Chapter 2 - Die Another Day

Sunflower Hospital








Donghae was completely out of breath.


He'd been sprinting through the wood-plated corridors as if his very life depended on it. On the other hand, Leeteuk was trailing a few meters behind, as if unsure whether to walk or run.


Don't misunderstand, Park Leeteuk was a very patient man. However, as of late, Sungmin was really driving him crazy.


As the pair approached Sungmin's room, a high-pitched voice echoed through the corridor.


“No! Not a step further!!!”


Before opening the door, Leeteuk closed his eyes for a moment, exhaling heavily. Right now, he needed all the patience and professionalism he could possibly muster.


Bracing himself, he walked into the pastel-coloured room.


“This time, it is really the end for me!!! This pain, the pain that tears my chest, it is just too much...!!!”


“Sungmin.” Leeteuk called with a sigh. “Be a good boy and let go of those curtains.”


Should've had them removed, observed Leeteuk, knitting his eyebrows.


“NO!” shrieked Sungmin, his shrill voice damaging to the ears. “This is my purpose, my future!!! To hang, for all to see, like the noble kings of old...-”


“That's enough, Sungmin!” Leeteuk spat, but quickly picked up his usual kindness. “Please. Minnie. You know, all of us love you very much. I'm quite sure every single person in this hospital would cry if you were gone...”


From the back of his mind, Leeteuk suddenly remembered that he'd recited those same words to Sungmin on multiple occasions already.


Still, they were more or less true, at least when Leeteuk himself was concerned. Being a doctor to the same patients for many years, it was getting difficult to remain objective and not get attached – even to such a suicidal crybaby like Sungmin.


There didn't seem to be a single famous death scene that Sungmin didn't enact at some point.


Of course, the tragic character was always Sungmin himself. The hospital had to watch though all the heartbreaking deaths from major movies - minus the actual dying. Was he not a doctor, Leeteuk would probably die of laughter at the melodramatic farce.


That is, he'd laugh if he wasn't afraid that, one day, Sungmin might really kill himself.


It seemed like hours before Leeteuk managed to persuade his eccentric patient that he should stay in this world after all.


Finally, Sungmin gave up the noose he made out of pale pink curtains. Sobbing into Leeteuk's chest, he grabbed the doctor tightly around the waist. Minutes passed, but the weeping man was refusing to let go.


Meanwhile, the commotion had attracted quite a crowd. 'Sungmin's shows', as the patients (and, secretly, Leeteuk) liked to call them, were pretty popular. Morbid as it was, it was still interesting to see what Sungmin could come up with.


He's an imaginative guy, I'll give him that, thought Leeteuk, as he tried to make himself feel less awkward.


It wasn't only awkward that he was being hugged so very tightly that he almost couldn't breathe. Rather, it was the intrigued silence that spread throughout the 'audience'.


It was quite rare that Dr Park let someone close, either physically or emotionally. Usually, he'd simply slap Sungmin away and send him to the Black room. Despite the kind impression he gave, there was a coldness in his polite ways.


“...It's okay, Sungmin. It's all going to be just fine.”


“...You''re really the best, doc... I'll go find Han now” whispered Sungmin with a wide smile, as he wiped the remaining tears and headed for the psychologist's office.


His unbearable sorrow seemed instantly forgotten.


Suddenly remembering he had a new patient to tend to, Leeteuk hurried off to his office. I hope he didn't do anything reckless. How could I have left a new resident alone??


Donghae, though, stayed in the rose-coloured room, which he shared with Sungmin. As the spectators were breaking off, he overheard some gossip about the new patient, but didn't pick up anything other than idle speculation.


In his own simple way, he quietly thanked the heavens that his roommate was still with him on Earth.


Still smiling in relief, Donghae was about to lean onto the window sill. All he wanted was to watch his sunflowers wave happily in the wind. Before he could, though, he was stopped by a warm body attaching itself to his back.








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A big fat chapter to make up for months of nothing.


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 8: Lot's of Why's, What's, Where's, and When's, not to mention How? Will you please come back and finish this very interesting story authornim ????
392 streak #2
Chapter 8: there are a lot of question that I want to ask T^T I wish you are here author-nim, I need you to continue this fic uhuhuhu....
392 streak #3
Chapter 2: um? Why Yesung needed to be look like an insane?

Nevermind, I'm just gonna read the rest
lov_fan_Y #4
Chapter 8: please continue the story
Chapter 8: Will you continue this story? It's really interesting so far.
Chapter 8: I love thos chapter. It the black ocean. The thought of someone should greak into it. Ye wanting to mop it all up. It feels super deep.

Continue please authornim????? :(
Chapter 5: ME TOOOOOOO
In due time. All in due time^^

Ooohhhh why do you want Ye to be in the same room as you Kyuuuuuu.... And then be restless like that hahaha whaaaaat is happening to you
Chapter 3: I wonder what his request was, so curious!
mayosh #9
Chapter 8: Have just stumbled upon this story. Love it very much , I'm dying of curiosity here. Why is Yeye even there, both Kyu and Hyuk doesn't sound insane, and what was it with Henry? Can't imagine the sweet mochi being dangerous ㅋㅋㅋ I hope you'll continue this story soon author-nim :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #10
Chapter 8: *Confetti* Yea! Happy that your are back and updating :) Of all the updates I have waiting for me, I just had to read yours first!
All the symbolism with the black paint and little tiny bits of KyuSung feels. Thankfully Heechul was there with his flamingos to lighten things up.
Thanks for the awesome update!!!