan took the heater out from his cupboard and plugged it in.

"Okay, I'll turn off the light now. Can you turn that lamp on?" Himchan pointed to the lamp on his desk. Yongguk turned it on and then Himchan's main light went off. Himchan walked over to the heater and turned it on before getting into bed beside Yongguk. Yongguk was facing the wall. All Himchan could hear was the fan.

"Himchan... You're my friend, but can I trust you?" Yongguk didn't turn around but his voice was deeper.


"Aren't you going to answer?" a tone of authority hit Himchan's ears as he listened to Yongguk speak.

"Why is it only Zelo?" Himchan placed his forehead on Yongguk's back

"I'm tired" answer me please Himchan couldn't speak. He put his arm around Yongguk's waist and closed his eyes "You'll get too hot if you stay like that" Himchan didn't move but he felt Yongguk exhale lightly "Fine" 

After listening to Yongguk's voice, Himchan fell asleep with a warmth and happiness which filled his entire body. 

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Chapter 25: I only just found this fic now and read it all in one go ><
I'm surprised that I understood what was going on after reading all the comments.
The ending made me giggle xD
I really enjoyed this, thank you! ♡
Chapter 25: I had a difficult time understanding all the story xD but actually I love it!
Himchan was obsessed with all about Yongguk.
Really nice.
Chapter 25: Awesome story you got here author-nim!! \(ˆ▿ˆ)/
I'm sorry if most of us kind a bit slow to understand the meaning of this story ._.

Keep up the great work !! I'll def wait for your next banghim project !
Chapter 23: Ooooooooooooh i'm getting more and more understand of the real story •.•
Chapter 24: i wud hv like it if guk really loved himchan..................but then not all stories shud end that way
Chapter 25: Sooo this story is already in the end author-nim ??????
Chapter 24: I'm sorry, but I'm still confused. I don't know what's what. OTL
Chapter 22: ...W-what?
So... Himchan isn't crazy? Now I don't even know what to believe and what to not believe.
Chapter 22: So that story he told was just a lie ??? Just an effing lie ? Whoah i didn't see that coming •_•
Chapter 22: Omo i'm sooo curious now????????????