Chapter 4 - Nighttime Mosquito

Sunflower Hospital







That weird- medic was right. It's not too bad here after all.


What Yesung had imagined before he arrived were endless white hallways, white rooms and straitjackets.


Where he ended up instead was a warm, feminine place. Pastel colours and flower motifs were on every corner, suggesting the house might have belonged to an old lady.


Also, Yesung had steeled himself for screams coming from the other rooms at night, for doctors rushing there with sedatives, for patients struggling to break out.


Here, though, not only did Yesung see no bars or fences so far (though the rooms did get locked at night), but there seemed to be no one even willing to leave.


Maybe... these people have nowhere else to go?


Careful not to make a creak, Yesung shifted in his bed to dare a glance at the person across the room. Nothing could be seen of the boy, save for a few strands of messy black hair. The guy had buried his face under the baby blue blankets like a little kid.


Wonder why he asked me to share a room with him? There has to be a catch. He could've demanded ANYTHING, and he wanted a trivial thing like that??!


Yesung, though, had to admit that trivial things probably begin to matter a lot more in a place as static and tranquil as this secluded hospital.


However, the man across him was VERY far from tranquil. He was absolutely restless.


He twisted around in his blankets, turned the lights on, turned the lights off again, changed positions, punched his pillow to soften it, even tried to sleep on his face. All the while he was staring at Yesung bitterly, as though Yesung was a mosquito buzzing around his ears, as though Yesung himself was stealing his sleep.


Wait, WHAT??? Wasn't he the one who wanted me to sleep here?


Sensible as he was, Yesung did his best to simulate an espcially deep slumbler.


Finally, with a defeated sigh, Kyuhyun climbed out of bed. After a minute of rummaging through the drawers of his nightstand, he pulled out a distressed black hairpin. Squinting through the darkness, he was picking the lock on their room's door, as quickly and quietly as a professional burglar.


However, Kyuhyun's body was shaking violently and he found it difficult to keep his hands steady. Gotta get outta here... gotta get outta here... were the only thoughts in his head.


What the hell?? Just where does he think he's going?! thought Yesung, completely perplexed, squinting through the darkness.


Should I follow him or something? He seems really upset...


Nah. The last thing I need is to get into trouble, and on my first day! Plus, I barely know the guy.


And, errrr, he's supposed to be a crazy raving lunatic!!!


Yesung turned his back to the door, facing the peachy wall instead. He was determined to fall asleep.






Author's note:


... I always wanted to shout that.



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A big fat chapter to make up for months of nothing.


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 8: Lot's of Why's, What's, Where's, and When's, not to mention How? Will you please come back and finish this very interesting story authornim ????
408 streak #2
Chapter 8: there are a lot of question that I want to ask T^T I wish you are here author-nim, I need you to continue this fic uhuhuhu....
408 streak #3
Chapter 2: um? Why Yesung needed to be look like an insane?

Nevermind, I'm just gonna read the rest
lov_fan_Y #4
Chapter 8: please continue the story
Chapter 8: Will you continue this story? It's really interesting so far.
Chapter 8: I love thos chapter. It the black ocean. The thought of someone should greak into it. Ye wanting to mop it all up. It feels super deep.

Continue please authornim????? :(
Chapter 5: ME TOOOOOOO
In due time. All in due time^^

Ooohhhh why do you want Ye to be in the same room as you Kyuuuuuu.... And then be restless like that hahaha whaaaaat is happening to you
Chapter 3: I wonder what his request was, so curious!
mayosh #9
Chapter 8: Have just stumbled upon this story. Love it very much , I'm dying of curiosity here. Why is Yeye even there, both Kyu and Hyuk doesn't sound insane, and what was it with Henry? Can't imagine the sweet mochi being dangerous ㅋㅋㅋ I hope you'll continue this story soon author-nim :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #10
Chapter 8: *Confetti* Yea! Happy that your are back and updating :) Of all the updates I have waiting for me, I just had to read yours first!
All the symbolism with the black paint and little tiny bits of KyuSung feels. Thankfully Heechul was there with his flamingos to lighten things up.
Thanks for the awesome update!!!