Chapter 0

Sengoku Shoujo

Chapter 0


A group of girls stared into the sunset from a large hill connected to a forest like area that overlooked a city. They all wore the same type of clothing with numerous variations, like the way yankee modify their uniforms, they wore somewhat beige prison uniforms.

“Should we take a break before going into the city?” A girl with short hair and a dark jacket over her uniform spoke. She was Nobunaga, the leader of the Habu as shown from the insignia on the uniform.

Another girl with long black hair and a black leather jacket worn in a similar manner nodded in agreement. She was Annin, the leader of Mongoose. She and several others had the Mongoose insignia on their uniform. The rest had the Habu insignia.

“But what do we do once we get to the city?”

One Habu girl, Paru, with eyes that sometimes look a bit squinty asked a question that contained the biggest problem with their escape from that prison. Even though the news Prison HOPE, also known as Majisuka Prison, was corrupt and evil was out, no one in the right mind would trust suspicious and somewhat dangerous looking girls that had prison uniforms on.

“I don’t have much that would help.”

“Neither do I.”

Peace and Miyu replied. Seeing as that they were the so called ‘cleaners’ and that Peace was in charge of procurement, they thought that it was best to just spell it out that they couldn’t help.

The girl with a somewhat chubby face, Peace, rummaged through her pouch and shook her head. Miyu leaned against a tree and thought for a bit. Two girls from Mongoose, one with glasses, Messi and one that had a messy side-ponytail and was leashed, Yagi stood by the side watching.

“Eh… So we’re basically stuck…”

 “…Un… It seems so…”

“Hehehe, there’s more trouble now, nantene~”

Komimi, one of the more wimpy members of Habu spoke first, stating the obvious. Another girl who wore blue-ish knit items agreed. Nantene, the girl with pigtails on both sides, spoke in her own special way with her doll.

“Uruseeyo!!” Uruseeyo yelled out and punched a tree.


Nearly everyone said with a tone of worry. Even though it wasn’t intended, a weird teal magic seal appeared on the ground, enveloping where they were standing in teal light.

You idiots…” The part Russian girl on Mongoose put in the last word. As it was in Russian, no one really grasped the meaning besides the leaders and one or two others.

Right after, the light became so bright that it was nearly impossible to see through. An explosion or something of the sort happened.

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Chapter 7 updated... I feel like dropping this somehow, but hrm...yea, I guess I'll try to keep on going w/o failing


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Chapter 9: please update soon
Woot! Am back omg I miss reading ur fic~ OMG INETERNET GONE T________T Its back now ^^ Well omg its sounds interesting ^^ Ill read ur updates soon~
Chapter 1: I'm a silent reader but this story sounds very interesting. Can't wait for more!!