Chapter 5 - Council in the Shadows

Sunflower Hospital

Author's Note: Sorry for not updating for so very long. D: If it weren't for musiccansaveme , I'd probably never update at all - so, thanks a ton. :)








Fast as the wind, Kyuhyun sprinted down a rickety spiral staircase, and then another one, until, finally, completely breathless, he stumbled into an underground room.


Without a single window and with tons of dust, the office could pass as mildly pleasant only to some crazy melancholic – the kind of person who preferred past to present and books to real adventures.


However, to anyone else, it was just a dust old basement with dusty old books.


For a moment, Kyuhyun froze in confusion. He had been 100% sure this was where the damn man would be – however, the Chinese was nowhere in sight.


At least, until Kyuhyun glanced at the floor.


On an ornate carpet, seated in the lotus position, hands on his knees, the Chinese did absolutely nothing but draw slow, deep breaths. Perfectly matching the interior of his office, the man’s clothing was worn and hair a dull brown. Its strands fell well over his eyes, since he always deemed himself too busy to go all the way to town for a haircut.


Yet, strangely, the Chinese was handsome - even though he always seemed to be trying his best to look his worst.


The clock struck three in the morning, yet Hangeng couldn't sleep just yet. There was an unfilled form on his desk – something about a new resident. Apart from being the hospital psychologist specialised in abnormal psychology, he was also tasked with managing all the paperwork.


No matter how tiring it was to have two jobs, extremely demanding ones at that, no one ever heard Han complain. In fact, Han didn't talk much about himself at all.


“Hey there, Mr Buddha.”


That was all Kyuhyun could manage to come up with, and the words even lacked a mocking edge. But Kyuhyun, in his current frantic state, could not even summon a common smirk.


Bolting up from the rug where he was meditating, Han scanned the dim office with frightened eyes. Soon, though, he felt his lips unstoppably curve into a smile.


“You sure love scaring the hell out of people... Kui-xian.” stated Han with a kind of amused respect.


However, when Kyuhyun weakly stepped forward, under the lamplight, Han was faced with a very different Kyuhyun than the one who'd swopped all the cola with soy sauce that morning. (Han still had a yucky taste in his mouth to remind him.) Trembling at the door, Kyuhyun now seemed twice as small as his usual cocky self.


Instead of asking anything, Han settled himself on the soft woolly rug again, motioning Kyuhyun to do the same.


For a while, the kid was completely silent.


, cursed Han in his head. , , ! Didn’t Leeteuk tell everyone to stay away from the kid?!


“Did it happen again?” asked Han, frowning. For a split second, Han somehow wished Kyuhyun was not his favourite patient. That would’ve saved Han many dozens of headaches.


No matter how much he tried, Han found it impossible to see Kyuhyun as just another patient. It didn’t exactly help that Kyuhyun, young and lean and fair-skinned as he was, for all the world looked like an angel. However, his personality... Heh, that was another matter entirely.


Still shaky, Kyuhyun was having a stare-off with the floor, not daring to look up at the worried man. He was dimly aware that, was he not the person he was, perhaps he might even have befriended the intelligent psychologist. To tell the truth, the Chinese was the only person in this whole damn hospital that Kyuhyun thought able to match his own intelligence.


At that thought, arrogance seeping back in, Kyuhyun gathered the little composure he had. He didn’t intened to tell anyone about sharing rooms with the newly arrived patient - but, it was now painfully obvious that Kyuhyun couldn’t get through this by himself. Sighing disappointedly, he began.


“...Um, Han. You h-heard about the new guy? Well, I...”


The unseen sun was slowly melting the darkness. The pair talked on and on, getting lost in their conversation and losing track of time.









Author's Note: The Eunhae comeback song was truly amazing. *.* I only have a tiny criticism - they should've boarded that elevator together... right? :3

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A big fat chapter to make up for months of nothing.


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 8: Lot's of Why's, What's, Where's, and When's, not to mention How? Will you please come back and finish this very interesting story authornim ????
404 streak #2
Chapter 8: there are a lot of question that I want to ask T^T I wish you are here author-nim, I need you to continue this fic uhuhuhu....
404 streak #3
Chapter 2: um? Why Yesung needed to be look like an insane?

Nevermind, I'm just gonna read the rest
lov_fan_Y #4
Chapter 8: please continue the story
Chapter 8: Will you continue this story? It's really interesting so far.
Chapter 8: I love thos chapter. It the black ocean. The thought of someone should greak into it. Ye wanting to mop it all up. It feels super deep.

Continue please authornim????? :(
Chapter 5: ME TOOOOOOO
In due time. All in due time^^

Ooohhhh why do you want Ye to be in the same room as you Kyuuuuuu.... And then be restless like that hahaha whaaaaat is happening to you
Chapter 3: I wonder what his request was, so curious!
mayosh #9
Chapter 8: Have just stumbled upon this story. Love it very much , I'm dying of curiosity here. Why is Yeye even there, both Kyu and Hyuk doesn't sound insane, and what was it with Henry? Can't imagine the sweet mochi being dangerous ㅋㅋㅋ I hope you'll continue this story soon author-nim :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #10
Chapter 8: *Confetti* Yea! Happy that your are back and updating :) Of all the updates I have waiting for me, I just had to read yours first!
All the symbolism with the black paint and little tiny bits of KyuSung feels. Thankfully Heechul was there with his flamingos to lighten things up.
Thanks for the awesome update!!!