SHE Strikes Out!

Coming Home.

L.Joe's P.O.V.


After taking Sulli outside to have a talk with her, I realized I don't need to date her when I have theperson I want for the entire summer, maybe if I finally tell her how I feel I might even have her longer. I walked back inside after Sulli left balling her eyes out, and leaving me with a super red cheek, I went to go find Makayla to explain. She was nowhere to be found in the livingroom with the guy's.


"Where'd Makayla go?" I asked.


"To bed." They simply said.


"Hey, L.Joe, did you break up with Sulli?" C.A.P asked. I nodded, he smiled lightly. "Are you going to do what I think your going to do?" He continued questioning me. I smiled and nodded again. His smile grew bigger and real and he gave me a thumbs up. Before entering the room I took a few DEEP breaths then knocked. It took her a minute until she said 'come in'. I opened the door slowly and was staring at the floor, I shut the door then slowly started looking up at her.


"Why are you going to bed so early?" I asked.


"I don't know I just feel tired." She said, then after a few minutes of silence, she punched me in the arm. "That's for not telling me you had a girlfriend, I would've wanted to meet her on better terms instead of her being rude, so where is she? Did you guy's work it out?" She asked. I thought she was punching me in the arm because she was jealous or something, but it's because I didn't introduce them...):


"That's it? Your mad at me for that?" I asked. Sh gave me a weird look.


"Why would I be mad over any other reason?" She questioned while smiling.


"Oh..I'm not sure." I said giving up, she doesn't like me like I like her so why try to tell her.


"L.Joe, is something wrong?" She asked me, and I finally realized my face showed a horrible expression, like I'm in pain when really I was confussed.


"No, what could be wrong, after all I have my-bestfriend here with me." I said giving a fake smile that she saw through, she knows me too well, yet she's never predictable to me or anyone for that matter she's always surprising someone.


"L.Joe! You better not lie to me again. What is the matter?" She spoke sternly.


"Nothing." I said in a joking voice. "I thought you were tired, shouldn't you be going to sleep?" I changed the subject.


"Oh, that is so not happening, until you talk to me." She snapped. She put her hand ontop of mine after I sat next to her on the bed and looked at me like she was hurt but trying to play off happy. "L.Joe, you've never kept anything from me, why start now? Is it because of your rediculously rude girlfriend?" She joked.


"No. Yes. Well kind of, I mean she's in a tiny part of it all, but I won't tell you what's wrong, if you don't tell me what wrong." I said. Her eyes got big.


"What? Nothing is wrong with me, it's you who's upset over something." She was trying so hard to get it out of me, but I know she doesn't feel the same so I'll tell her on the day she leaves.


"I'll tell you the day you are leaving that way there is no stress between anyone." I said.


"Fine the I'm not telling you until the day I leave too." She said.


"HA! So you admit something is wrong!" I yelled. "Is it the guy's?" I asked she shook her head. "Is it me?" Her anwser took a while to come out, so I knew the answer before she spoke. "What did I do, I'm sorry!" Istarted blabing before she even got a word in.


"What? No, I just feel bad about your girlfriend, having to meet me like that, now we'll never get to talk or be friends and share you." She said and a smile started to creep up onto her beautiful flawless face.


"Oh. Right." I said smiling awkwardly, then I ran out the door. C.A.P. caught in the hall as I was leaving the room.


"Did you tell her, you and Sulli were over?" He asked. I shook my head. "Did you at least tell her what you were going to tell her?" He then asked I felt a slight break in my chest. I shook my head, but a faint sniffle was heard from my room. "Then that, is your fault, you should probably fix it." He continued, opened the door, and pushed me in closing the door behind me, I didn't touch the lightswitch I didn't want to get beat, from seeing her cry no one has except her parents and me a long time ago, but she has no idea I saw.


"Who is that?" She asked clearing .


"The bestest guy in the world." I sang.


"Oh, waht's up now?" She asked making it sound like nothing is the matter. I began to walk closer, and closer until I was hovering over her like a creeper, but then I sat on the bed while she laid there.


"You need to talk. What is wrong, why are you crying?" I asked.


"Who's crying, I'm not. I don't cry." She snapped.


"Well, there was this one time you ran into your bedroom and cried and I was sitting in your closet waiting to surprise you for your birthday, but I didn't want to come out, and getbeatin' for seeing you cry. So yes, I've seen you cry." I confessed, then closed my eyes and tighened up waiting for a punch to reach my arm, but I felt movement on he bed then her arms wrap around me.


"You can breath L.Joe, it's a hug, not a punch." She said, but secretly I can't breath, because this is what she does to me, one touch and I'm speechless, motionless, anything you name it. I reached up after while to hug her arms while they hugged me, but she moved them just before I could. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath wanting to tell her and touch her right here right now, but I know it isn't going to end well.


"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" I asked.


"No, right now, I just want to know your here. I don't know about you, but it was so hard living without my bestfriend." She said, but trust me you have no idea, when you should up all these old feelings came in one giant rush.


"So I'm just going to sit here in the dark with you until you fall asleep? That's not cheesy sounding at all." I joked.


"Fine. Leave cheese head meany." She said, and even though I really can't I can see her sticking her tounge out at me. After twenty to thirty minutes of sitting there with her, I think she might finally be asleep. So I get up to leave.


Makayla's P.O.V.


You have no idea what you do to me, and how much I hide from it, and how long I've kept it to myself, and I just want to let you know, but I can't you have an actual idol life, and a-girlfriend... Goodnight L.Joe, if only this was then and WE were now my life would be so much happier.

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choiminsul #1
im curiousss